Verses 1000 - 1500

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1000. Afterwards on the Ch'ien-t'ang River we'll meet."

After all day of care and medicament,

Kieu gradually recovered from her faint-death.

Standing almost ready by the bed net,

Dame Tu chose the gentlest words to comfort her:

1005. "We are all born with no more than one body,

You're like a young bloom with spring days long ahead.

There might've been somewhere an error or mistake,

Virtuous girls should not be forced to sex trade.

Now that you've overstepped here into this house,

1010. Lock yourself in room to wait for a matched spouse.

So long as you're still alive, you'll have your price,

You'll find a spouse from a worthy family.

Instead, what you've just done but builds up the guilt,

That not only hurts you but also harms me."

1015. Those insisting words whispered into Kieu's ears,

Seemed logical as to discern right from wrong.

Besides according to the girl in the dream,

Her misfortune was preordained by heaven.

If she did not pay off her debt in this life,

1020. It would be accumulated in the next.

At last the slut's words pervaded Kieu's weak heart,

"I don't want it either," she politely said.

"I will be lucky if your word is correct,

But will it be the same in the days ahead?

1025. Lest in carousals I should entertain guests,

I'd rather die in honor than live in shame!"

Madam said: "Take your time, my girl, and you'll see,

Not a play or lie those heart-felt things of mine.

If later by my words I do not abide,

1030. Let me be judged by the overhead sunshine."

Thinking madam's promise really serious,

Kieu felt relieved gradually nevertheless.

In front of the Jade Hall where Kieu was locked in,

The far hill and the near moon shared the same space.

1035. Casting eyes at four sides of the immense sky,

She saw but dunes of gold sand, miles of red dirt.

All ashamed she faced the dawn clouds and dusk lights,

Her heart divided by love and nostalgia.

She thought of her sworn man in the moonlit nights,

1040. Who was now languishing in wait of her news.

While she was trapped alone on this remote land,

When will her heart be cleansed of his truthful love?

She thought of her parents by the door waiting,

Who'd fan them in summer warm them in winter?

1045. In the home yard, after so much shine and wind,

Were they still healthy or the worst had arrived[26]?

Glumly she glimpsed at the port in the twilight,

Whose erring boat was flitting its sail afar?

Glumly she stared at the froths of coming waves,

1050. Where were they flowing, those drifted poor flowers?

Glumly she stared at the fields of dreary grass,

That merged into the blueness of land and cloud.

Glumly she stared at winds twisting on the bay,

That around her thrashed waves into roaring sounds.

1055. Surrounded by alien mountains and waters,

Sad of exile, she chanted a four-verse poem.

While she was letting down the beaded curtain,

An answering poem was heard beyond the wall.

The bard was a young man of blossoming age,

1060. With well groomed appearance of refined attire.

She thought him a scholar of good family,

He was So Khanh, instead, upon inquiry.

Seeing her figure flit across the curtain,

He was at once attached inseparably.

1065. "Hellas!" Grumbled he: "Great perfume and beauty!

It's sorry that she falls down this humble place.

Your price is high up on the moon in the clouds,

Why are you so mortifying yourself, flower?

Within myself, I'm angry at old heaven,

1070. And my heart's feelings, will yours stoop to listen?

If ever has the lady met the hero,

He'd help her easily get out of her cage!"

The outer windows had already been shut,

She still heard echo in her ears his firm words.

1075. She thought of So Khanh and then of her stalemate,

His nice compassion lessened her helplessness.

If she continued to lead a life like this,

When would her miserable plight terminate?

She would risk sending him a couple of words,

1080. Asking his kind hands to save her drowned body.

She wrote him a note telling all her story,

From her home disaster to her own exile.

As soon as the morning dew just disappeared,

She had the letter sent through to him somewhere.

1085. When in the west the pallid sun was dying,

A response letter arrived with his tidings.

Quickly she tore open the godsend letter,

Inside were plainly written two coded words,

Which Kieu at length succeeded to decipher:

1090. The date was set at nine on twenty-first.

Late night birds were hurrying home to the woods,

The camellia was hiding half the moon.

The branches' shades were stirring on the east wall,

So Khanh came in, forcing through the windowpanes.

1095. All embarrassed she ventured out to greet him,

She bowed to him, then with tender behavior,

"I'm but a lentil-and-foam girl," She whispered:

"Astray from my flock and stranded in this place.

