105 - Frail?

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Chapter 105 - Frail?

Translator: Yonnee


There's no way for me to ascertain it even though I myself was a Guide. Since there were no quantification machines here, unlike in Korea, the only way to find out if someone was a Guide or not was when a high-ranked Esper was right next to them.

I glanced at Ciel, which prompted him to approach the girl right away. It's as if he read my mind.

Then, Aiden went over this way. With the way he looked at the girl curiously, I was almost convinced that this girl was truly a Guide. But still, just to make sure, it had to be checked.

Ciel moved around the girl without saying a word. Whenever he got close to her, the girl's gaze turned to him. Strangely, watching them do this made me feel uncomfortable.

However, I didn't bother to find out what kind of emotions were underpinning this discomfort.

"Who is she?"

Aiden asked, his eyes carrying curiosity. The girl recognized Aiden as an aristocrat at first glance, and she bowed her head.

"My name is Rose, sir."

"What a pretty name."

Though feeling bashful that Ciel was so close to her, she held herself with caution and wariness. For Aiden, however, it was different. It didn't look like she found him difficult to face, perhaps because they were similar in age.

Watching the two of them, I soon walked towards Ciel and asked him quietly.

"What do you think?"

"Seems to be a low rank, but a Guide nonetheless."

"Is she doing any radial guiding?"

"Yes, and if she continues even more, it might take a lot of her strength..."

There were three Espers in the same vicinity after all. I stepped closer to Rose and held out my hand.

"Rose, where are your parents?"

"Ah, my house is the one with the red roof in the village. My parents have already returned home, and I was about to follow them, but..."

Rose trailed off then gestured towards Morgan.

"I see," I replied. "If you don't mind, and with your parents' permission, would it be alright if you come to my house for a while..."

"Me, Milady? To the Fief Lord's mansion?"

The brown eyes, which opened widely in surprise, were lovely. I took her hand and led her first. And while we were on our way, I asked her this and that. Have you had a high fever recently, if so, when did it happen...

That's how the day of the first monster wave came to an end.

* * *

Now finally given an official invitation into the Closch Barony's residence, Ciel prepared a bouquet of gisella roses, which reminded him of her, and one black rose, just like before. He couldn't give it to her personally last time, but he was so excited just thinking about how he'd be able to give this present to her in person today.

He stood in front of a mirror, studying his appearance that was clad in a carefully selected suit.

"Can I go meet up with Rose?"

At that time, Aiden came into the room where Ciel was staying and asked this. It seemed like he had already been seeing Rose a lot lately, but there's no stopping it. How could any Esper resist a Guide?

"Yes, you may. But promise me that you won't go alone-make sure that you're accompanied by knights. You never know what can happen."

He was clearly talking about the monsters that were endemic to this borderland. As Aiden was a psychic Esper, he should be careful about his physical safety because he wouldn't be able to fend off a monster through his force alone.

"Alright, but Brother."

"What is it?"

As Ciel was in the middle of choosing a cravat, trying to see if wearing one would make him look better or not, he looked at Aiden through the mirror's reflection.

The younger brother pursed his lips, brows furrowing as though he was agonizing whether to speak or not.

"Back then, I happened to read someone's thoughts..."


"Lady Closch's parents."

"You read the Baron's thoughts?"

He wasn't able to read the thoughts of competent knights not long ago. It seemed like Aiden's abilities had improved significantly in the meantime-or, the Baron might have overexerted himself to the point that Aiden was able to get a read on him.

Ciel thought about it over and over, agonized. He wanted to know. He wanted to know so very much because he could use those thoughts to get on their good side.

However, it was not the right thing to do. His conscience weighed on him heavily.


Throwing the cravat to the sofa, Ciel mulled it over once more but he soon turned around and approached Aiden. Putting a hand on his younger brother's shoulder, Ciel cleared his throat and answered.

"I don't wish to take advantage of your power for personal reasons. I have other means. Besides, I think it would be better for you to use it only when necessary."

"...I understand."

Patting the now sullen Aiden on the shoulder, Ciel added,

"You don't have to try proving yourself like that, Aiden. Your abilities far surpass what other Espers can do, so it's best to hide it as much as you can."


"Go and have a good time with Rose, and take care of her if there's anything troubling her. She is a very precious child."

"Then, I'll buy her a cake. I bought her some chocolate cake last time and she enjoyed it very much."

"That's a good idea."

Aiden didn't have many friends around his age since he had yet to have a beautillion nor entered high society. Ciel surmised that Aiden would rather hang out with Rose anyway.

He was glad. And it's good that there was a Guide by his younger brother's side.

Thinking of various possibilities and directions in which the future might take, Ciel sent his younger brother off and finished the final touches on his outfit.

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