Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Atthaphan's 'Happy' bakery cafe

Atthaphan's bakery cafe sold both drinks and dessert baked goods. With adorably bright and charming decor, it was always busy, almost never without a customer, from the ten o'clock in the morning opening to the nine o'clock in the evening closing. When it first opened, Atthaphan alone was the baker, drink maker, server, cashier, and well, everything. Jumpol would always come by to help after he was done with work. And although he was worried, he never said anything to stop Atthaphan from the work he loved. When things settled and got better, Atthaphan hired staff to help out so he could focus on baking. Now, he would also make drinks or come out to talk to regular customers when he had some down time. Jumpol kept his habit to come if he finished work early, sometimes alone, sometimes with Chimon after picking the boy up from school, with dinner so the family could eat together. Atthaphan had never explained anything about his family of three, but his staff and those who frequent the cafe knew the owner of the bakery cafe had a partner who loved him very much, and a son whose love for his fathers was also in abundance.

The day started with a drizzle that lasted all morning, then turned into a downpour just past noon. Atthaphan had just bid farewell to the only customer at the time in the shop when the rain got worse. Looking at the gloomy sky, he absent-mindedly licked his lips, pulled out his phone and dialed Jumpol's number. Leaning on the window, the sound of rain fading in and out through the phone line mixing with Jumpol's calm deep voice turned to a soothing and peaceful melody that seemed to caress his inside. Jumpol asked him whether there were any customers with this rain, and Atthaphan answered with a smile, "Papii... It's raining and it's cold. Gun wants to have hotpot. It's been a while since we last did." Jumpol, with a light smile, told him he would take him and the kid for hotpot for dinner, but Atthaphan shook his head on his end, stating he wouldn't go out in this weather and that he wanted to have it at the cafe with the staff too. "The more the merrier," he said. Jumpol didn't object. He asked what ingredients they needed so he could get them on his way back from the supermarket near his work. The two continued their conversations (sometimes being overpowered by the sound of rain) until Jumpol had to go to a meeting and Atthaphan had to tend to a few customers who had just walked in, probably to find shelter from the rain.

As late afternoon approached, being sure they would not get any more customers in this weather, Atthaphan turned the sign on the door to 'Closed' just as little Chimon ran under the front awning, closed the umbrella he was holding and, with a great big smile on his lips and droplets of rain water still hanging on his hair, opened the door to walk in. Chimon loved his Lil' Pap's bakery cafe, so much that he would be here almost everyday. When it wasn't too crowded, he would find a table to do his homework, and maybe even get to taste Lil' Pap's new dishes. But when it was packed, he would help waiting the tables, washing glasses and dishes, making it seemed like the cafe had another little employee. Despite Atthaphan's many protests to stop the boy from helping, afraid Chimon would be too tired on top of his school work, the little boy insisted with a broad smile, telling him that he was okay, he wanted to help his Lil' Pap, especially when Papii wasn't there, it was his duty to help on behalf of Papii; that smile always made his eyes curved a little. Atthaphan couldn't argue, so gradually, he just accepted and let the little boy be. If there was time, he would prepare for the boy a delicious afternoon tea set; if he was too busy, he would still made sure to make for the little boy a milk coffee or some other thing Chimon liked. Atthaphan always made sure Chimon would never be hungry.

"Why are you closing early, Lil' Pap?" Chimon took off his backpack, putting it down on a chair, looking at Atthaphan with curious eyes. Atthaphan smiled and ruffled the boy's hair.

"It's raining too much. So let's have hotpot later? Papii, Lil' Pap, Chimon, P'Dream and P'Lily too. Isn't it fun?"

Dream and Lily, respectively the cafe's waitress and cashier, heard 'hotpot' and they broke into loud cheers. Chimon's eyes disappeared as he smiled; food could make him happy no matter what. And what better than hotpot with his fathers in this weather?

Half an hour later, Jumpol arrived with a big bag of hotpot ingredients in hand and complaints on his lips about the rain splashing mud on the hem of his pants when he was walking to the supermarket from the office. Atthaphan smiled as he took the bad from Jumpol, and as their eyes met, the latter returned the smile and landed a kiss on Atthaphan's hair. With a blushing face, Atthaphan slightly shoved Jumpol's shoulder, accompanied by the giggles of Dream and Lily, while Chimon turned to hide his face. The loud rain couldn't overpower the laughs coming from the cafe. Atthaphan gave the boy the bag and dragged him to the kitchen, with Jumpol carrying another grocery bag and following the two.

