Chap 12: Kurumi Tokisaki

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------Rimuru POV-------

"I am... a Spirit."

The new student, Tokisaki Kurumi boldly said those words.

Rimuru was completely taken aback by her statement.

Among the noisy students because of the introduction. Only Tohka, Origami, and Shidou had the same reaction as Rimuru.

Perhaps Kurumi had noticed their reaction, for a moment, she turned towards Rimuru and smiled.

"Eh...eheh How...great! That was quite an introduction there!"

Noticing that Kurumi had finished the introduction, Tama-chan clapped her hands to signal that the introduction was over.

"Then Tokisaki-san, do you want to sit in that empty chair over there?"

"Nn. But, before that, I have a favor to ask first."

"Hm? What is it?"

As Tama-chan-sensei spoke, Kurumi raised a finger.

"Since I just transferred schools, I'm still not familiar with the school. I wish someone could take me on a tour of the school."

"Ah, that's right... Then the class rep will---"

However, Kurumi started to walk in the middle of the teacher's words, stopping right in front of Shidou's desk.

"Can I ask you for help? Shidou-san."

"Eh... me...? How did you know my name?"

From afar, Rimuru frown at Shidou's word.

"You can't...?"

Kurumi revealed an expression as though she might cry if she were to be rejected.

"N, no, that..."

"It's a promise then. I'm in your care, Shidou-san."

Kurumi gave a sweet smile and walked towards her assigned seat with light steps.

Rimuru could completely see Shidou's face, he still couldn't calm down after his conversation with that girl.

Origami started using her communication device to report on Kurumi. Tohka was now showing a shocked expression and looked at Kurumi.

And when Rimuru looked at Kurumi, they accidentally made eye contact. Kurumi turned her face towards Rimuru and smiled slightly.

The sweet smile on her face along with her face that was partially hidden by her hair made Rimuru feel somewhat wary of her.

And worse? She sat right behind Rimuru.

<<Report: Confirmed, she is a spirit with codename <Nightmare>>>

Ciel informed Rimuru as soon as Kurumi took her seat.

<<So she is a real deal... Ciel, tell me what information you have about her.>>

<<According to the information I have gathered, Kurumi is said to have killed over 10,000 people.>>


Rimuru looked at Kurumi with wide eyes.

The girl in front of her... had killed over 10,000 people.

Things were getting more and more worrisome when Kurumi is the one who took the initiative to come here.

Rimuru will be fine since this body is only temporary. However, the spirits would be in danger.

With her current body, to avoid detection, Rimuru needed to keep her magic power to a minimum.

But that also meant that, if something happened, it would be difficult for Rimuru to immediately protect the spirits.

<<Is there any other information about her?>>

<< Yes. There are recordings of Kurumi being killed many times but then she keeps reappearing again and again.>>

Rimuru frowned.

Even if spirits could revive or create clones would not surprise Rimuru.

However, the way she looks at Shidou and Rimuru...

Kurumi definitely knew about them before.

Rimuru had never met her.

So it means... someone had given Kurumi their information.

<< Ciel, keep an eye on Kurumi. We need to find out about her abilities.>>

<<Understood, master.>>

After that, the class started without any problems.

At the end of the first class, after Tama-chan-sensei left the class.

Shidou immediately took out his phone and called Kotori.

Origami immediately contacted the AST.

Everyone is making their move now, Rimuru will seat back and see how things will turn out.

"Ne, Rimuru."


It was Tohka, who called out to Rimuru with a concerned expression.

"Is there any problem, Tohka?"


Tohka nodded.

She keeps looking at Kurumi with wary eyes.

"I don't know why, but I keep having a bad feeling about her."

"Same here." Rimuru agrees.

She doesn't even need to know detail about this girl to know that there's something about her.

She seems rather friendly to those around her. But still--- 

She look too careless for someone who had put herself in danger.

Or in fact, she does not care at all.

She doesn't seem to be planning anything, which is also something abnormal.

But for now, this is none of Rimuru's business.

But she will stick around and see how Ratatoskr will deal with this.

