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Inside the room, the gloom of imprisonment settled over the young girl, the once cozy space now feeling like a cold and sterile cell.
It has been days sinced she locked herself up in this room.

Daisuke: Y/n!

No reply. It drives Daisuke crazy, but he couldn't do much.

Daisuke: How about I take you somewhere? Then you'll stop acting like this, yes?

It hits Y/n hard how she longed for the familiar sights, but now all she could hear were the eerie stillness of her room and Daisuke's voice.

Y/n: If you love me like what you said, freed me.

Daisuke: I....

He stood there, he has so much to say, yet no way to express those out. For the first time in his life, money can't buy that one thing he wanted, love.

Y/n: Fine, leave me. I'm fine dying here, all by myself.

Daisuke: Alright, we'll make a deal.

Y/n: I'm all ears.

Daisuke sighed, she finally answered, after days. The maids sure take good care of her, forcing Y/n to eat and such, but that's okay with him seeing her like that, at least she didn't die. If she wanted to die, at least die in his arms.

Daisuke: You go out with me, for the last time, then we're over, you'll go back to your mother.

Y/n: How do I know that you'll keep your words?

Daisuke: Come with me, I'll show you something.

The door creaks open, as soon as Daisuke saw the slit in the slightly opened door, he crept through the door, pushed it fully open. There she is, standing in front of him. The desire to hug her overwhelmed his endurance. He just can't help but leaning his head onto her shoulder, hugging her tightly.

Y/n: Hey!

All she pushed him away, she felt sorry for doing so, but she couldn't help herself.

Daisuke: My bad..

Y/n: What do you want to show me?

They both get to the basement where he put all this weird technology stuffs, Suzue wasn't there. What a shame, she was Y/n's only friend here.

Daisuke: That is the machine we need.

Y/n: What for?

Daisuke: This machine is our latest invention. It'll plant a tiny electronic devices deep inside our bodies to monitor biological processes, we plant to sell it for medical purposes, however, this one has another function, aside from its older models, it has the ability to kill someone, with one's command, the chip will explode, release a chosen type of toxic or whatever the owner wanted it to.

Y/n: You mean..

Daisuke: Yes, I'm going to plan a chip inside my body, you can do whatever you want to me. But the thing is, I'll set a time limit to 24 hours.

Y/n: I'm fine with it.

Things happen exactly like what Daisuke described, it didn't look painful so Y/n didn't have to worry much about him.

Daisuke: Here's the remote, the maid will lead you back to your room. See you tomorrow.

Y/n: Wait, Daisuke-san..

Daisuke: Yeah?

Y/n: Good night... I know it was early but it's a must for me.

Daisuke: Good night to you too.

Lying on the bed, thinking about what just happened, the only thing he remembered was her beautiful face. Daisuke had not always been a dreamer, but now he was longing for a love that would consume him, filling the void in his restless heart. But as fate would have it, that love always seemed to evade him.

Daisuke: Y/n...

But little did Y/n know, things are following exactly the way Daisuke wanted them to. Indeed money can't solve his problems, but he can figure out another way. Daisuke Kambe was smart, aside from being a millionaire, he can be a genius in love.

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