97 - Unsentimental

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Chapter 97 - Unsentimental

Translator: Yonnee


I woke up to an intense stream of sunlight shining down on my face, stinging my eyes. Stretching out made me realize just how stiff my body was, then as I opened my eyes, I had a sudden thought.

"Did I just drift off like that yesterday?"

I couldn't remember meeting Mary again. Despite how tired I had been, it's a bit flustering because I never acted like that before. I can't believe I didn't even notice her presence...

Looking down, I saw that even my clothes had been changed to a nightgown, so Mary must have stopped by. That was even more surprising. I couldn't even remember changing.

"Did I exert myself too much from guiding him?"

Maybe I spent too much energy because we don't match well. But still, did I really overwork myself to the point that I passed out like that?

I still had some sense as to how guiding worked due to my experience from the past, but I had to wonder if guiding was a little different here compared to how it was in Korea.

Getting out of bed, I pulled the curtains aside, and given the height of the sun, it didn't seem like it's still morning.

"It's already noon... I guess that's why Mary isn't here."

The sun was already up so I found it strange that she hadn't come, but maybe my parents stopped her from waking me up early.

Feeling a bit warm, I opened the window. However, I heard something.

As I looked out the window and checked, the first person I saw was Ciel. He stood tall and dignified just as he usually did, but I disliked how eye-catching he was virtually wherever he went.

Aiden was here with him. He talked a little more and handed a bouquet to the butler. Then, he went back to the carriage.

Watching for a moment, I then turned around and pulled the bedside rope. As if waiting for the signal, Mary came in while bringing a simple meal for me. The butler went inside together with her as well.

"Milady, pardon me, but..."

The butler trailed off, not knowing what to say. Perhaps Dad left him with instructions. Of course, I also had no intention of receiving whatever Ciel would give me, but the flowers did nothing wrong, and the butler wasn't guilty either.

"Mary, take the flowers and put them in a vase."

"Oh my, isn't this the very coveted gisella rose? The color matches your hair to a T, Milady."

The pink gisella roses that he had given to me as a gift were, unlike other roses, peculiarly scarlet. And just as Mary noted, the hue was certainly close to my hair color.

"Huh? There's a black rose, too. There's just one, but it must have cost a pretty penny. What should we do with it, Milady? It got hidden behind the wrapping paper, but... Was it included by mistake?"

As I was eating a single grape just then, I turned around when I heard Mary say this. Mary was carrying the flowers to a vase and showed me a black rose that's as dark as the night.

"Can you hand that over to me?"

"Here you go, Milady."

Considering how the thorns had been removed, it must not have been included by mistake. I let out a short burst of laughter. I couldn't help but know that he sent this black rose on purpose.

"You weren't this sentimental of a man before."

It would be a lie to say that I wasn't moved by this little gift, which I wouldn't dare imagine receiving if we were back in the past.

This was a gesture that the only man who still knew Seohyun from the past would give.

When looking for a similarity between the real Irene and I, perhaps it's the fact that no one really knew what our true circumstances were.

Twirling it round and round between my fingers, I stared at the black rose. Soon, however, I handed it back to Mary.

"Please put this in a separate vase."

"A separate one?"

"Yes, and..."

I hesitated for a moment before adding,

"Place it in my bedroom."

While finishing my meal, I told myself that it's not because he's the one who gave it to me, but it's because I was seeing a welcome color for the first time in a long while.

"Milady, shall I bring you a new set of casual clothes?"


Maybe it's because I slept like a log last night, but I was feeling very stiff. After contemplating, I replied to Mary.

"Please prepare a riding suit for me. I want to practice shooting arrows."

"If the Madam finds out, she'll be worried..."

"It's only because I feel so refreshed after a good night's sleep. There's nothing for her to worry about."

"Right, you didn't even wake up when I changed your clothes yesterday, Milady..."

"Fufu, exactly. I don't remember a thing."

"But really... The Madam might scold you."

"It'll be fine."

Donning a comfortable riding suit, I took out the bow that I had been keeping separately-it was the bow that Ciel had bought for me, which left me with complicated feelings about it.

In any case, I packed my bow and katar daggers, then left the manor.

Instead of heading to the drill hall straight away, I stopped by to see Mom first. She'd definitely be worried, but at least she'd feel just a smidge more relieved if I showed my face before leaving.

"I wonder if Brother Morgan is already up."

I watched as his wounds healed up at a tremendous speed, so I surmised that he would be alright.

While looking for Mom, I came across her, the butler and a few other employees near the stable. She was talking to all of them, but she found me right away.


"Rin, how could you already be up and about?"

Mom hurried to my side, but her steps halted not long after.

At that moment, a colossal tremor shook through the land.

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