------Shidou POV------

After the first class ended, Shidou quickly reached for his phone and call Kotori.

Moments later, Kotori's voice rang out.

<<Hello! Hello, Onii-chan>>

A cute voice, completely different from the serious tone of commander-mode Kotori.

"Hey, Kotori."

<<What's wrong?>>


As Shidou continued to speak, he glanced at Kurumi.

Since she said "I am a Spirit" in the introduction, Kurumi is currently surrounded by a sea of ​​people and questions.

At this point, Shidou accidentally made eye contact with Kurumi. Kurumi turned her face towards him and smiled slightly, Shidou immediately blushed and held his breath.


"Aa, aaa...... Today my class had, a transfer student...... but she said."


"She said... 'I'm a Spirit.'"


When Shidou finished speaking, Kotori did not answer.

In response to that was the sound of rustling clothes. It was the sound of changing the ribbons of Kotori hair.

<<Tell me the details.>> Kotori spoke with a different tone from before.

"Like I said earlier, my class just had a new transfer student and she... claims to be a spirit."

<<... A person that knows terms such as Spirits is already abnormal. I'll investigate more>>

------JGSDF base------

At a corner of Tenguu Base. Inside the observation room that compiles data on Spirit wavelength throughout the cities of Southern Kanto region.


The AST team leader Kusakabe Ryoko frowned.

"Is there a mistake?"

The man currently operating the central control tower turned to face her, shaking his head.

"The precision of the observation machines is considered to be the best."

"......Is that so."

Rechecking the numbers shown on the screen, after making sure that there was no mistake, Ryouko forcefully let out a sigh.

Shown on the screen were the numerical results of a girl.

No, using the word human would be lying.

After all, those numbers were of...

"...Spirit, transferring into high school? Is this some kind of joke?"

Today at 9 am, she received a message from Origami to the base.

Requesting to investigate, because there is a transfer student who self-proclaimed that she was a Spirit in my class.

Even though she was doubtful, she still ran the scanner on the girl, but---

Ryoko wiped her forehead. Sweat damped her sleeve.

This of course had a reason. To transfer into high school, a family register and residential addresses are a must, but there are other documents required for the process as well.

A dangerous creature, able to eradicate an entire city with just a finger; yet she was able to escape AST observation, possessing the knowledge of how human society works and know how to use it effectively. It was impossible not to shudder thinking about that.

"What are you doing?"

At this point, a weird greeting rang out behind her.

Only one member would use this kind of word. 

Turning her head, Mana was standing there as expected.


Mana showed a serious expression, furrowing her brows in displeasure.

"...finally showed up huh, <Nightmare>."


Ryoko asked in surprise. Mana let out a sigh with her brows locked together.

"Codename <Nightmare>. The one that I'm hunting, the most brutal Spirit."

"Most brutal...Spirit?"

Ryoko shivered as she repeated.

"Nn" Mana nodded her head.

"The Spirit that caused the deaths of at least ten thousand. If we take those victims who haven't been identified into account, the numbers should be a few times larger."

"ten thousand!? How!? why wasn't there an evacuation call? a space quake of that scale---"

"You're wrong."

Mana voiced out melancholically, interrupted Ryoko.

"The space quake <Nightmare> causes is merely that of a normal Spirits. Even though we can't say that there were no victims, the numbers did not reach a hundred."

"Then why......"

"The reason is simple. ---directly, killing with her own hands. Those ten thousand humans."


Ryoko held her breath.

<Princess>, <Hermit>, and even <Destroyer> that had appeared in Tenguu City in the past, even though they did cause severe destruction, they did not actively attack humans.

However, if a monster capable of rending the earth, starts killing people at its own will.

How horrifying would that be... As an AST member, such a scene was easily pictured.

"---Then, what preparations should we make?"


Mana asked as she lightly stretched, Ryoko dryly questioned.

"If a Spirit appears. There's no other thing than killing it."

"That's true...But, don't we need to evacuate the citizens? After all this situation is--"

"There's no need to worry. Please leave it to me. Dealing with 'that thing', is what I'm best at."

