Lucky x Hammy: Protecting what I love

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Only in english Fan fic!

'Hammy? Hammy!? Wake up!! Hammy!" The black haired lad screamed while shaking the girl in his arms constantly.

"Hammy! Don't leave us! Don't leave us please! Don't leave me, please!" The red lion cried.

"Lucky, lets go! Do you want to die or something!? Lets go! The planet is going to blow up!" The wolf shouted.

"I'm not leaving Hammy here alone!" The lion growled at the blue wolf.

Lucky! Lucky! Lucky!

"Lucky, wake up!" Hammy's voice shouted followed by her signature slap.

"BAH!" Lucky shouted as he woke up from the sofa.

"Haha! "Bah"? What's that?" Hammy laughed and gave him a slap on his back.

"Ah, no. I had a nightmare so- uh- blah?" The lad stumbled.

"Pfft- thats hilarious!! Haha!! Lucky, was the dream that bad? You're words isn't making any sense." Hanmy laughed.

"Yeah, it was...." Lucky answered as he looked down.

"Lucky? What was the dream about?" Hammy asked as she placed her hand on Lucky's back.

"Hammy-" Before Lucky could say anymore, commander Shou appeared and ordered them to return back in the main control room to discuss some issues.

"Commander? What is it? Its rare to see you interupt our break time." Spada asked taking off his apron. He clearly wasn't happy about being called away before he could finish baking his cake.

"Don armage has created another ruckuss on earth. This time, he's planning to destroy it once and for all." Raptor explained.

"Now then, shall we spin the kyulet to see who's taking on this mission?" He commander said as he spun the kyulet. The kyulet shot out three kyutama as it rolled on the table.

"Well then it is decided. Hammy, Lucky and Garu will be deaparting as soon as possible." Commander Shou said.

"Okyuu!" The three of them said as they departed in their voyages.

"Lucky? Are you ok? You seem to be worried about something." Garu asked and that caught Hammy's attention.

"Huh? Ah- no, its ok. We should hurry." Lucky said and sped up in front of the two.

"Ah! This is annoying me! Lucky, wait for us!" Hammy shouted as she sent her ship flying in front. Once they've landed on earth their voyages disappeared as they walked out.

"Everything seemed to be normal." Hammy said as she looked around. Suddenly, a rear of light shot towards the girl and took her by suprise.

"Hammy!" Lucky jumped in front of her and deflected the bullet away from them.

"Where is it comming from?" Garu said looking around just to find nothing.

"Is it, invicible?" Hammy asked as she stood back to back with Lucky.

"Lets change first." Lucky said as he took out his Kyuutama, the other two did the same. As they placed the globe in bullets started to fly around them.

"Hammy! Go invisible!" Lucky shouted as he pushed her away from a bullet.

"What about you two!?" Hammy asked as she stood up.

"We'll manage somehow! Just do it! And start punching around!" Lucky said and Garu nodded. Hammy then went invisible and started to punch around.

"Star change!" The two shouted as they changed into kyurangers. The bullets sundenly stoped as Hammy started to punch around.

"I got him!" Hammy shouted as she turned visible again.

"You idiot!" Lucky shouted as he ran towards Hammy. At the same time Garu flew at the enemy and attacked him. Before Garu got to him, he managed to shoot Hammy. However, without think Lucky shielded her and took the bullet. As the bullet shot through him, the kyuranger suit disappeared as he started to fall down. Luckily, Hammy caught him and fell helped him stand up. But with his weight she collapsed on her knees with him.

"Lucky!!" Garu and Hammy both shouted.

Garu attacked him with various attacks making the enemy weak. Garu and Hammy then finished him off with the galaxy blast.

"Lucky, Lucky!" Hammy shook him but no response was heard.

"Hammy, you get him back to the base, I'll handle the big guy." Garu said as he activated his voyage.

"I'll leave it to you then." Hammy said and took off in her own voyger with Lucky's arm over her shoulder.

"Lucky, hold on." Hammy whispered as she went full speed back to the base. When she arrived at the base, Lucky was immediatly transfered into the infermary for his wounds needed to be treated. After a long 10 hours, it was around 12 am. Hammy entered the room where Lucky laid on a bed with gauze wrapped around his abdomen. She walked in and sat down on the stool next to his bed. She took a good look at his face. It looks relaxed and tensed at the same time(is that possible?)

"You idiot! What were you thinking? You're a role modle for the group and now you hurt yourself! Who's going to lead the fights now?" Hammy whispered as she held Lucky's hand.

"You idiot." She repeated as she laid her head down on the bed. She was admiring how big his hand was compared to her's. His hand was suprisingly smooth. Unlike her's, she'd been training as a shinobi for over 2 decades or so.

"You're always protecting me. Why do you risk your life for me like that?" Hammy said gripping the bed sheets harder.

"I'm only protecting what I love." Lucky spoke up. Hammy sprung up and pushed her stool and herself away as her face turned bright red.

"W-what are you saying? Are you having dreams again?" Hammy said as she stood up.

"No, I'm not having dreams again, Hammy. I'm telling you the truth. I'm only protecting what I love." Lucky said holding her hand so that Hammy sits back down.

"Hammy, I love you. From the first time I met you, I felt the need ro protect you from the dangerous things in the world. I just want you to give me a chance to protect what I love." Lucky said as he held both of Hammy's hand as he looked into her eyes. Hammy knew that Lucky was dead serious about this topic. His I told her everything. Lucky slowly leaned over to Hammy and she did the same there were hesitation but once their lips touched, everything was clear. There were no need for words they knew clearly what they want and what completes them. They suddenly realized what they were doing and quickly parted.

"Lucky, you idiot. You're being selfish here. You have to let me protect what I love too. You're a king of a planet and I'm a mere Shinobi. I have to be protecting you." Hammy said as she hid her face behind her hands.

"I don't want you to be a mere shinobi working to protect me. I want you to be my queen and help me rule that planet." Lucky said as he took her hands away to see Hammy's red face.

"Let me be selfish for a while. Spoil me and let me get what I want." Lucky smirked as Hammy opened her eyes and looked at his face.

"I love you, Hammy." Lucky said as he lifted Hammy's chin up so she would be looking at him.

"I love you too, Lucky." Hammy said as she touched her forhead with his.

"Pfft- you're too serious!" Hammy laughed as she held her stomach.

"Yosha Lucky! This shows you that I can be serious for once!" Lucky said as he punched the air only to wince in pain due to his wound.

"Ah- you idiot, don't move!" Hammy said as she whacked Lucky's head.

"You two should stop flirting with eachother and go to sleep. Its 1 in the morning." Spada yawned.

"Yeah, and pay attention to your surroundings too." Champ said.

"Eh!? Why is everyone here?!" Hammy sprang up and hid behind the bed.

"Because Lucky was too loud." Stinger said.

"You two are giving me goosebumps." Kotaro complained.

"GO TO SLEEP, KIDS!!" Commander yelled.

"BLEURGH!" Commander Shou yelled as his back cracked.

"Well, we'll leave you two alone now." Garu said as he kicked everyone out of the room.

"You know, Hammy. I would love to see everyone laugh like that everyday." Lucky chuckled to himself.

"Yeah, it'll be nice." Hammy said.

"I want to protect this. But I want to protect you more than anything." Lucky said as he smiled Hammy. A smile that only Hammy gets.

"Then I'll leave my life in your hands, Lucky." Hammy smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


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