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After defeating Dr. Kuro, Kosu and Jinpei search the laboratory for any information on the Black Sun organization. They find files detailing the organization's experiments on magic and technology fusion, as well as their plans to create a powerful weapon using the Heart of the Dungeon's energy.

As they gather the files, Kosu notices a strange feeling in his mind. He suddenly has a vision of a hooded figure standing in front of a large machine, manipulating its controls. The figure turns to face Kosu, revealing a cold, calculating expression.

Kosu shakes his head, trying to clear the vision from his mind. Jinpei notices his confusion and asks him what's wrong.

"I just had a vision of someone... controlling a machine," Kosu explains. "I don't know who it was, but it felt... important."

Jinpei nods, a serious expression on his face. "We need to find out who that was and what machine they were controlling. It could be the key to stopping the Black Sun's plans."

They continue to search the laboratory, eventually finding a hidden room with a large computer terminal. Jinpei quickly gets to work hacking into the system, while Kosu stands guard.

As Jinpei works, Kosu notices movement out of the corner of his eye. He turns to see a group of armed men approaching them, all wearing the emblem of the Black Sun.

Kosu unsheathes his light saber katana, ready to defend himself and Jinpei. The men attack, firing lasers and launching spells at the two explorers.

Kosu uses his Mind Slash technique to strike the attackers from a distance, while Jinpei casts spells to create shields and deflect attacks. The battle is intense, but Kosu and Jinpei manage to hold their own against the Black Sun's forces.

In the final moments of the fight, Kosu charges forward with his light saber katana, engaging in close combat with the remaining attackers. He hides the fact that he can use Mind Slash until the end, launching a surprise attack that takes out the last of their opponents.

As the dust settles, Kosu and Jinpei catch their breath and look around. They realize that they've just scratched the surface of the Black Sun's power, and that there's still much to uncover if they hope to stop their plans.

"We need to find out who that hooded figure was," Jinpei says, turning to Kosu. "And we need to figure out what machine they were controlling. That's our best shot at stopping the Black Sun."

Kosu nods, determination in his eyes. "We'll do whatever it takes to stop them."

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