"Searching for the lost ones..but what ?"

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If you see this before..you're not- plz this is a rewrite cuz Wattpad delete the chapter *cry* , :((((
Me and Thesimplestguy suffer for this-
Preview of the last chapter :
The island may have no name but people here called it...
"This cause Nami and Robin to be confusion and curious , they tries to ask the people more about it , but they said that the only thing they knows , some seems to be knows very well about the island but decide to stayed slient about it.."
"Both Nami and Robin failed to find and leads about the island"
"Nami feels an urge to not stay here any longer as she feels something off about this entire group of people who don't even know about the Island they living in"
"While Robin had slight nervousness due to the lack of infomation but curious enough to not bother about it"
"Both Nami and Robin thought to come to a conclusion that it might be safe of whatever that is hidden about this island"
"But then Robin made Nami remember about their dumby dumbo captain and marimo swordsman"
"Nami sighs in disbelief..They decided not to tell anything to the rest of the crew for now on.."
"The only thing that mattered right now was finding Luffy and Zoro"
"The ladies returned to where the rest are at , the task at hand was now to go find Zoro and Luffy , after Nami instructed all of them , the only ones to stayed and guard the Thousand Sunny was Brook and Jinbei , who is still on their elders's talk , Franky just stayed becuz he wants to fix Sunny a little"
"Rest of the crew began running all around the island in desperate attempt to look where the 2 might have gone to"
"Of course as usual Chopper being worried about both of them , especially Luffy's hunger ( Um..emergency food lmao- )
"Sanji angry and refering the lost duo as his shitty captain and marimo , Usopp scared and worried as usual"
Robin god forbid or whatever it is goes on   her face doesn't go in the inside but you could feel a bit of worry and Nami who  usually not give a damn was also worried due to the mysterious island"
"Luffy and Zoro got lost in a cave ( didn't know how tf did they do that but yeah- ) which was absolutely dark , hitting each other all the time"
"Suddenly there was a decent and both started rolling towards what seemed to be an infinitely deep"
"Zoro hit his head and legs on various places while doing this , but Luffy just bounced off due to him being rubber"
"After a lot of beating from the rough ride down, Luffy and Zoro both end up at a place with managing huge encrypted walls having symbols similar to Poneglyphs"
"Both having no clue what to do next , typical Luffy just casual goes with his Gomu Gomu no Rocket and hits the wall like door with haki , but it simply bounced off , but this time Zoro was able to dodge it"
"But both not noticing Luffy just hit a button embedded into the wall and causing loud sound like a mechanism about to open"
"Meanwhile somewhere on the surface , Usopp running around with Chopper , and Nami suddenly hears some vibration falls straight down an opening which seemed to have opened due to someone will lol-"
"Nami was able to get Usopp's hand before he fell , Chopper transformed and help Ussop survive , during Ussop screamed as loud as he could make an apparent Navy base alert siren"
"Hearing this Robin and Sanji make way towards them and then the 3 crewmates Jinbei , Franky ,Brook also went to see what was the commotion"
"Reaching the hole , they saw Usopp almost laying down like he had a stroke"
"Even though Nami almost fell into and didn't want to do anything about it , she couldn't ignore the fact that Robin told them that they should go into the hole as they are more likely to find Zoro and Luffy lost somewhere secluded"
"We return back to the strawhats above surface skeptical , excited , curious about the unknown entrances that just popped up seemingly leading to no end"
Usopp in regular fashion tells : "Its probably a road to hell !!"