Hence your rescue will bring me to life from death,

1100. This great favor of yours I'll never forget!"

He listened, nodded, then babbled his bombast,

"It's me but no other who'll do the rescue!

Lady, perhaps you have heard my fame, have you?

I'm resolved to flatten this sea of grievance!"

1105. She said: "Everything depends on your favor,

Please tell me how and I'm ready to follow.

He said: "I have a wind-chasing stallion,

And a bodyguard of stalwart tradition.

We'll take flight when people have no precautions.

1110. That's the best ruse among the thirty-six ones.

Even in violent winds and torrential rains,

You'll be perfectly safe and sound in my hands!"

She turned suspicious at these arrogant words,

But it was too late for her to change the course.

1115. She closed her eyes and ventured to step forwards,

Giving up to whatever fate would turn out.

With furtive steps they scurried down the staircase,

Then her horse after his, they galloped away.

Time elapsed as the autumn night was fading,

1120. The wind stripped the trees and the hill hid the moon,

The worn grass pathway was blurred by mist vapor,

Her nostalgic heart ached at each pace of road.

Then mixed in the hurriedly pressing cocks' crows,

Were the chasing men's loudly resounding shouts.

1125. While she was still throbbing and shaking in fright.

So Khanh steered his horse abruptly out of sight.

Left by herself Kieu did not know what to do,

On the ups and downs of the woods terrified.




Heaven was so cruel and merciless hence,

1130. Such a spotless and pious girl to torment!

Surrounded by a group of brutal people,

She was helpless at the dead end of escape.

Madam hurled herself directly to the place,

And had her escorted back to the whorehouse.

1135. Without any word of interrogation,

The bawd mercilessly tortured her victim.

As a normal flesh-and-bone human being,

How could she stand the pains so agonizing?

She knelt down to confess and beg for mercy,

1140. Bending her ripped back, bowing her blooded head,

Saying: I'm but a girl of slim destiny,

Alone and away from home and family.

Now the decision is yours, my life or death,

Whatever it'll be, I'm willing to accept!

1145. I do not mind any more about myself,

My fate's done, but how about your capital?

As an eel not caring of its head dirtied,

From now on I won't mind my virginity!"

The wench took advantage of Kieu's concession,

1150. Forcing a warrantor and a commitment.

There was in the house an inmate named Ma Kieu,

Who, out of compassion, risked to guarantee.

The wench kept on reproaching rigorously,

And only pardoned when her demands were met.

1155. Helping Kieu to an inner room for a rest,

Ma Kieu discreetly conveyed her confidence:

"You've been cheated into the predicament!

How don't you know the true nature of So Khanh?

That notoriously unfaithful lover,

1160. Who's himself buried many perfumed flowers.

Fake Rescue's the name of their used maneuver,

They're not new, this couple of witch and medium.

She should have handed him somewhat thirty liangs,

To have him make up the scene and play the role.

1165. You'll see, he immediately turns about,

You'd better save words, don't argue, it's no use."

Kieu said: "With his gravely-sworn words anyhow,

I didn't think he'd have been a vicious guy."

While she was still thinking about how and why,

1170. His brazen face was seen appear from somewhere,

He raised his voice as if widely to declare:

"I'm told that a certain harlot at this place,

Spreading rumor that I enticed her away,

Have a look at my face to see who I am."

1175. Kieu said: "It's all right that everything's all right!

If nothing's happened, I agree it's nothing!"

The shameless swindler thundered his fake scolding,

Broke in and readied to resort to violence.

Kieu said: "May high heaven know what has happened!

1180. Who seduced, who enticed, who was the guilty?

Shoving me down the deep pool without mercy,

Uttering words then swallowing them at once.

I still keep your hand-written note of escape,

It's no other one but certainly your face."

1185. Her straight words were heard by a crowd in and out,

They blamed his dishonesty and perfidy.

Being caught a betrayer red-handedly,

All ashamed he chose the way of withdrawal.

Back in her room, Kieu drenched her sorrows in tears,

1190. She thought of herself and felt deeply sorry:

"So now my crystal-pure and snow-white body,

Is battered and tattered like all the others!

Sad or happy it's a human existence,

But why ill fate always befalls on women?

1195. Since I did not lead a virtuous former life,

I must amend my wrongdoings nowadays.

It's over and the vase's broken anyway,

Therefore I'll pay off this life debt once for all!"