"Aa, wait, hold on!"

Ryoko grabbed Mana's arm as she was trying to quickly leave.

"? Is there any problem? Isn't it better to deal with it earlier?"

"...I'm the team leader here. You are not allowed to take action by yourself."


Mana pondered for a while as though she was considering something, then slightly raised her hand.

"Understood. I'll follow your orders."

However, she then gave Ryoko a look as though she was judging something.

"But, please do not forget. I am here because of the 'Association', I have permission to take independent action."

"...I understand."

Ryoko twisted her face in annoyance, releasing Mana's hand.

------Rimuru POV------

The class went on normally, the only abnormality was Tohka and Origami.

The two of them got along strangely when they found a 'common enemy'.

Tohka and Origami seem to have forgotten the existence of everyone else except Kurumi and Shidou.

On the other side, Shidou frequently looked over to Kurumi to check on her condition.

Everyone who is associated with spirits has a mission for themselves.

And so is Rimuru.

It's after school now. But---

She still had work to do.

Quietly walking out into the empty corridor, Rimuru disappeared.

This was one of her sephira abilities.

It allows Rimuru to make her own presence become almost non-existent.

With the preparations done, Rimuru moved to where Shidou was standing.

When Rimuru arrived at the place, just in time as Shidou and Kurumi met.

Kurumi stepped in front of Shidou and spoke up.

"Can you show me around the school?"


Shidou nodded reluctantly.


Meanwhile, Rimuru just watched the two of them from afar.

She won't interfere much with Ratatoskr's affairs.

But there was one thing that made Rimuru feel uneasy.

... Shidou has nothing to protect himself.

Even though there are 'students' placed by Ratatoskr in the school. But they were all too weak to fight back if there was danger.

Ofcourse, Rimuru understood what Shidou and Ratatoskr had to do.

But... they must have known about <Nightmare>. Ciel had found the information in their database after all.

In addition to that, Kurumi's motives are still unclear, plus she is the one who took the initiative to reach out to them.

Along with ten thousand of people who were killed by her... but

It looks like Ratatoskr didn't have any precautions if Kurumi attacked.

Looking at Shidou, he was talking with Kurumi without knowing about the danger

Not mentioning what Shidou have to do to seal spirits.

He was still young and inexperienced, Rimuru didn't think that Kotori would put her brother in danger.

Knowing that the spirit Shidou was facing this time...

Let's see... how things will play out.


Rimuru followed after Shidou and Kurumi.

Shidou is showing Kurumi around, it seems they still haven't determined the destination.

Rimuru was only watching from behind and it seems like two more people were following them with Rimuru.

And obviously.

It's Tohka and Origami, it's funny how they fight each other every day but 'the enemy of your enemy is your friend'.

Rimuru smiled lightly as the two of them followed Shidou unnoticed.

But as soon as she turned towards Kurumi---

Kurumi was looking at her.

As if knowing that Rimuru had noticed, Kurumi showed a faint smile.




But then, Shidou's voice rang out.

"Ku, Kurumi. Is it okay if you walk while not looking at the front?"

Shidou suddenly asked causing Kurumi to turn her eyes back at him.

"Ara~ did Shidou-san notice me? you even care about me, Shidou-san is really gentle."

"N, no......this!"

"Please don't be modest. It was my fault for staring at your side view and getting mesmerized."

Shidou blushed, appeared embarrassed, and completely forgot about Kurumi looking the other way.

Ignoring the two of them, Rimuru stood silently.

...It was obvious that she was looking at Rimuru


The ability to erase presence of Sephira that Rimuru possessed could be used to replace the same ability as mana.

Then how...?

<<She seems to just guessing that you're here, master.>>

<<...Is that so>>

Ciel had said that the spirits wouldn't be able to harm Rimuru seriously.

But for spirits like Phantom, who could interact with Nihility.

Rimuru still have an uneasy feeling about this.

She exhaled, turned back and observed Kurumi.

------Kotori POV------

15000 meters above Tenguu Base.

The secret organization <Ratatoskr>'s airship <Fraxinus> was currently floating.