Dream and Lily, in the blink of an eye, became air; their existence could just be dust in the wind.

The family of three was cooking in the kitchen. The two single staff, as if trying to avoid feeling more single, decided to do some work: one was doing the book while the other tidying up the furnitures and preparing a few other things for the next day. The scene startled Tawan when he walked in and didn't expect the cafe to be anywhere near closing time and completely empty like this. Dream and Lily, also feeling a bit stunned, looked at the guest coming in followed by a very handsome young man, and wondered who they were and if they saw the 'Closed' sign.

Jumpol stepped out just in time to see Tawan about to ask something. The two looked at each other for a few seconds before a beaming Tawan said:

"Oh peng, you are here too?"

"... Why are you here?" - Jumpol stared at Tawan then glanced at Purim who was standing behind his father. The boy quickly gave a wai and Jumpol nodded his acknowledgement. What force of nature brought them here now?

"What? No welcome for me? And why so deserted? New told me this place is usually packed."

"Too rainy today, and Gun wants hotpot so we close early. You haven't answered my question. You. Here. Why?"

"New has some business in Khao Yai and took Frank. Just the two of us home, so I was planning to invite you guys out for dinner. But I couldn't reach you on the phone, so I was going to find N'Gun here. Didn't think to meet you here as well. Where's that kid of yours? Is he here too?"

Tawan let out a stream of information as Jumpol was struggling to follow, but just the mere mention of his son made him look over at Purim with irritation while the boy was still bewildered about the sudden bizarre change in the atmosphere.

"Why are you asking about him?"

"Ow, to see if everybody is here so we all can go dine out. Oh, you said N'Gun wanted hotpot? I know this really good place."

"Not going. Gun is preparing things in there with Mon." - Jumpol responded decisively, face cold yet his eyes showed obvious pride and warmth as if to mock his friend who was abandoned by his "housemate". However Tawan wouldn't be Tawan if he could feel the malice of the world and brought out a wide smile.

"Oh that is excellent. Let us join you guys! Wait here for a bit, I will go grab some beer. Hotpot meal needs beer. Pluem, wait for Papa here. See if you can help your uncles and Mon with anything. I am out to buy some stuff and be back right away."

Jumpol didn't have time to react before Tawan turned to leave swiftly as the wind and in the blink of an eye, the only thing left was the ringing of the bell of the opened door. Dream and Lily looked at each other, shrugged and turned back to their work. Jumpol furrowed his brows, looked at Purim who was similarly surprised by Tawan, sighed and told the boy to wait at a table and help himself to water if he needed. He then decided to ignore the rest of the world, preferring to returned the kitchen with his little world. Anything can wait til Tawan's return.


Purim heeded Jumpol's words, found himself an empty table, looked around and let out a sigh. Something was telling him Uncle Jumpol wasn't his biggest fan, especially the extremely strict pair of eyes when looking at him. This was in contrast to Chimon's stories where the man had been very gentle, loving toward to his Lil' Pap, always seemed reliable and warm. (Chimon's smiles and sparkling eyes always accompanied these stories.) Purim shook his head, convincing himself he must be overthinking. With nothing else going on while sitting there, and afraid to roam around, Purim took out his books with hope to get some schoolwork done as he was waiting for his father who was on a beer run.

A few lines in, light approaching footsteps halted Purim, and then a light touch on his shoulder.

"P'Pluem, sawadee!"

At the same moment, the sweet scent of freshly baked goods reached him, making Purim look up to a smile that seemed to have gathered all the starlight of the galaxy into that one moment. Chimon placed a plate of cutely shaped cookies on the table, squinting his eyes as he smiled.

"P'Pluem, have some cookies. My Lil' Pap gave them to me. They are really delicious."

