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Far away from the Agriche mansion, everything around was covered with white snow, Esther stood in the edge of the forest looking at her watch as if waiting for someone. Suddenly four people in black robes appeared, which were her clones.

"Report the situation"- Esther

"In Pedelian, a young lady is born, but she seems stronger than her brother" - Esther of Pedelian

"In Vertium, it seems to be developing puppet control magic, it is said to create a legion of puppets" - Esther of Vertium

"In Gasteur, there is still no change except that the heir is born with a phobia of women" - Esther of Gasteur

"In Pherion, it is more suspicious that someone is searching for some kind of creature called a Poison Butterfly" - Esther of Pherion

After hearing the situation report, Esther thought for a long time before making a decision.

"Esther of Pedelian and Esther of Gasteur keep watching and don't get suspicious" - Esther

"Understood"- Esther of Pedelian and Esther of Gasteur bowed

"Esther of Vertium learn quickly but magic involves puppet control" - Esther

"Understood" - Esther of Vertium

"Esther of Pherion, by all means tell the other Esther to find the Poison Butterfly cocoon, get as many as you can" - Esther

"Understood" - Esther of Pherion

The clones disappeared, and Esther returned to the Agriche mansion, took a deep breath, and saw white smoke. When he first walked through the gate, he saw the young master Ashil running up to him.

"Teacher Esther, why are you out at this hour. You'll catch a cold"- Ashil

"Young master Ashil, don't worry, I'm used to the cold. It's the young master who has to be careful not to catch a cold"- Esther took off her scarf and wrapped it around Ashil's neck.

Stepping into the villa, she was greeted by a bunch of knives thrown straight in the face, she quickly caught them all, then a sword rushed over, she immediately kicked the opponent's stomach and then threw it straight into the wall, taking the knife in hand pins clothes to the wall.

"What a stupid move young master Fontaine, why are you throwing a knife at your prey? What if it's not your prey but someone else?" - Esther brushed the snow off her body.

"Disgusting, arrogant creature"- Fortaine cursed

"You must call me Teacher Esther, how many times have I taught you, young master Fontaine?" - Esther

"You.....what the hell are you to teach me? You're just...."- Fortaine shouted

"Young Master Fontaine...."- Esther interrupted Fortaine's words

She looked at Fortaine with blood red eyes, among all the Agriche children she raised, Fortaine was the one who hated her the most, no matter how she said or taught this stubborn child. , he always thinks he is always right.

"How did I teach you? In front of the teacher, what should you say? Have you forgotten?" - Esther

Pulling out her whip she moved closer to Fortaine, lifting his chin with the whip.

"Not to curse at the Teacher is the first thing, and not to forget what the Teacher has taught is the last thing"- Esther

"You......you...."- Fortaine

"Today you will be punished for being rude to the Teacher, the punishment is going to get the poison barrels from the monster in the basement" - Esther collected the whip, then put it away.

"Lady Esther, Lord Lant wants to see you at the office"- Albert stepped forward

"Want to see me? I'm coming right now, quickly remove the knife for young master Fortaine. Excuse me, young master Ashil, I have to go" - Esther

"Yes, Teacher Esther"- Ashil obeyed and left

"Yes, Lady Esther"- Albert bowed his head

As she leaves, Clara and Albert remove the daggers from the wall to free Fortaine. He resented not being able to kill Esther, the person he hated the most.

"Someday....someday......I'll kill you, you disgusting lowly creature"- Fortaine cursed

"You can't kill Teacher Esther"- Dion stepped forward

"What did you say?" - Fortaine

"Look at yourself, you still have the strength to defeat me, how can you kill Teacher Esther?" - Dion

"Are you defending that creature? As expected, you only listen to that creature, like a dog wagging its tail obedient to its owner"- Fortaine scorned.

"Clara, give me a knife"-Dion glanced at Clara

"Here's yours, young master Dion"- Clara handed the knife to Dion with both hands

"If you make a slit on me, you've proven you're better than me, and if you don't, take back your words, always remember not to mess with Teacher Esther in the future" - Dion take the knife

"I'll slit your whole body!"- Fortaine rushed over

Watching the two young masters fight, Esther's two servants just watched, but they also talked to each other through their eyes.

"Who do you think will win?"- Albert covered his left eye

"Of course it's the young master Dion, he's the best of the children that Lady Esther raised" - Clara covered her right eye.

"I guess so too, have you seen the young master Dion speak up for Lady Esther? I think he has something to do with Lady Esther" - Albert

"I think that's a good thing, Lady Esther is a wonderful person but it seems that some people don't understand her at all" - Clara

"Oh, look, Master Dion has the advantage"- Albert

After a duel, Fortaine took the most damage from bottom to top, the bridge of his nose was slashed and bleeding profusely, Dion didn't receive a single scratch. He looked at his brother with an expressionless face.

"Remember one thing, even if you're the eldest son of the Agriche family. If your strength doesn't improve, you're just a small worm" - Dion

After that, Dion left, Fortaine got angry and left without saying anything, Clara and Albert said together when they finished watching.

"Have you seen it, Lady Esther? We'll go clean it up right now."

Meanwhile in the office, Esther was drinking tea and watching the fight between Fortaine and Dion, her eyes were not red as usual, but blue right eye and yellow left eye. This is a special part of the magic between her and Clara and Albert, when the servants want their master to see something, just cover one eye and the owner will see through that eye.

"Stupid young master Fortaine....." Esther mumbled, blinking once and her eyes returned to normal.

"What are you talking about?" - Lord Lant

"It's nothing, just disobedient kids that make me feel a bit tired" Esther smiled.

"Is that so? Do you know why I called you here?" - Lord Lant smoked a cigar

"Definitely not a monthly review, because it's the beginning of the month" - Esther

"An Invitation to Yggdrasil" - Lord Lant

"Yggdrasil......a demilitarized neutral zone located in the center of the continent. A place to gather once a year, once for the common good, the allied meeting between the five families? What's the point of inviting me over?" Esther thought

"Wow, I don't think I've been invited to this important alliance conference, but is it okay that I'm just a little teacher?" Esther pretended to be surprised.

"You don't have to worry about it, I want to show them how strong Agriche is, when there's a better teacher than the other trashy and useless teachers......" - Lord Lant

"So he just wants to show off my power? What a mad and arrogant man"- Esther thought, feeling disgusted

"There were so many rumors about you that they were curious, so it was only natural that you were invited." - Lord Lant

"If I'm invited, I can't refuse, this is an important conference. To present myself as a teacher of the Agriche family. I will make them feel stupid and regretful"- Esther

"Ha ha ha! Very good, exactly the one I expected, I hope you don't disappoint me"- Lord Lant laughed in satisfaction.

After the conversation, Esther returned to her room to prepare for the upcoming alliance conference. She smiled, her heart racing, waiting for the day to come faster.

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