At the control room located in the center of <Fraxinus>, the staff and including their commander Kotori were gathered. Everyone went to their workstations.

"Favorability is at 45.5. No change at all."

"Mental state, green on average. A stable state."

"Spirit wavelength 150.0. Difference from the previous scan at an acceptable range of minimum 3.4."

Kotori was reclining on <Fraxinus>'s commander seat, listening to the reports from the crew.

The ribbons tied in her hair were black. The military uniform on her shoulders were maroon.

However, the cute looking girl who is totally out of place in the bridge of the ship, after surveying her subordinates, eased herself and looked at the screen.

On that giant screen, showed Tokisaki Kurumi's image.

All stats and reports are normal until.

"Rimuru was not detected."

Reine's tired reporting voice made Kotori frown.

At Reine's suggestion, Kotori had Rimuru tracked down to avoid certain mishaps.

And just as Reine had predicted.

... Rimuru has disappeared.

Still keeping a calm look at the main screen. But Kotori couldn't help but worry about what will happen.

Rimuru was not under Ratatoskr's control, if she wanted to, she could leave without anyone being able to stop her.

Right now they could only watch and hope Rimuru would cooperate, not interfere with Kurumi.

Of course, Kotori knew about <Nightmare> and information about her.

Kotori also watched Rimuru's mood in the morning.

She looked wary towards Kurumi and her mood became more tense.

Maybe it was because Rimuru had information about <Nightmare>, or it could be that they knew each other from before.

Either way, it was a bad idea to let the two of them come into contact with each other.

"Should we inform Shidou about this, Commander?"

A voice came from behind the command seat where Kotori was sitting.

Turning around, a tall youth stood there with his hand on his chin. He is the vice commander of <Fraxinus>, Kannazuki Kyouhei.

Normally, Kannazuki would be a pervert, but when the need arises he can also fight and command excellently.

But now...

"No need, Shidou needs to focus on Kurumi."

As soon as Kotori spoke, a new window opened on the main screen.

It's a map of Raizen school, the location of Shidou and Kurumi is shown by two red dots.

A table of options appears.

The first place to go is ——

①The rooftop. ②The infirmary. ③The cafeteria, commissionary.

Kotori made a smile as she looked at the options.

She took the candy out of her mouth and spoke up.

"Everyone, choose! Five seconds!"

After Kotori commanded, the screen quickly displayed the results.

"Umu, the rooftop's the most popular choice huh?"

As soon as Kotori muttered

Suddenly, there was a detail that caught Kotori's attention.

One person voted for the canteen.

"who voted for ③?"

As soon as Kotori asked, an arm was raised.

"...It's me."

A tired looking woman, eyes with thick dark circles. Murasame Reine. <Fraxinus>'s analyst, whom Kotori trusted.

"Can you tell me the reason?"

"Just a simple exclusion. The infirmary has a health teacher frequenting the area. And on the rooftop, the view of the sunset... wouldn't it be better?"

After hearing Reine's words, Kotori slightly smirked.

"You're quite romantic, aren't you, Reine."

Then, Kotori brought the microphone closer.

"Shidou, you heard that? Bring her to the cafeteria and the comissionary."

Kotori gave the order and Shidou quickly did.

<<we'll go to the cafeteria to have a look. That will be necessary in the future.>>

<<Nn, I don't mind.>>

When Shidou finished, Kurumi nodded slightly with a cute smile.

<<Then, let's go.>>


Concluding their brief conversation, the two of them walked down the hallway of the school.

Kotori looked at the screen with a tense face.


Not only integrating into society but also mastering the ability to communicate.

This is a case never seen before.

Also because Kurumi was a special existence, more information was needed.

Thinking that, Kotori pressed the microphone and spoke up.

"we'll ask a few questions while trying to raise her affections."

As soon as Kotori finished speaking, the screen on <Fraxinus>'s control room showed the options.

①"The thing about Spirits that you mentioned in the morning, what did you mean by that?"

②"Kurumi, which school did you attend?"

③"Kurumi, what kind of panties are you wearing today?"