"Mm. Thank you, Mon. ^^"

Purim returned to writing after saying his thanks. Chimon was sitting and looking at Purim, spent a moment thinking something and went to get a glass of water wanting to bring it out to the older boy. Atthaphan shook his head and smiled, witnessing his boy now knowing how to take care of someone else who wasn't part of the family. Jumpol scrunched up his face. The boy was still young, and Jumpol had not prepared to watch all these happening.

The more he thought about it, the more Jumpol felt uneasy. He pulled Atthaphan by the arm to stand at the doorway to kitchen to watch Chimon bringing the glass of water out. The boy gracefully placed the glass of water on the table, exchanged words and smiled with Purim and picked up a cookie to feed the latter. However, that handsome boy dodged away and took the cookie himself. Jumpol was close to spontaneous combustion.

"Oy, that boy!"

Atthaphan reached to hug Jumpol's arm, gave a sweet smile and dragged the latter back inside the kitchen. He didn't want the boy to know the two fathers had witnessed everything, afraid Chimon would feel embarrassed.

"Papii, don't be mad. It's okay! The boys just got to know each other, so it's understandable that Pluem would be hesitant toward our son."


"Papii remember right? A long long time ago, Pappi not only wouldn't allow me to feed you cookies but scolded me too. You called me fussy. You remember?"


"So Pluem here is still so gentle. Our son forgets easily, I don't think he will be too sad."

Jumpol couldn't argue, gloomily turned to go wash the basket of vegetables. It wasn't wrong though. During those years, Atthaphan had suffered so much misery and heartbreak to shorten the distance between them, and Jumpol himself would probably never stop regretting that. If there had been one thousand steps between them, then Atthaphan had walked the first nine hundred ninety-nine, without doubt and without fear. Jumpol had been cold, heartless, hateful, yet Atthaphan had been more determined. Had Atthaphan hesitated, had he been too hurt and stopped, Jumpol had no clue what would become of them, and if he would be as happy as he was now.

Atthaphan looked on the sulking silhouette of his partner's back and couldn't resist a laugh. He knew Jumpol was remembering the old times, and truth be told, so was he, but not to be angry or blame Jumpol; it was to thank himself to have been patient and not quit, so he could hold on to the happiness he deserved, not just the person but a family and a life together. That was the difference between them; unlike Jumpol, Atthaphan wasn't anxious to see his son revolving around someone, and not too worried thinking about the tough road the boy might face ahead. There would be no sweet rewards for ones who have not overcome challenges. He believed the boy would be fine, as long as his love was strong enough. Just like him and Jumpol, they were eventually enjoying their happily ever after.


The dinner was a lot of fun. What better way to spend a chilly rainy day with family and friends, enjoying hotpot and beer, with laughter and joy. Just like the name of cafe: 'Happy' bakery cafe. Jumpol and Tawan did not fail to maintain their "best friend" dynamics: they would argue after two sentences, and continue the cycle as they reached a new topic. Dream and Lily ate while watching Jumpol masterfully cooked and peeled the shrimps, then loaded Atthaphan's small bowl to the brim; the two just sighed and pretended they saw nothing. Chimon was given a few of the peeled shrimps by his Lil' Pap; the boy gave a big disappearing-eye smile and shared half of them to Purim. Tawan looked at his son, then at the son of his pengyou slash neighbor and decided not to say anything as to avoid drawing the attention of the always-annoyed Jumpol. Actually though, inside, Tawan was crying in eighty different languages being the temporary-lonely one witnessing people taking care of or being taken care of. Really? Was this their way of taking the happiness of life from him today?

Upon Thitipoom and Frank's return, Tawan swore he would take whole family out to dinner to make up for the misery he was feeling with these people today. Waah waah...

"P'Pluem. For you. Mon doesn't really like beef."


"P'Pluem, have the shrimps! They are big and yummy!"

"Mm. Thank you, Nong."


All these "P'Pluem" were flying left and right, swimming in Tawan's mind, making him dizzy. He could no longer ignore it, lifted his head and with all the seriousness he could muster, patted his son on the shoulder and said:

"Pluem. Listen to me. Don't marry nong."

"Tawan!!!!!!!!!! I'll kill you!!!! Mon, come sit next to me now!"

"Papii... come on..."

In the cafe called 'Happy', there was a happy meal with people who were (probably) also quite happy!

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