Extra: A day of Jinpei

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Jinpei woke up early in the morning, feeling a bit groggy from staying up late the previous night to work on his latest research project. He rubbed his eyes and looked out the window, seeing the sun just starting to rise above the horizon.

After getting dressed and grabbing a quick breakfast, Jinpei headed to the city hall. He had a meeting with some government officials to discuss his latest research findings, which he hoped would lead to better ways of controlling magic energy.

The meeting lasted several hours, during which Jinpei presented his research and answered questions from the officials. He felt a bit nervous, but overall he was pleased with how it went. The officials seemed impressed with his work and promised to consider his recommendations for future policy changes.

After the meeting, Jinpei had some free time before his next appointment. He decided to use this time to work on his side project – updating the virtual game "Dungeon of Earth." He had been collaborating with the game developers to create new and more challenging dungeons, and he was excited to see the latest changes they had implemented.

Jinpei spent several hours tinkering with the game's code and testing out the new features. He even recruited Kosu to help him, as he valued his friend's insights on combat and strategy.

As the sun started to set, Jinpei realized he had spent most of the day working and had neglected to eat lunch. He headed to a nearby restaurant and ordered some sushi, his favorite food. He savored each bite and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere of the restaurant.

After finishing his meal, Jinpei checked his schedule and saw that he had a training session with Kosu in the virtual world. He quickly headed back to his lab and logged into the game.

For the next few hours, Jinpei and Kosu battled their way through a particularly difficult dungeon, utilizing their skills and strategies to overcome each challenge. Jinpei was impressed with Kosu's progress and felt proud of his friend's dedication to training.

As the training session came to an end, Jinpei felt satisfied with his day. He had accomplished a lot in terms of research and game development, and he had enjoyed spending time with his friend. He made a mental note to take some time off soon, though, as he didn't want to burn out from overwork. With that in mind, Jinpei logged out of the game and headed home, looking forward to a good night's sleep.

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