"All members, choose!"

Along with Kotori's command, the crew members pressed a key at the same time.

Results were quickly displayed on Kotori's screen.

"As expected, looks like its ①."

The result everyone chose was the same as herself, Kotori rested her chin on her hand.

Behind, Kannazuki also spoke up.

"A good choice. Kurumi shouldn't know that Shidou has knowledge about Spirits. It'd be good to try making her waver."

"That's true.....On a side note Kannazuki, which one did you choose?"

"I chose ③."

Hearing that, Kotori turned around and said.

"Let's hear the reason first."

"The thighs that are isolated by black-colored tights can be said to be the treasure of humanity. Do you have to ask why?"

Kotori snapped her fingers. For an instant, two extremely muscled giants entered the bridge, grabbing Kannazuki's two arms.

"Take him away."


The two men answered at the same time, dragging Kannazuki off with them.

"Com, commander! Have mercy! Have mercccccccyyyyyy!!!!"

Kannazuki's scream disappeared after the door closed.

In the midst of the silent bridge of the ship, Kotori sighed while speaking.

" 'Kurumi, what kind of panties are you wearing today?'...... what do you guys think of this choice?"

"Obviously can't use such a dirty line to raise the atmosphere."

The crew members at the lower portion of the bridge replied with bitter smiles.

At this point, Kotori suddenly twitched her eyebrows.


At the same time, Kotori changed her position, her elbow pressed the switch of her microphone. To put it simply, the conversation from just now was heard by Shidou---

<<hey......Kurumi, what kind of panties are you wearing today?>>

Shidou's voice came out from the speaker in the control room, making everyone silent.

------Rimuru POV------

Suddenly, Shidou speaks.

"Hey... Kurumi, what kind of panties are you wearing today?"





Rimuru froze upon hearing those words.

The wariness just now seemed to have disappeared and was replaced by confusion.

With wide eyes, Rimuru looked at Shidou, who was trembling.

Normally, he wouldn't dare ask the color of other people panties unless...


But isn't his sister the commander!?

<<Report: Itsuka Kotori  accidentally pressed the microphone when talking about panties->>

<<No, that's enough.>>

Rimuru interrupted Ciel's words and thought to herself.

<I regret all my decisions.>

In front, after hearing Shidou's words, Kurumi showed a small smile.


As Kurumi dazedly questioned back, Shidou finally realized what a ridiculous line he had just said.

"Ah, no, just now was.... About that, Kurumi---"

Realizing what he just said, Shidou hurriedly waved his hand in protest.

Despite Shidou's panic, Kurumi looked up at him, she suddenly lifted the hem of her skirt.

"You...Want, to see?"



Look at Kurumi's expressions and movements. Rimuru understood that she was really intending to do that.

Though not directly involved in... whatever weird thing is going on. But Rimuru's face was still red, not expecting the actions of both of them.

Kurumi looked around, then she lifted her skirt.

The thighs that were covered by the black tights were slowly exposed---the demon triangle area was also slightly exposed.

Through the black fabric of the dress... black panties could be seen---

<<No, this must be some kind of trick.>>

Rimuru quickly closed her eyes and turned in the other direction.

Kurumi's power is still a mystery, Rimuru shouldn't let this distract her from that.

<<I am proud of you, master.>>

<<Huh? did you just say something?>>

<<Just your imagination.>>

Meanwhile, Shidou also quickly closed his eyes and pulled down Kurumi's skirt.

"Ara, ara~"

Kurumi smiled with amusement and continued

"If it's Shidou-san... I don't mind."

"No, that's enough! Now! Let's go already!"

Shidou said hastily, his face visibly red.

"Ufufu, Shidou-san is shy~, but, can you take your hands off my skirt first?"

Being reminded of that, Shidou's eyes widened.

"Ah!! Right... right"

Hastily let go. Kurumi giggled with an expression like she didn't mind at all.

Behind the two of them, Rimuru stood still with her red face.

<<Fortunately, Ratatoskr didn't give out any strange orders when he meet me...>>

Rimuru carefully considered the rationality and appropriateness of intervening in this situation.

