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"Ding dong~", the sound of the ring-bell echoed through the house and its owner hides his face in the pillow and groan unhappily.

"For fuck sakes, it's 10pm, what kind of fucker thought this is a right time to pay a visit?", Mark rolled off the couch, huffing on his way to opening the door.

"Oh, Johnny"

Even though it's the guy that he considered his own blood brother, it still can't make Mark less annoyed. Why, you asked? Because his mood is as happy as Hades today.

"Why are you here?", he grunts.
"Woah there simba, you might need to calm down", Johnny commented sarcastically with a mischievous smirk in his face and the Canadian scrunched his nose.
"If you're here to humiliate me then you could just leave bro"

"Are you on your man period or something? You need to chill"
"It's nothing", Mark rubs his hands together, looking away from the older's judge eyes.

"Bro, you can't lie to me, I can even recognize your fart, you think I can't see through your shit-eating expression?", Johnny gives him a look, "Is it Donghyuck? Spill me the tea"

He despises the fact that Johnny knows him too well. It's nice to have a soulmate that is not your partner but just one individual that could understand you (unlike Donghyuck).

Mark smiles sadly and place his head on Johnny's shoulder. Naturally, the older pull him close and pat his back to calm him down. He needs this.

"Is it that bad?", Johnny questioned worriedly.
"My friends are just..."
"Oh those snitches! What did they do to little Hyuck? I can go beat their ugly asses up if you want me to"

Mark can't give a proper reply to the older's asking. His pride doesn't allow him to admit to Johnny that he is indeed...jealous.

"Holy smokes, are you really mad that Hyuck is being close with your friends recently", Johnny gasped, his eyes are the size of the moon. Decent, looks like his husband anyways.

But fuck him for getting the plot that fast also.

"But why? You know your husband is committed"

Mark refused to answer and fumbled with his fingers instead. Looking them all twisted, something in him stirred. He also doesn't know why.

"You're acting like dummy right now Mark. No offense but Donghyuck haven't been out with his friends at all this year. He is with you and your friends", Johnny said, "He has no choice but to adapt  in. Mark, look at two sides of the story. You wanted him to be with you all the time so he can't go out with his friends so he have no choice to befriend with yours. And what are you doing now? Being all jealous because he is close to them? Are you thinking right, nothing went wrong upstairs, bro?"

Still no response from Mark.

"Then what about me?", Johnny asked.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean us two dickheads hang out all the time, don't you think Donghyuck would be jealous too? You know really well that your husband is easier to get jealous than you. Mark, can't you realise how he has toned down his own personality so much after y'all got married?"


Johnny sighed. "You have to get the whole picture. I know that you're both young but putting yourself upper than your partner is a little bit selfish"

"I'm so sorry"

"Don't apologize me, I'm not the one getting hurt. Donghyuck is"

"Oh yeah, that's right"

"Now pick your ass up and go find your lover boy, save his birthday"

"Birth-holy fucking shit!", Mark shrieks, he freaked out.

"Please don't tell me you forgot your husband's birthday"

"Not really, I-aish. I did not forget, I just got lost in time"

Johnny could not believe in his own ears and for a second, he has thought of resigning as Mark's best friend. If Donghyuck knows this, he would lock the older out of his bedroom for the whole year.

Mark is stuffing his belongings in a duffle bag like a madman and it somehow reminds Johnny of a person that is about to piss their pants. Comedic.

"Have you got him a present?", Johnny asked.

"Of course I did, I bought it months ago"; "Can I take a look"; "No, I don't think so"

"Hmph", Johnny pouted. He would have shredded Mark out as if he's cheese but he decided to be generous today and doesn't hold grief at the younger. "You know where to go right?"

"One of our beach houses, hope that I'm thinking of the right one"

"Of course he is waititing at the place he knows you'll be coming, he is being too patient with a rock like you. He is hating himself because he made you jealous too, gosh"

Mark is now in immense guilt because he knows, Johnny is telling no lies. "Why are you always right?"

"Because we are soulmates, Mark", Johnny patted his shoulders, "Now hurry up, if you're late then I'm not taking any responsibility"

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