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In a room of a student dormitory building, two young girls were doing their own work. The older sister's name is Runa, and the younger sister's name is Lilith.

Her little sister was playing a handheld video game, occasionally glancing at her older sister who was having a headache because of the homework assigned by the school. Looking at the expression on the other person's face is so funny and cute. Putting down the arcade machine, she hugged her sister's neck from behind and whispered into her ear with a seductive voice.

"What's wrong, my sister? Is the homework too difficult?"- Lilith

"No, I simply need to think a bit" - Runa

"Come on, you're saying this for almost the fifth time, why don't you just admit that you need help?" - Lilith

Lilith moved her hand from her sister's neck to her chest, gently rubbing it. Even though it was just outside the shirt, Runa could still feel the touch on her body. She started breathing heavily and her ears turned red.

"If so, I will admit that I am inferior to you" - Runa

"Don't hold back anymore, if you don't tell the truth, I will continue to torture you" - Lilith

The younger sister's other hand moved down to Runa's lower body, and she began to breathe even harder.

"Um.....hah....."- Runa groaned

"I'm just kidding, let's rest" - Lilith

The younger sister stopped teasing, let go of her older sister, turned on the computer screen in front of her, and accessed the hot adult website, logging in with her account.

"Look what I got for you, a new video I just bought" - Lilith

"Little sister, you are the best!!!" - Runa

"Just enjoy, I have to go to work for a bit" - Lilith

"Will you bring me the new part?" - Runa

"Of course there will be" - Lilith

Lilith picked up her bag and left her dorm room to go to her work place. In fact, in addition to being a student herself, she is also a manga author under the pen name Ero, drawing adult genre comics. She draws all emotions such as men with women, women with women, men with men.

Older readers like her comics very much, they even say that her comics are very similar to the Kamasuntra manual.

However, her colleagues who work with her find it very difficult to understand how an author who draws comics for adults always shows such a calm face. It was as if she wasn't the least bit excited about this. A typical example that they often see with Lilith is watching the hottest and heaviest movies and still not feeling aroused. Normally, when people watch the first part, they already feel aroused. Only Lilith wears headphones and turns up the volume. high but still like nothing.

At this time, Lilith was at the company and had just delivered the manuscript to her superior. She looked at the expression of the person opposite her. It seemed like he was trying very hard to finish reading her manuscript. Putting down the manuscript, he immediately coughed.

"This really production now"

"I think you should go to the bathroom to address your physiological needs" - Lilith

"I'm asking you honestly, are you really a student? Because reading your manuscripts, it seems like you have experience."

"You should ask yourself if anyone lives in the same room with a sister or brother who is always stressed and has to watch porn to solve the problem?" - Lilith

"Oh, right, I'm sorry. And please also, you can get this manuscript published, I have to go to the bathroom."

After speaking, the man immediately hugged his lower body and ran quickly out of the office. His colleagues saw that they knew that their superior had been given a strong stimulation by Lilith.

As soon as the new volume was produced, a few colleagues immediately bought it. The title of the series she is working on is called "Heaven Fall, Hell Rising", of course it is a story for adults but this is a series. Her first story combines all three types of love, male with female, female with female, male with male. Unexpectedly, it sold so well that it was completely sold out.

She happily went back to the dormitory with the new volume of the manga. Because she was very busy, she still didn't forget what her sister liked. Since their parents passed away, it left them traumatized, but they still have each other and their childhood friend, Minhyeok Kim.

Her sister, Runa, is an optimistic but sometimes silly person, and she herself is someone who understands her sister very well. So for her, as long as Runa is happy, that's enough. If her sister also disappears, she doesn't know what will happen then. That made her very afraid.

Suddenly feeling something behind her, Lilith turned around and saw no one but she was sure something was following her because her intuition was very sensitive.


