Chapter 9.5

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An ordinary day for Record.


Record woke up from a sleep to regain her health, normally the gods would have subordinates to serve, but Record didn't have any, she didn't need one, strictly speaking.

After washing herself clean, she walked naked towards the wardrobe, inside were all the same clothes, for Record, just a little change. That's adding jewelry.

"Today is a normal day, normal mood. Then take the ribbon"- Re

She chose the pink ribbon, because it's fine to have a black suit with an extra bright color.

Record picked up a hair brooch and......


Throw the brooch straight through the door.

"Gyaaaaaaah!!!! My eyes!!!! My eyes!!!!"

A pitiful scream rang out from outside.

"What is going on?!"

"Someone's trying to spy on Record-sama!"

"Again? How many times is this?"

"It's the 666th time"

Record came out and saw that the person whose hairpin was thrown by her was an Incubus, looked at him with a cold face and left without saying anything.


Record has only one mission, but it carries a great responsibility so she can't do it indiscriminately. Go world by land, world by world and record them in her book.

(In Hell)

She sat on a raft that carried her across the famous Styx River to Tartarus, occasionally having ghosts rise from the water to touch her. Record then slapped the ghosts and chased them off the raft.

Crossing the river, she entered the dungeon where the titans were kept to test the durability of the chains.

"Hey Record, why do you keep doing such boring things for them?"

"If you let us out, you don't have to do anything. Just help us get out."

""- Re

"This mindless doll!!!"

A titan used his foot to step on Record when suddenly his leg was cut into many pieces, causing blood to flow into a river. Since when did Record stand in front of the exit door, she ignored the screams of the giant until there was no more sound.

Outside was Hades standing there. He was about to say something when Record cut him off.

"Your family is a bunch of assholes. I'm lucky I haven't exterminated them yet"- Re

So Hades didn't say anything but just kept quiet about everything.

(In the Garden of Eden)

Record saw that there were a lot of candy shells scattered everywhere, no need to ask her to know who it was. And just as she thought, Buddha was snoring when he finished eating a pile of sweets, with sugar on his mouth.

She sighed that maybe she couldn't talk today, so she put a big box beside him and left, inside the box was full of Buddha chups in many flavors including the best, Coca-Cola.

(At the ocean)

She let it go because there was nothing there but Poseidon's nasty face.

(In the human world)

Humanity has grown to new heights, discovering many technologies and industries, but it is impossible to avoid causing harm to the earth. Record sees the gods growing increasingly disgusted with humanity, the beings who once worshiped them.

Suddenly a ball rolled and hit Record's leg, and a kid ran up to pick it up.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, play carefully or it's dangerous"- Re


So the child left to go back to play with friends, she noticed an old couple sitting and looking at the scenery, Record saw that these two had a deep connection.

"Hello, grandparents" - Record

"Oh, hello young lady, what do you need?"

"It doesn't matter. But I want to ask, you two. What do you think about your life?" - Record

"So what do you want to know. Let me tell the story of my love affair with my wife. When I was young I had a lot of dreams, but most of the time I just hung around in my office with four a wall and a computer I felt like a prisoner and had no freedom, until I ran into a woman who pulled me out of the dark. Then we get married, sometimes there are arguments, but life is still happy"

"Young girl, you are still very young and have many dreams and hopes for you to do. Don't imprison yourself, decide your own life"

".....I see. Then I want to hear more about your life"- Re


Record helps two elderly grandparents return home, the person running to meet them is their daughter-in-law. Inside is a meal prepared by the daughter-in-law already on the table, a warm and happy family. They invited Record to have a meal together, she noticed a picture of a middle-aged man, and the old woman walked over.

"That's my son, he died 5 years ago. At that time my son was away from work. I never expected to have an accident while working. Poor, my grandson was not born at that time. Insurance also costs a lot, daughter-in-law works hard but it doesn't seem to be enough for all of us."

Hearing that, Record looked at the picture of the middle-aged man for a long time.

It's time for her to return. But there was something Record needed to do before she left.

She went to a joint-stock company where the old couple bought insurance for the needy, Record entered casually. In the surveillance camera that did not show the Record, she could safely walk around without being detected, when she went to the top floor, she saw that in this room was gilded everywhere, it seemed that this place was not clean.

Opening the large book in her hand, she wrote down what was about to happen to this corrupt company. How it happened and it should happen like that is entirely her decision.

Returning to the house of the two old grandparents, who were firmly asleep, Record held the photo in her hand and raised her hand.

"By my power, Record, I grant you permission to see your family one last time"- Re

(Eternal Land)

Two old grandparents with their daughter-in-law and grandson found themselves in a green field, a figure walked over. A person who wishes to be seen one last time. They were so moved that their emotions burst.

Record stood in the distance watching and waiting for the middle-aged man to say his last goodbyes to his family.

When he returned, his body was slowly dissolving.

"You don't regret dying, do you?" - Record

"No, I've lived my life and it's over. Honestly I want to live on but it seems like this is fate"

"You will be sent into samsara, then fate will help you meet them again" - Record

"Thank you very much, Record-sama. It is my wish to see my family one last time. Now I can rest in peace, thank you very much, Record-sama."

Saying that, the middle-aged man's body disappeared completely. Record raised his hand and then retracted it.

"Thank me for what? I'm just doing my duty"- Re


In the protection of the gods, everyone seems to agree with the eradication of humanity. When Record heard that, she closed her book. But those who consider themselves superior, she will make them regret.

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