Then on occasion of a clear moonlit night,

1200. Madam stopped by Kieu's room and at length advised:

"Entertainment art requires lots of practice,

And courtesans got to know all the techniques."

Kieu said: "When winds and rains are due to ravage,

If there's no way to avoid, I have to risk."

1205. The wench reproved: "If every service's the same,

Why people keep coming to spend money here?

There're lots of exciting things in this career,

That ensnare men at day, enthrall them at night.

My daughter, learn by heart the following drills:

1210. There're seven conduct steps and eight service skills.

Serve him till he's tired and satiated,

Till stone's mesmerized and life's captivated.

Now throw your sharp glance, now frown your curved brows,

Now chant in praise of moon, now laugh at flowers.

1215. Those skills are exclusive methods of our house,

Acquire all of them and you'll be all-around."

Kieu obeyed timidly to the sex lesson,

But her brows got frown and her cheek became pale.

Madam's words flushed her just only by hearing

1220. Such bizarre merciless and horrendous things!

What a pity for a girl of dignity,

To learn as beginner those obscenities!

What a shameful brazen face she would become,

The lowest scale a human being could be!

1225. What a pity for her misplaced destiny!

Helpless as she was in the hands of others.




Now the brothel rolled down her new rosy drape,

The dearer her price, the higher her value.

As bees and butterflies swarmed in customers,

1230. Plunging her in night-through revels and pleasures.

Busy as leaf blown by wind, branch perched with birds,

At dawn she saw off Tsong[27], at dusk looked for Tchang[28],

When awake from drunkenness or night slumber,

She startled and bitterly pitied herself.

1235. How she had been then a silk-and-brocade girl,

How she was now a tattered mid-road flower.

Her face beaten by wind and thickened with mist,

Her body by men utterly exploited.

In spite of their carnal fondle and caress,

1240. She did not know a small bit of happiness!

Still when savoring fresh wind by the flowers,

Or watching the moon through the snow-covered pane,

The scene was by its nature melancholic,

Or it was not cheerful when one was in grief!

1245. At times she'd draw a picture or write a poem,

Play music in the moon or chess by the bloom.

But hers was only a forced jubilation,

Since no friend was there to share her enjoyment.

Unmoved to winds in bamboo or rains on plum,

1250. She was instead beset by hundreds of cares,

Obsessed with secret fresh and old memories,

That messed without rumpling, ached without whipping!

Now she thought of her munificent parents,

Who were getting older with elapsing days.

1255. From their deep-sunk river and far-flung mountain,

Had they ever known this status of her fate?

Her siblings were still too young and innocent,

To substitute her taking care of parents.

Now she missed the man of her life commitment,

1260. Far away had he known her predicament?

When he came home looking for his engaged girl,

Her spring bloom had been plucked for man's diversion.

May his zeal be returned by Van's affection,

Had she joined him in their conjugal union?

1265. That first love, like silk, kept entangling her heart,

And dreams of her home kept haunting her long nights.

Alone and hopeless she sat by the window,

Watching dusk follow dusk at the horizon.

As moon hare and sun crow chased one another,

1270. She felt sorry for those in the League of Doom[29]!

These women, with inborn beauty and talent,

Were subjected to ruin for compensation!

Exiled to a destiny of dust-and-wind,

They should be disgraced once before forgiven!

1275.Then there was among tourists a gentleman,

Named Ky-Tam Thuc- a scholar of tradition.

A native of Hsi District in Ch'ang county[30],

Followed his dad and had a shop at Lin-tzu.

A long-time enthusiast of Kieu's beauty,

1280. He found his way there and had his card sent in.

On his first sight of her bloom face at the blind,

He fell in love with each of her traits and styles.

Like a fresh camellia on its young stem,

She got more magnificent in spring weather.

1285. Moon and bloom, captivated by each other,

Who could restrain oneself in a spring love night?

It's no strange that what concurs comes together,

They were so attached that none could separate.

From dawn to dusk they were two amorous mates,

1290. Who turned their sexual game to a truthful love.

Then came a fortunate opportunity,

It was time his father went back his homeland.

More mesmerized than ever by his passion,

Sinh spent most of his time beside his sweetheart.

1295. Now on windy terrace, now in moonlit yard,

They toasted wine and traded poetic rhymes.

While sensing dawn incense or tasting noon tea,

They either played chess or concerted their lutes.

