Chapter 8: Betrayal?

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Anna brought food to the basement by herself.

"Cooperate! You know that if Yan Wei and they couldn't get any information from you, they wouldn't let you live. Even if you die, at least you won't become a hungry ghost. And if you want to get out of here alive, obediently cooperate with me.

The man's eyes immediately changed, staring at Anna, but she ignored his gaze.

"I know you're not just a soldier. I guess they didn't completely trust Randy; that's why they sent you here, right?"

The man flashed a glimpse of surprise. His lips quivered.

"You should be trained as a spy. Training you to become an assassin is such a waste."

"It's really a pity, but that's okay. Being an assassin is better: less jobs but better paid, especially since I don't have to watch other people's faces and worry about being exposed every second."

"Haha right. You make me wish I were you."

"Don't be that ridiculous. Being me and getting killed for no reason one day?"



Yan Wei brought food down to the basement.

"It's time to eat." She looked at the man who was tied up and placed the rice bowl in front of him.

They've been interrogating him for days but haven't gotten anything. She also knows that professionals like her and him will never give up easily. But now she doesn't know what else to do. If the interrogation doesn't work and the organization finds out that he's dead or disappears, they all will be in danger.

Hearing the strange sound, he looked up at Yan Wei and suddenly changed his attitude:

"I can't even eat when I'm tied up like this. If you don't want to untie me, you'll have to feed me. I don't know how many days are left, but I still want to live. I don't want to become a hungry ghost at all."

Yan Wei thinks it's reasonable, so she approaches and feeds him. Suddenly, a grenade rolled towards them from nowhere, spewing smoke. Yan Wei's expression changed, but before she could move, the other person suddenly broke free of the ropes and held her with both hands and feet. Yan Wei could not use her hands to cover her face and at the same time had to use her strength to escape this man's control, so she couldn't avoid breathing this smoke into her lungs. Before she completely passed out, she saw someone wearing a gas mask approaching her.

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