An almost... unnecessary thing.

<<Ciel... leave this to you, please notify me when something happened.>>

<<Yes, master.>>

Immediately after, Rimuru's eyes turned red, and her face became expressionless.

However, Ciel herself was also feeling annoyed and confused by Kurumi's actions.

She will find a way to avoid or keep a safe distance from this girl.

------Shidou POV------

Shidou took a deep breath, moving forward while trying to avoid Kurumi's gaze.

The reason was......since the incident just now, as long as they looked into each other's eyes he felt as if he was stuck in place.

<<Tch!... Being led is really annoying. Let's try to make her waver.>>

①"Kurumi, your hair is really beautiful." Gently stroke her hair as if nothing has happened. 

②"Ah, it's dangerous!" Pretend to trip and fall on her. 

③"Hey, it's this way." Naturally hold her hand.

Shidou listened to the options through his headphones, thinking a lot of strange things in his mind until Kotori spoke up.

<<Shidou, it's ③, go hold her hand.>>


Shidou nodded in response to Kotori's command.

He gulped, looking at the road ahead. Turning left at the T-path would be the staircase of the west building.

He thought it was a great opportunity.

Once there, he would hold Kurumi's hand while she was moving.



Shidou opened his eyes wide in surprise. 

Shidou widened his eyes in shock. Just as they were about to reach the T-path, Kurumi suddenly held Shidou's hand.

<<How did this happen>>

Kotori's voice came out with the same surprised expression as Shidou.

But the awkwardness Kotori felt couldn't be compared with what Shidou was feeling right now.

His right hand, was covered by soft, slender fingers, exerted very little force on them.

"Ku, Kurumi......?"

Turning his head to look at Kurumi who was holding Shidou's right hand, she looked down shyly, turning her face to the side.

"As I bothering you?"

"......!!No, you're not...."

At Shidou's words, Kurumi relaxed her shoulders looking relieved.

"Sure enough, Shidou-san really is gentle."

Finishing her sentence, Kurumi shyly smiled.

Shidou's eyes wandered around. His consciousness began to become chaotic.

Kurumi-chan is really an angel

"Hey, Shidou-san," Kurumi said softly.

Kurumi's small mouth parted slightly.

", it?"

"I have a request to ask Shidou-san. ......Would you please listen?"

Shidou unconsciously nodded.

"Aa, aah---"

However, in that instant.



"....!" Accompanying the shouts, a clattering noise sounded out from behind them.

Looks like the cleaning equipment cabinet placed in the corridor had fell. The brooms and dustpans were everywhere.

Then, two students who seemed to be the culprit fell to the ground.

"To-Tohka!?... Origami!?"

Shidou couldn't help but shout.

"Ara ara~? What are you two doing here?"

Kurumi held Shidou's hand, tilting her head questioningly.

Seeing that scene, Tohka and Origami hurriedly stood up.

"It, it's about that! Even though Shidou wanted to bring Kurumi around school, that......there's still some things that must be done, haven't you heard about it!"

"-Tokisaki Kurumi, you don't have to hold hands to visit the school. Let go now."

"! Yes, that's right!!"

Tohka in a rare situation completely agreed with Origami's words.


When they pointed that out, Shidou realized that his hand was still being held.

However, Kurumi put more force into her fingers, making it impossible for him to let go.

Kurumi glanced at Shidou before turning to the two of them.

Shidou gulped, preparing for all the chaos that would ensue.

--- 6 pm---

Shidou, who gave Kurumi a tour around the school, as well as Tohka, who forced them to let her follow, walked out of the school gate.

Of course, his hand was released.

"Well, that's all."

"Umu, thank you very much. ...Actually, it would be better if it was just the two of us."


Shidou made a bitter smile towards Kurumi.

To be honest, he was very grateful to Tohka.

Going with her made <Ratatoskr>'s instructions much easier.

"Then, Shidou-san, Tohka-san. I'll leave here."

Approaching the intersection, Kurumi bowed.