"Nami isn't scared but she isn't sure if this would be safe , meanwhile Robin is hella curious as this is about something she has never learnt"
"Finally when Jinbei , Franky and Brook arrive at the scene"
"They decide to explore it to get chances of finding their missing crewmate and captain , maybe something about the island itself"
"Sanji states if Luffy was there , he would have taken his hands around everyone and jumped down in typical fashion , but here they instead slowly made it down with help of Franky's newly made ladder tool that extends as long as possible"
"Strawhats make it to the pitch black part beyond their vision where use a light to see around , Chopper seemed to step on something which closed the path above them making the ladder tool to fall down due to vibration"
"Ussop and Nami in panic run forwards , hitting a wall with pushablr brick"
"The ground below them started moving side ways revealing a secret path along where Ussop and Chopper slip , Robin was able to catch Usopp with her df but seeing 'Nami-swan' go down..Sanji slides down pulling , Usopp and rest of the crew follow , even in such a dire situation Brook tells that when hes gonna slide against the floor , he will burn his skin even tho he doesn't have skin yohohoho ( SKULL JOKE XD )"
"All them quickly end up at a deeper and darker place , fortunately their landing was cushioned due to lot of large plants when they did land in a room , the torches lit up in such a manner as if it was pointing somewhere"
"Sanji and Robin leading way followed the torches and on seeing nearby they saw lot of footprints and debris , but not old seems like someone had been there"
"Eventually they come up to secluded almost the dead end part where they see 2 shadow figures murmuring to each other"
"Sanji gets ready to fight incase but when all strawhats entered the room gets lit up seemingly by an advanced device"
"With lighting , they finally saw the 2 figures none other than Zoro and Luffy being confused infront of a huge door"
"They meet each other in different emotions : Happy (Robin , Chopper) , Anger (Nami) , Annoyed (Usopp) and Sanji Insulting both or whatever it is marimo swordsman and his captain"
"Eventually they settle down and just talk about how they end up here , while Robin and Nami highly check out the mysterious door"
"Luffy and Zoro talk about how they entered a cave that led very deep , eventually while reaching here , Zoro also mentions that Luffy pressing a button by mistake"
"Which now made sense to the others of why is a hole on surface just opened , but the sliding of platform lighting of torch only at specific parts , it didn't bother most of them much but it seemed like it was planned to have them all here"
"The door Robin was inspecting was no Poneglyphs but nevertheless seemed even rarer , as she has never read or seen something like this before"
"Eventually she notices on the one side of the door they're engraving , they don't really make sense as it is in langauge apparently not from their world but also notices something of key interest"
"There were places for seemingly 10 palms but all different moreover they seemed to have a pattern to it"
"For a sec , Robin thought it might be just engraving or ways to tell people have been there , but when she comes across one of these engraving , it starts to glow and when she placed her hand it perfectly fit the engraving"
"The glow turned apparently somesort of line leading to the door"
"Seeing this , the other strawhats are mesmerized , Robin instructs all of them to find the palm engraving that perfectly allows their palms to fit in and glow"
"Most of them not really knowing what she seems to talking about , just obeyed her and also asked her about it , she told them it might be the way to open the door"
"Excitedly Luffy jumps around looking for his immediately"
"Soon all them find their respective engraving , but what seemingly bothered everyone was that all these engraving fit perfectly as if it was for them"
"Except for Luffy ofc"
"There alsos a palm engraving literally just bones :^"
"Brook just laughed off"
"Eventually when all place their hands on the engraves , their hands get surrounded by seemingly moving steel as if to prevent from moving , Nami and Robin panic but then calm down ( how tf- ) Chopper get scared and Usopp's soul leaves his body"
"Then all the glowing lines connect and the door starts making noises , the grips help on their hands to let go"
"Door starts opening but unlike typical fashion , it slides back then to the eachside splitting the door"
"The sight shocks everyone , it looks like a house but modern and very unreal design , even the royals won't possess"
"Making down the corridor , they eventually reach a room with a few eye catching objects"
"There a lot of places to sit and loads of paintings of each of them , objects that they are unable to identify , and a large black box , it was thin from side but huge from front , it looked like the screen at Viva Sabaody but seemed smaller and different"
"In midst of all confusions and curiosity , a voice speaks over them , startling everyone"
-To be continue :

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