Giving themselves up to the pleasures' pursuit,

1300. They fell deeper in love through mutual knowledge.

What a wonder it was the wave of her eyes,

Which could easily make collapse a nation!

Thuc Sinh, extolled to the sky by the madam,

Wasted thousands of gold for his girl's laughter.

1305. Hence lured by greed for copper coins' stale odor,

The wench tried to add more hues to Kieu's color.

Beneath the moon, cuckoos were crying summer,

Above the walls, pomegranates shot their blooms.

For her leisure within her private chamber,

1310. Kieu dropped the rosy drape for a perfume bath.

What a statue of crystal and ivory!

A masterpiece of nature, her nude body.

The more he contemplated, the more he praised,

To his love, he wrote a T'ang poem.

1315. She said: "I really understand your feelings,

These nice words of gemstone and lines of brocade.

Good or bad, I should have something in return,

But since my thought has flown back to my hometown,

And my heart's still tracking my sky's yellow clouds,

1320. For a reply to your poem, I owe you now."

Sinh said: "How weird and abnormal your word is!

Are you not the daughter of madam owner?"

Her autumn-lake eyes turned sad more than ever,

She poured forth the gloomy thoughts of her doomed plight:

1325. "Just a flower fallen off its bough I'm like,

And courting 'round for fun you're a butterfly.

As you are married with wife and family,

Don't waste your scarce time asking at length of me."

Sinh said: "From the very first day I met you,

1330. My heart's been heavy with a love authentic;

Because I'm resolved to consummate my wish,

That I've inquired about your identity."

Kieu said: "Ten thousand thanks for your caring heart,

But it's not easy in our situations.

1335. You've lingered for a time in this house of mirth,

You love the flower for the hue of its face,

Then the blossom will wilt and the scent will fade,

Will you keep unchanged your former loving heart?

Besides there's already on the moon's threshold,

1340. Lady Phoebe[31]- your wife- who rules your household.

Two of you've been so far attached together,

A woman plus will divide your unity.

Don't let a weed-and-cloud drifting girl like me,

To affect the happiness of your marriage.

1345. Hundred troubles because of me will happen,

Who'll replace me to stand heaven's punishment?

Even if you're in control of your household,

You can protect me but one tenth of the whole.

In case the wife has more power than the man,

1350. The poor victim will be at the lioness' jaws.

I'll be disgraced at the mercy of your wife,

Whose jealousy is three-fold harsher than fire.

Above there's still your dad, the powerful senior,

Will he look down on poor me with compassion?

1355. Or just see me as some kind of wild flower,

And force me back to the former whorehouse.

Then two of us will look filthy and hideous,

My lot is so but how about your honor.

If you love me, have a perfect solution,

1360. I'll go with your satisfactory option."

Sinh said: "Your word is only speculation!

Have you not ever seen through my truthful heart?

Don't fear any fanciful difficulties,

Everything about our marriage, entrust me.

1365. Once we are together who can separate?

I've made up my mind and I'll risk any storm."

Likewise they exchanged all recommendations,

Citing mountain and sea as witness of oaths.

The night was too short for their intimate talks,

1370. Outside the moon had been hid by the west hill.




By the excuse of an outdoor promenade,

Sinh escorted her girl to a hiding place.

War or peace he had two strategies ready,

Advice from lawyer, information from spies.

1375. He sent words to the wench for a solution,

She compromised due to her weak position.

He paid money as ransom and got the girl,

And had her record signed by the official.

Now public and private problems had been solved,

1380. Kieu at last pulled her nymph feet out of the mire.

They joined under the same roof as man and wife,

Whose mutual loves were like ocean and river.

Her pervasive perfume roused his ardent fire,

That in return made her pearly beauty shine.

1385. Half a year of conjugal life just gone by,

The yard's dark-green planes were mixed with yellow leaves,

And young blossoms'd just shot from hedge shrubberies,

When Sinh's father was seen back from his village.

Wildly furious over his son's marriage,

1390. Curbing pity, he tried to spit the couple.

He explained and analyzed the right and wrong,

And ordered that she be back to the brothel.

In the face of his father's strict forthright words,

Sinh risked himself entreating for empathy:

1395. "I know my deplorable mistake, daddy,

That deserves the sternest penalty on earth.

My hands have by mistake dipped in indigo,

All lost, I don't know how to find the right road.

Since we've been man and wife for more than one day,

1400. I have no heart to break the marital tie.

In case you're adamant in your decision,

Instead of betrayal I'd rather risk my life."