When Shidou and Tohka waved, Kurumi disappeared into the twilight.

"Huh? Where's the origami?"

Shidou asked, in the process he had barely noticed when she left.

------Kurumi POV-------

After saying goodbye to Shidou and Tohka, Kurumi walked on the street under the setting sun.

"Although I still want to enjoy school life for a while longer... But it seems my time is coming, isn't it?"

After muttering to herself, she laughed and twirled in rhythm.

"......Ufufu, this enjoyment, I have to enjoy it."

Suddenly---Kurumi bumped into something.

looking in front. It looked like Kurumi had bumped into a man's back. 

Men who looked like criminals were all gathered at the side of the road.

"Ara ara~ I'm really sorry."

Kurumi bowed her head and said, while trying to walk away. However,

"Hey. Wait a second, little girl. It was your fault for being careless, don't think that things would end just like this."

The man Kurumi ran into showed a sinister smile.

Like finding prey, the man's friend spread out and surrounded Kurumi.

"Ara, Ara?"

Kurumi tilted her head in wonder, one of the men whistled.

"Hey hey, her looks aren't that bad. Great catch!"

"Oh, she doesn't look bad at all."

Just like that, the thugs continued to stare at Kurumi, talking and giggling.

At this moment, Kurumi also smiled faintly.

"Could it be, you guys want to do 'that' with me?"

Kurumi said while smiling. The men were taken aback for a moment, then started laughing

"So you like this type too?"

"Um. Leaving that aside, how about we change locations? There are too many people here."

Kurumi's words caused a commotion amongst the men, the men entered an alley while surrounding Kurumi.

After pushing her into a dead end, the man Kurumi ran into showed a lewd smile and extended his hand.

The outstretched hand that didn't touch Kurumi, moved slightly downwards.

However, at that time---

"......!? Wha, what is this......!"

"U, uwaaaaaaa......!?" The men started screaming.

However, it was too late.

"Ufufu, fufu."

From under Kurumi's feet, her shadow rapidly expanded, and countless white arms sprouted from it, pulling the man's body into the darkness.

Kurumi's smile became even more twisted, the men were all held by white arms, their bodies gradually being pulled into the darkness.

Then, the screams of the men disappeared completely.

In the alley now, only the figure of a girl with long black hair, tied into two braids with red ribbons.

Her right eye is red, while her left eye displays a glowing Roman numerical clock.

Her outfit is a crimson dress with black frills.

All of them stand out with the black color that makes people think of the dark night, as well as the red color of blood.

Kurumi closed her eyes as if satisfied and said.

"Thanks for meal"

---Suddenly at that time.


The feeling of being swallowed by a giant creature ran down Kurumi's spine.

It wasn't the first time she'd felt this feeling.

A barrier that modern mages use with the help of a machine called the Realizer-Personal Territory.

Among them, this one is special. That's right, there's no mistake---It's that girl.

"Tch! one step late."

As if to confirm Kurumi's suspicions. A young girl appeared before her.

Hair tied in a bun, a girl who looks like a middle school student.

Even though she was wearing casual clothes like a jacket and mini skirt. The air around, as dangerous as a wild beast seeing its prey.

"You've been eating and drinking again, <Nightmare>."

"Ara ara, it's......Takamiya Mana-san, huh?" Kurumi tilted her head slightly and said.

Mana let out a "Humph" in displeasure.

"Although it's commendable that you remember my name, that attitude annoys me."

"Ara, then I apologize for that."

Kurumi bowed her head, apologizing.

"However, the name is very important. I would be very unhappy to be called <Nightmare>. So please call me Tokisaki Kurumi."

When Kurumi finished speaking, Mana raised an annoyed eyebrow.

"Because it's important, that's why I don't want you to call my name."

"That's difficult."

"Shut up, Spirit."

Mana's gaze became sharp.

Her whole body emitted a dim light, then a white mechanized armor appeared all over her body.

Kurumi, as if preparing for battle, raised her right hand overhead.

Then, the darkness beneath her feet crept into her body, enclosing her right hand and forming a musket.