The voice was calling her name. Lilith looked around but still didn't see anything. Maybe she was working so much that she was going crazy. She needs to go back to her sister right away


When she got back to the dormitory, today it seemed quieter than usual. She stepped into the elevator to check her belongings to see where the room key was. The elevator made a beep signaling its arrival. Lilith was about to walk out when she stopped.

Something is not right here, the surrounding is very quiet, normally other rooms will make some sounds but not this quiet. Today is not a student holiday, so what is going on here?

Suddenly a tremor shook Lilith, startled and fell down, but she realized she was sitting on a group of snakes. Normally she really likes snakes, but being surrounded by snakes like this was really scary, so scared that she didn't dare to scream. The snakes crawled up Lilith's body, they crawled into her clothes, the cold and slippery skin of the cold-blooded reptile startled her. The body gradually increased its temperature and the face began to turn red, a strange feeling.

The snakes also tightened around Lilith's waist, thighs, legs, arms and chest, causing her body to heat up even more. Is this the stimulating feeling that people often talk about?


That voice again, it was even clearer, it was a woman's voice.

The other snakes immediately gathered together to form something giant. Lilith tried to stay as awake as possible but this stimulating feeling made her gradually lose consciousness. What she could still see was a pair of golden eyes with purple pupils sparkling like a stone looking at her.

"Lilith, now you can inherit me."

Having finished speaking, a giant mouth opened wide to swallow Lilith.


"Lilith, Lilith, are you okay?"

There was a familiar male voice calling her, patting her cheek. Lilith opened her eyes to see that the person in front of her was none other than her and Runa's childhood friend, Minhyeon Kim.

"Why did you sleep in the middle of the hallway? It scared me" - Minhyeon

"I'm probably just working too hard. Have you just come home from school?" - Lilith

"That's right, class ends earlier today. So we can have dinner together tonight" - Minhyeon

She must admit that Minhyeon is truly a man, an ideal husband for women. Not only does he look handsome and gentle, he also knows how to do housework like a real man. Also someone who understands her and her sister's psychology well. Lilith approved Minhyeon on the list of people who could make Runa happy.

Standing in front of the house, they suddenly heard a loud noise in the room, a feeling of insecurity appeared in their hearts, Minhyeon immediately opened the door and saw a young man with white hair wearing strange clothes holding a scythe. intended to slash Runa. Before he could react, Minhyeon rushed to cover Runa and was slashed by that scythe.

The splashing red blood even shot straight onto Lilith's face. She was shocked to see Minhyeon's body lying on the floor with a lot of red blood spilling out.

This scene reminded her of that time, the time she accidentally witnessed her parents being killed right before her eyes. Lilith trembled and hugged Minhyeon's body tightly, not knowing that the white-haired young man was raising his scythe to end her life.

"Lilith, run quickly!"- Runa

At this moment, she did not pay attention to everything around her and could only hug her dead friend tightly in her arms.

"Go and die. You are an obstacle in the way"

As soon as the scythe slashed down, suddenly a beam of power radiated from Lilith's body, so strong that it sent the white-haired young man flying.

At the same time, there was a figure behind Runa, embracing her from behind to protect her from Lilith's explosive power.

"Unexpectedly, this terrible power has awakened again?"

"Lilith!"- Runa

In front of the three people, an illusion gradually formed into a giant snake. Standing under that illusion was a pair of eyes with four-pointed star pupils and a wide smile. That person is Lililth but not a normal Lilith, but someone or something in Lilith's body.

"How hateful, you angels are truly a group of people who are no different from dogs without their owners. How ridiculous it makes me feel"- Lilith?

"Lilith...."- Runa

The strange voice, as if it were one echo overlapping another, was that really her little sister Lilith?

"Truly Solomon's daughter, I could never have imagined that one day I would see this enchanting power."

"Solomon's daughter, is there not one child but two?"

Lilith tilted her head with a mischievous expression, she raised her hands towards the white-haired angel, forming a shape like a camera frame. Then she clapped her hands hard, then immediately two hands appeared from nowhere and hit the white-haired angel hard.

