He left?

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This is the chapter I have promised to write. Guys. I am really sorry for this chapter. So uhhhh Yeah! ROU OUT!

"Mikasa! Mikasa!" I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes and saw Armin.
"What is it? And where is Eren?" I asked. Looking beside me, Eren was gone. He didn't say anything. My brother came in. He handed me a piece of paper with letters scribled on it.
"Levi?" I questioned my brother.
"Read it Mikasa." Connie and Sasha came in. I just notticed something. Why was every one wrapped up in bandages?
"Are you guys ok?" I asked them.
"Please Mikasa. Just read the letter." Armin hung his head down low.
I opened it up. It was from eren.
dear Mikasa,
Its me, Eren. I'm sorry that I had to write this letter. By the time you're reading this I have been taken to the enemies base. I managed to write this letter before they took me away. In order to protect you and the scouts, I have to sadly say that I am joining the dark side. Now before you go running out to find me I am in a much safer place no so do not worry for me. I am sorry I didn't wake you up to say goodbye one last time. We may mever meet again, but remember, I am always beside you. That red scarf is the red string of fate. I gave you that red scarf to repersent that no matter where I am, I will always be beside you. I really really love you Mikasa. warte auf mich.(hehe :D)
                      Scincerly, Eren Jäger

I held the letter tightly. A thought came into my mind.
"Armin, were is Hikari and Yaiba?" I asked him. He looked up then tears started to flow out of his eyes. He then colapsed on to the ground. I started to cry too.
"Armin please answer me." I asked him.
"Commander Rou Hikari and Captain Kuroi Yaiba. Leader of the 104th scouts! Has died in order to protect us!" He shouted. I was left speechlest.
"Eren jäger. Has been taken and betrayed us to protect Levi Ackerman, Armin alert, Sasha braus, Connie springer and
Mikasa Ackerman!" Connie shouted and cried. I cried as hard as I can.
"Was anyone else hurt." I asked. Levi's eyes were tearing up.
"Buntaichou, H-hanji Z-zöe was taken with Eren to become a scientist to help research on medication and poison at 3 a.m Japan time!" Levi cried. He was crying. I could tell he loved hanji so much. He had never cried like that before. Even when mother died he only shed 1 tear. I cried as levi dragged me back to japan. I demanded him to take me back to Germany to find Eren but he never did. I understood and quiet down. He couldn't afford to lose anymore members of his family, of his love ones.

Love is powerfull physicaly, mentally and emotionally. Love could lead us to amazing things make us break past our limits for that one person. But, love could also hurt you. Cherish everything you have so you don't want to regret it. Go tell you're fanily you love them before you never get a chance to see them anymore. Even when there seems to be people who doesn't love you. You're hand will still be tied in a red srting of fate. People and animals are deserved to be lovedbtreat people carfully and you would akso be treated the same. That is the meaning of love.

~~~~The End~~~~

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