At this moment, Kurumi's body flew into the sky.

Kurumi just hovered and looked at Mana with a small smile.

She already knew what was going to happen.

------Rimuru POV------

Standing from the outside while still hide her presence, Rimuru observed two arch-enemies facing each other.

As soon as Kurumi killed those men, Rimuru returned to controlling the body.

And right now.

At the back of the alley was Kurumi with two guns in hand, her hair tied into two braids with a red ribbon.

With her hair pulled back, Rimuru could clearly see her left eye.

A golden Roman numerical clock seems to be shining.

Rimuru wasn't surprised by this, she was able to see them thanks to her Universal sense.

On the opposite side of Kurumi was a girl named Mana and the AST team.

Mana looks like a middle school student, she's wearing a CR-Unit suit.

However, Mana's CR-Unit has some special features, it's light blue, and the design looks more modern than the normal AST.

Although it was unknown how Kurumi and Mana got to know each other, Rimuru couldn't think of anything good from the two of them.

next moment.

The device on Mana's shoulder emitted a dazzling light, piercing through Kurumi's stomach.

---Kurumi's body trembled and fell to the ground.


At this time, in the narrow alley, fresh blood splattered.

Then, Mana's blade of light, cut off Kurumi's head who was lying motionless on the ground.


Mana stood and looked at Kurumi's corpse for a while before a call came from the AST group.

"Takamiya, the mission is over, we should head back."

Mana nodded and then flew up, leaving with AST.

Standing in silence, Rimuru couldn't believe what was happened.

She had hoped for a more dramatic battle.

Unexpectedly everything ended in one blow, there was no resistance from Kurumi's side.

Despite her surprise, Rimuru still knew what she should do.

Slowly approached Kurumi's corpse while keeping the presence hidden ability active.

Rimuru looked straight at Kurumi's severed head.

Not believing that this was the real Kurumi, Rimuru reached out her hand so that Ciel could analyze Kurumi.


Before her hand touched Kurumi's head.

<<Warning: Spatial deformation Detected.>>

Rimuru quickly jumped back, just in time to see some white arms emerge from beneath the shadow of Kurumi's corpse.

Even though Rimuru's presence was hidden, those white arms moved as if knowing Rimuru's location.

Although it was unclear how Kurumi could know she was here, it didn't matter anymore.

The arms keep stretching out, bending in a weird way as if they know where she was.

Jump in the air to avoid the white arms that are stretching in weird ways.

Rimuru remove her hide presence ability and immediately summoned her angel, landing gracefully on the ground.

She is still wearing the Raizen school uniform and holding her angel in the form of a katana.

Swinging the sword lightly, Rimuru's angel severed all the arms that were launching at her.

The severed arms fell down and disappeared without a trace.

After the arms disappeared, Rimuru realized that Kurumi's corpse was gone.

Taking a fighting stance, Rimuru raised her guard until.


A loud bang came from a gun from inside the alley.

Rimuru quickly used her angel to block the bullet.

A spark flashed as the bullet hit and everything fell silent.



"Ara~ Ara~, Rimuru-san, stalking others is not a good thing."

A sweet voice came out, at the same time the darkness from within the alley widened.

From there, instead of the white hands, it was.... Kurumi Tokisaki.

Her golden eyes shone, and the red outlines of her astral dress stood out from the darkness of the alley.

Her shadow continued to spread, climbing up the wall.

"As I suspected, you're still alive."

Rimuru said, her eyes never leaving the girl in front

"Rimuru-san is really smart. But I... already knew that."

Saying that, Kurumi stuck out her tongue and licked her lips while showing a twisted smile.

Rimuru frowned, showing displeasure at her words.

In terms of strength, she would completely overwhelm Kurumi.

But right now, what made Rimuru most curious was how Kurumi knew about her and Ratatoskr.

And Rimuru was sure...

The person in front of her... wasn't the real Kurumi.

With a slight smile of her own, Rimuru raises her angle.

She will use this opportunity as a rehearsal of her sword skills.

---END CHAP 12---

Done with plotting! Time is a confusing thing to work with...

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