Chapter4: Fixing the problems

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Then the mother unicorn ran straight to Abigail's pharmacy. But she didn't remembered that today is Sunday. And on Sundays, Abigail stayed at home. When she arrived, she saw the pharmacy, but it has a sign and it said "CLOSED" Then she realized something (everyone must know what she was realizing), so she ran to Abigail's house. Abigail lives in a BIG MODERN MANSION. It has an elevator, 14 rooms, a swimming pool, a bar, a party room, a modern kitchen, a modern living room, a whole room filled with medicine and A LOT OF MONEY. She made a lot of money because she was popular in town.

The mother unicorn gasped. She thought doc Abigail was a normal unicorn, not a billionaire. She thought she was gonna die. Then she walked in the grand staircase that leads to the main door of Abigail's mansion. But before opening the door, she saw a large fountain on two sides of her house. She also saw a gate and A PLAYGROUND. And that playground is even bigger than the town's playground. So the mother unicorn now know the true identity of doc Abigail. She nervously ring the bell. Doc Abigail heard the bell, she was tired because she spent all night working on a new medicine. She slowly walked to the door and open it, and she saw the mother unicorn. The mother unicorn was VERY VERY VERY x1000000000 SURPRISED. She saw a very odd looking Abigail. Abigail usually looks very nice, but today, she looks like a completely new person. So she said quickly to Abigail "Um...Hi Abi, I'd like a medicine for my daughter that can reverse and a medicine that can make her nice, please"
Abi didn't understand a single word. The only thing that she heard was medicine, reverse and make her nice. So she grabbed the reverse and nice medicine for her.
She mother unicorn thanked her and run really fast back home. At home, Melissa was listening to music. But the sisters were making pizza for MELISSA. And their dad, he massaged Melody's feet. When the mother unicorn got home, she saw a huge mess. She told everyone to stop doing what they were doing. Then Melissa screamed "Dad! STOP BEING LAZY AND MASSAGE MY FEET PROPERLY." The mother unicorn didn't care she talked to Melissa that this medicine will give you massages. So she drank the medicine. And...
She became lazy again. And then, she fed Melissa the nice medicine. And the magic has begun!

Melissa became nice and...Ummm....Very sparkly.

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