Dear fancafe.

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Dear Hyeongseop,

This is the first time I write a letter to you. To be honest, I don't know if i will write what, because I have a lot that want to write, as an encouragement, as a few words of love, or a reminder to take care of yourself. But, I think it is too boring. So, I will tell you about some things in my life, you can read it during a physical examination or rest.

Now, I face to an important exam, it determines a great deal for my future, and I have to spend a lot of time on it. Yeah... I am so tired. But it is the first time, now i am fine, because of you! Hihi.

I made a fan page to support you on Facebook. It's called "Hyeongseop à, mỗi ngày tớ lại yêu cậu nhiều hơn một chút", or "Send Love To Seop". So I'll be a lot busier than before because I have to run that fan page. Do you think it will affect to my achievement? No! Thanks to the fan page operation, I was able to set the time perfectly - That is what i have never done before.

Oh, and study! Actually, I'm not good at Math. This year, it's harder to learn than before. So, I was left behind. It was really hard at first, because I couldn't understand anything the teacher taught me. In a four-person study group, I was the only one who always finishes the slowest lesson. If I say, "I'm not sad," it's a lie. I cried and felt that I really failed at that time. But, again, thanks to you, I've improved.

Because, while i feel worst, i I thought of you. And then I thought, "He did his best to improve and get today. So why can't I do that?" So I studied harder. And now, my Math's score improved. Althougt sometimes I can't solve the problem, at least I'm not the slowest anymore.

So, I always feel like I like you a little more every day.

And today, too.

Finally, get better soon! I'll always be here, loving you and supporting you.



Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, since it's starting to get cold and rainy, but i have you - my sun.

"Thứ 6 ngày 13 là một ngày thật xui xẻo, vì trời bắt đầu lạnh và mưa, nhưng tớ có cậu là mặt trời."

📷: Drawnstar

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