Red Lop

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Alberu met Cale during a trip to the Northeast region of Roan. Where there is a forest named Dark . A place where people just hear the name make them shiver. It is said that there are all kinds of scary monsters there. Plants are all toxic. A dense forest where light never shines. It is also rumored that there is a village named Harris, a mysterious fire burned the village and later people still hear a lot of barbaric sounds like the ghosts of dead villagers. During the day, the forest is quiet and peaceful, at night it is filled with scary sounds. Those who entered did not have a single person out. Such a terrifying forest has become a concern for the people, and it is the Crown Prince's job to go there to find out and solve the problem of this forest. But the Crossman family has passed hundreds of generations and no one can solve it. The people of the Northeast were used to the intimidating presence of the forest. They did not expect this crown prince to solve the problem of the forest. Alberu also entered the forest for his people, he was confident with all his strength, the monsters shouldn't be too scary. In the center of the forest there was a large black castle. Heard it's haunted. The castle's curtains remain closed at all times. I want to go to that black castle to check.

He and his soldiers entered the forest, only a hundred meters away, a loud howl sounded, and a huge green goblin rushed out. It swung the stone mace in its hand, the empty stone mace at the horses made them flee in panic, and the soldiers who fell from their horses before they could react were trampled by the goblin. Alberu swung his spear, the goblin's arm severed. The reincarnated soldiers all scrambled to their feet, and at this time his bodyguard raised his hand to create a powerful tornado that knocked down a bunch of trees, and a bunch of goblins flew out like lice. They are all watching them. They surrounded them, the smaller ones grabbed the soldiers' legs and dragged them away.

-Hey!!-Alberu rushed forward wanting to save the soldiers.

-Gr..grrr.-A huge green goblin stretched out its bulge, it was behind Alberu, and swung its stone mace at him.

Alberu knows he can't escape...

But the ground was suddenly abuzz with a spear that jumped up from the ground and skewered the goblin, not only that, the spear rose higher from the ground and stabbed into the sky. The goblin that was skewered by the rock was now floating in the air. The goblins suddenly ran away, there was a certain smell that scared them.

-Your highness!!!-The white-robed bodyguard called out to Alberu. She felt something very strong lurking in this forest. -We should get out of here.

-Your Highness, the guide...he's gone.

Alberu looked around, there were trees everywhere.

-We're lost- The soldiers were bewildered

"We're going to the black castle," Alberu ordered.

 -But Your Highness, that castle...

-Your Highness... - The bodyguard whispered.

-Can you?-Albert asked.

-, I'll lead the way.-The guard bowed his head. She led the group. -Follow me. We will reach the castle before noon. Be a little wary.

The group headed to the center of the old forest. The monsters are stalking them. Suddenly, the cloak stopped.

 -What? A scent as strong as that of a Dragon if it existed.- She began to mutter, the hood of her cloak fluttering slightly. - Injured?

-What's the matter, Tasha.? Albert turned his head.

- Hmmm!!!! It looks like someone is injured, Your Highness, the smell of blood- he female bodyguard replied.

We're very close to the castle, let's go see it.- Alberu turned his head in the direction Tasha led. 

There was a young man lying on a large rock. He must have bled a lot. The blood had stained an area of ​​the white shirt red. His hair was a red, brighter than the black blood that had dried at the corners of his mouth. The strange thing was, despite being wounded and lying motionless, no beast or monster dared to approach him. He smelled like a Dragon, or a creature as strong as a dragon. That's why nothing dared come near him. Alberu was attracted to this particularity. He wants to get close.

-Your Highness- The bodyguard held Alberu back.

- That could be my people, can't help but save.- Alberu approached the motionless body. If  closely, you can see that the red thing hanging down is not hair but ears. A red-eared rabbit. How could a gentle creature like a rabbit be here?

"It's beautiful!!!!" The bodyguard couldn't help exclaiming as he approached the young man who had been picked up by Alberu in his arms. His eyes are closed, his face is small, a bit thin, his skin is white to light, those red curls that stand out against the white background create such a beautiful scene right on his face. It's also so enchanting.

 - He's the one who made that stone spear. - Tasha exclaimed in surprise. - The wind told me so. 

- He saved me.

You can say the same, Your Highness.

-We will bring him along.- Alberu decided.- I don't want to leave an injured person here.

"Your highness, wait, the wind told me this boy...He belongs to this forest. 

