Chapter 15

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Originally and only posted on Wattpad, account Mariana Tong.
Please report if seen on any other websites. Thank you and enjoy <3

Chỉ được đăng tải trên Wattpad, tài khoản Mariana Tong.
Xin báo cáo nếu thấy truyện trên bất kì trang nào khác. Cảm ơn và chúc bạn thưởng thức truyện <3

Second obstacle: Save or slay
It took her one kick to sort out five, the pieces of cardboard flying in the air.
"Hey Ying, catch!" Angin use his wind spheres to toss Ying a fake cat. Ying catched it and place it nicely on the ground.
"Woah, fake things feels so real now" She mumbled to herself, ruffling through the cat's fur.
"Dey Y, quit doing that and focus!" Fang dashed through the air, casually smacked Ying's head when he passed. The young girl gasped.
"That little're dead!" Her eyes shined, bright light appearing on her shoes. Within one second, Ying was right ahead Fang.

The crowd cheered loudly, excited at Ying's sudden burst. Right now, she and the shadow boy was leading, stealing the top place every now and then. To say, these two have a friends - enemies vibe, it was interesting to the audience. Their quirk was epic too, super speed and shadow was so perfect performing together.

Now, we guess you're wondering where our windy boy is after his appearance at the chapter's beginning? Welp, he forgot about what he's suppose to do.

"Woah! Another guy with black hat! That makes five of them!" Making wind spheres and smashing the fake people, that's what Angin was doing fifteen minutes after he got summoned. Affected by his owners' carelessness in this competition, Angin totally didn't give any attention to this. He pushed the responsibility of completing the race to his two friends, having fun himself.

Even though Boboiboy doesn't seem care, Petir on the other hand was on the edge of electrocuting that porcupine and his stupid brother.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Passing the second obstacle with ease, Angin chuckled all the way through. The third one seems like a joke, he just have to fly above the spikes and get through.

"Hey! That's cheating!"
"Does he just get to do that through all the test? What is there to prove then?!"
"Come on bro, we want actual action scenes!"

Booings from the audiences are kind of frustrating, even if Angin didn't really mind. A part of it did get him some flashbacks from his past, flickering like old video tapes. It seems that the people are more interested in seeing their powers, not observing their skills or strageties whatsoever.

"Ah, now it's not fun" Angin thought, his speed slowing. The power watch shined once again, bringing the wind element back to the circle.

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