"That's my punishment for daring to hurt my friend and my dear sister. Now, why don't we enjoy this stimulating torture together? Consider it a celebration for me"- Lilith?

"Hmph, we'll meet again next time. Did I say that?"

The white-haired angel immediately disappeared into thin air, Lilith smacked her mouth with a disgusted expression.

"It really made me lose interest, he already turned his tail and ran away. It's true that dogs only know how to bark but can't bite" - Lilith

"Lilith......are you Lilith?"- Runa

The older sister looked at Lilith a little cautiously and was immediately hugged tightly by her younger sister with a very worried expression.

"Are you injured anywhere? Do you have any problems?"- Lilith

"I'm fine,"- Runa

"There's no need to worry about this little sister. I'm still Lilith but not that Lilith. I can only appear for a short period of time. As for your Lilith, she's just sleeping inside me. The important thing is, that person who just got slashed" - Lilith?

Now that Runa realized it, she immediately went to where Minhyeon had collapsed to check, but strangely, she couldn't see any blood or the slash from earlier.

"How?"- Runa

"A small trick spell to overwrite Minhyeon's death. He will wake up soon, but this person......"- Lilith

Turning to look at the man next to her, he was tall with quite long hair and horns. It was impossible not to guess who this person was.

"You are one of the seven deadly sins, right? I can feel a fury surrounding you. But it doesn't seem to be very big, could it be because of the contract?"- Lilith

"My name is Satan, I am here to bring Solomon's daughters to Hell" - Satan

"Well, yeah, but no. We don't want anything to do with the war between angels and hell. If those angels want to pick a fight with me, then try moving their asses over here." - Lilith

Suddenly the man laughed loudly as if he considered what she said a joke.

"That's arrogant, but no matter what, you can't protect your sister forever. One of those three Seraphim has already placed a mark on your sister, and that angel has also targeted you." Next time there will be many, many angels coming to take your lives" - Satan

"Are you kidding me?" - Lilith

"If I were joking, I wouldn't be here. Listen, daughter of Solomon. Go to Hell, there the devils will protect you two. Once the devil has promised, the devil will not never break a promise" - Satan

Lilith turned to look at Runa, who came closer to say this to her sister.

"Listen, sister. Even though this might sound silly, we might have to go with that Satan guy to Hell" - Lilith

"What?!"- Runa

"Just calm down. If we continue to stay here, that angel will come back, and of course I can't protect you 24/7. So the way to solve the problem is to come Hell because there will be someone who can protect you" - Lilith

"But if we go to Hell....What will happen to Minhyeon?"- Runa

"That's how we protect Minhyeon, do you want him to be killed again?" - Lilith

Thinking about the scene where Minhyeon was slashed by the angel earlier made Runa startled, she seemed to understand. If they continue to stay, it will not only implicate Minhyeon but also implicate other innocent people.

"Okay, we will go to Hell" - Runa

Lilith smiled with satisfaction but at the same time felt tired, her breathing became faster, it seemed like Lilith's normal personality was about to wake up. Her body lost balance and fell forward, luckily Satan caught her.

"Maybe I should rest a bit. It's best not to play any perverted tricks on my sister or my normal personality" - Lilith

"Okay, okay, I understand. Daughter of Solomon" - Satan

Suddenly, Satan pressed his lips to Lilith's, shocking her. Immediately, she punched his face so hard that his back hit the wall. Not only that, he also laughed happily.

"That's a powerful punch. I'm starting to like you" - Satan

"You bastard.....I just finished speaking and you already forced me to kiss you..."- Lilith

Having finished speaking, Lilith fainted, Satan caught her again and held out his hand to Runa.

The moment she held the devil's hand, her body began to float in the air. On the floor, Minhyeon's body began to move. Runa's tears began to flow when she heard the word Hell, Satan saw that and smiled.

"What in Hell is bad?"- Satan


(Lilith art)

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