"Tasha, look around, who can live in this forest. At least when he recovers, if this is really his home, we will send him back here. Alberu held the one's body in his arms.- I think he is very light, but he is much lighter than I thought. We will come back later, return to the capital first.

The group left the forest under the guidance of the cloak guards. Strangely, when they left the forest, they walked out smoothly, and no monster dared to stop them. The wind make the trees in the forest like that they are roaring, but the people still leave the forest healthily.

"Your highness, the wind said that they were angry. Give the boy back to them as soon as possible. Don't take him away." Tasha said.

Alberto ignored Tasha's words. 

-Yes. Hmm... The man in Alberu's hand moved, but there was no sign of waking up.

-I promise that if he really belongs here, we will give him back. -Alberu did not look back.

A year passed quickly, and Alberu not only did not return Cale to the forest, but also hid him.

Hide him in his own castle in the capital. It is said that since that day, Dark Forest has been screaming every night. Although there was no killing, the animals and trees there were crazy.

Alberu did not forget the promise. He ignored the promise and did not mention the promise. He left the red lop to himself. One year, Cale did not mention the Dark Forest, nor did Alberu mention the Dark Forest. The thing you said the most, no, at the beginning, almost only Alberu said. Cale hardly spoke to him. But slowly, he got more communication from Cale.

He especially found that Cale was very smart and he could remember everything he wanted. Mobile storage devices do not require handwritten documents. Of course it's a joke. For nearly a year, Alberto held Carl in a room and took him out of the terrible dark forest. Carl enjoys free care very much. Alberu realized that he was in love with Cale. Whether it is Cale who processes documents with him, or he hugs him while sleeping, or he sticks to his side and eats dishes with him, or he puts hot red shoulder hair on his shoulder in the wind and sun, or his thin shirt slowly slides off his smooth skin, Or when his hands and his delicate fingers are holding the bright red hair, sweating, revealing the sexy back of his head, or when he is crying in his dream. Alberu doesn't know when he fell in love with Cale. But his desire for yourself must come from your first meeting. 

Thinking of this, he smiled silently, and each finger of his was wrapped around every strand of Carl's hair. The person who sits on his lap to eat. His task is to ensure that no hair falls on the food with long hair, and no lapel tangles and disturbs Carl during the meal. Cale ate one piece and handed another piece of meat to Red Cat- Hong. The silver cat looked more mature, but when her eyes were fixed on his brother, Kyle still gave it a big piece. Miraculously, the two cats appeared in his room. They knew Cale. At first, they showed hostility to Alberu, but when they saw that Cale treated them without losing, they changed. Every time he come, they will stop.They just stopped glaring at him every time he came.

-You also give me a piece. Alberu opened his mouth and waited for the beef to reach his mouth.

Cale was not stingy, directly putting a piece of meat into his mouth. As soon as the piece of meat reached his mouth, Cale's waist was pulled closer to him. Alberu kissed Cale, and Cale didn't protest, opening his mouth to let the soft meat and Alberu's warm tongue spill into his mouth. Alberu ran his tongue through several lines in Cale's mouth before pulling it out. Looking at Cale calmly chewing on his meat, his attitude was a little disdainful. Alberu couldn't help but feel lovely. He walked over to lick Cale's lips, but he wanted to kiss Cale's face and was immediately pushed away.

-Cale ....- He pouted, rubbing his forehead against his shoulder. 

"Your Highness, your mouth is full of meat." Cale said in an emotionless voice, continuing to move his plate and eat meat.

 -The little rabbit doesn't eat as much meat as you. Albert laughed. 

-Your Highness, I will eat less if you regret it.- The emotionless voice still resounded, still carrying a bit of nasal voice from sleeping too much. 

- No, no one will regret you, I will give you whatever you want, what's the point of a little meat, I can give you my heart too, when I run out of meat, I will cook for you with my own meat, you see I have this much meat. -Alberu pulled Cale's hand so that he could touch his body, the way the layer of clothing could feel every muscle underneath. 

Alberu grinned without noticing the huge "REFUSE" written in clear capital letters on Cale's face.

"I'm just curious," Alberu continued. 

"Because I'm surrounded by carnivores." Cale replied emotionlessly. 

-HAHAHAHAH!!!!! -Alberu thought Cale said hím, so burst into laughter. 

There were only two well-known cats sitting at the dining table, they looked at Cale with complicated eyes. Far away in the direction of Dark Forest, a jet-black creature in the sky roared. Its screams were gradually drowned out by a louder, more terrifying roar. People around within a 50 km radius could feel the panic to the extreme.

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