Boiled with anger on his son's obstinate word,

Old Thuc knelt at public office to report.

1405.Then on the flat earth thundered a tsunami,

District office issued summons of query.

They both were to follow the district gendarmes,

To kneel and bow in the district office court.

They looked up at the severe black-iron face[32]

1410. Of the judge who proclaimed those words harsh and grave:

"That man foolishly leads a debauched living,

And that wench commits acts of adultery.

A kind of wasted and discarded flower,

Who used to trick people with scent and powder.

1415. Based on the position of the complainant,

Nothing's been satisfactorily settled.

In pursuance to law we reach the judgment,

That one of two ways is up to her to choose:

Either she stays and faces law's punishment,

1420. Or she be returned to her green pavilion."

She said: "My resolution has been taken!

Not to be trapped once more in the spider's web.

Soiled or clean, it is my flesh and blood body,

Weak and naive, I'm resigned to the court's fury."

1425. The judge ordered: "Be the state's law carried out!"

They cangued her neck, tied her hands and chained her feet.

She stood torture without cry of innocence,

Her cheeks paled and her brows knitted because of pain.

On the floor of mud and dust she lay writhing,

1430. Her clear face blurred and her thin body skinny.

And Thuc was also an object of pity,

He watched the scene with a heart full of sorrow.

He cried: "All this disaster because of me!

If I obeyed her then, she's not at fault now.

1435. My shallow heart did not care to think deeply,

And she now has to bear all the penalty."

Overhearing Thuc's moaning of grievances,

The judge was touched and asked about his story.

In tears he then expressed himself politely,

1440. All details from the day of their acquaintance:

"She did previously reckon the consequence,

And foretold she would be victimized one day.

'Tis my fault to ransom her and bring her home,

That she's to suffer all this calamity."

1445. Thuc's touching story got the judge's pity,

Who softened his sternness and showed a way out,

"Be it true," Said he. "What you've told me about,

Though a harlot, she knows what is right and wrong."

Sinh said: "This woman of drifting destiny,

1450. Knows a little literature and poetry."

The judge smiled and said: "A poet if she be!

Let her show her skill via the theme of a cangue."

She obeyed and raised the brush into a poem,

Then offered it before the mandarin's desk.

1455. The judge praised: "This poem dwarfs the High T'ang[33]'s best!

Such beauty and skill exceed thousands of gold!

A girl of beauty and a man of talent,

What pair of man and wife is more excellent?

Henceforth stop harboring anger and rancor,

1460. That but disrupt the rhythm of harmony.

Once you brought one another to the Court's door,

Reason is external but love is at core.

Son and girl-in-law are family's children,

So set down the resentment and end the mess."

1465. He then ordered the wedding celebration,

Carried in bridal couch under the torched lights,

Followed by a band of mirthful musicians,

The new weds were brought to the nuptial chamber.

By the esteem for her virtue and talent,

1470. Old Thuc also put aside his chastisement.

Perfume of lilies and orchids filled the home,

Old bitterness made room for true happiness.




So they indulged in morning wine and noon chess,

Till plum lost its fresh and lotus got its green.

1475. In their private room during a quiet night,

Kieu timidly expressed her concern and fright:

"Since I was lucky to be your concubine,

Wild geese went swallows came and a year has passed.

Not a word has been heard from your family,

1480. You're warm with your mistress and cool with your wife.

I think her silence very noticeable,

Since no one care about hushing the rumor.

I've overheard the woman of your household

Is a person of rules and regulations.

1485. These abnormal ones are utterly fearsome,

Like sea and river, their hearts hard to fathom!

Our affair has lasted almost one year round,

It can't by any means be hidden from her.

Up to now, you've not heard from home anything,

1490. Or something unsafe has happened from within?

Please hurry home to her in the shortest time,

First to please her, second to sound her thinking.

Keeping concealed for long our amorous tale,

Or putting it off in time will surely fail."

1495. In compliance with her sensible advice,

Sinh reluctantly resolved to return home.

At dawn he reported his plan to old Thuc,

Who also urged him to expedite his trip.

To drink their farewell cups of separation,

1500. They strolled from home to the site of leave-taking.

The Ch'in River stretched into a bluish patch,

Where sparse willows drooped their branches of longing.

They held each other's hands sighing and moaning,

Parting staled their wine and leaving choked their words.

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