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After finishing her conversation with the wealthy man, Naomi Catherine called a taxi and returned home alone. Initially, Catherine thought her situation with Liam Claude could end simply, but now it was proving to be far from easy.

As Catherine was unlocking her door, suddenly a group of reporters from various media outlets rushed toward her from behind, snapping photos, recording, and thrusting microphones for interviews. Catherine was caught off guard by the curiosity and relentless ambition of the journalists.

In an instant, Catherine knew it was Annie who had provided her address and summoned these reporters. Liam Claude knew Catherine's ultimate limit, so he wouldn't dare to stoop so low.

The people outside her door pushed and shoved, arguing to get a glimpse of Catherine's private life. They paid no attention to her well-being, only caring about sensational answers for headlines. Catherine felt like she was trapped in a frenzied crowd, being pulled into an inescapable chase.

"Why are you doing this, Catherine?" A reporter barged in, shoving a microphone in her face. "Are you really manipulating Liam Claude, threatening him to replace Annie?"

Catherine stood there, eyes burning with anger and frustration. She couldn't control the situation and was overwhelmed by the harassment of those around her.

"Did you cause Liam Claude to betray Annie? Are you the one responsible for all the trouble in his relationship with her?" Another journalist pressed forward, asking uncontrollable questions.

Catherine felt trapped in a nightmare, unable to escape. She stared blankly, trying to contain the emotions boiling inside her.

As the reporters jostled for better pictures, Catherine struggled to get into her house after being overwhelmed by the press mob. She took a deep, shaky breath and tried to steady herself before facing what awaited her inside.

But as she stepped in, the feeling of collapse was indescribable when she saw Liam Claude and Annie standing facing each other, Claude's strong arms wrapped around Annie's waist. They had been waiting for Catherine to return home, and that made her feel like she had fallen into a trap.

"Come here, Catherine!" Liam Claude's voice was cold and bitter.

"She's back as expected, Claude. Look, she's being pointed at like a troublemaker." Annie leaned against Liam Claude's chest, looking up at Catherine with a challenging smile.

Catherine breathed heavily, feeling a frantic whirlwind in her mind. She knew she couldn't avoid this confrontation. "Annie, you're good at this. You've managed the situation well," she uttered, trying to maintain her composure.

Liam Claude sneered, "Really? But it seems she's performed well too. And you, what's left for you now other than the title of relationship wrecker?"

Annie laughed loudly, sowing doubt in Catherine's soul. "Last night, hearing your threats, I was so scared... But Catherine, you're just an inferior assistant, while I'm a hot, famous model. Reporters have captured moments of Claude and me dating several times. Today it's my turn to ask you. Who do you think people will believe?"

"More accurately, for how many years apart from being an artist's assistant. You have absolutely no identity."

Desperate, Catherine tried to defend her dignity and love, "Enough! I once loved you, Liam Claude, but now I feel trapped in a never-ending battle. I've done everything for love, but now I realize I've been a pawn in your game. I give up, you've deceived me."

Liam Claude chuckled awkwardly, "Give up? What will you do after giving up? Remember, last night, you were the one forcing me. I'm just protecting myself with Annie."

"Claude, do you think even if everyone stands by your side, I can't provide other evidence? I'm not afraid of you anymore. And you, Annie, I don't care how you want to live your life. Just live with your true nature."

"Catherine, what you have, I deserve to have it too."

Annie attempted to punch Catherine, but Liam Claude quickly held her back. "That's enough, Annie! She's not worth our time and anger," Liam Claude said, his eyes coldly staring at the girl he once loved.

Catherine looked straight at Liam Claude, devoid of any emotion. "You may have bought this house rightfully, but we've built it together. Perhaps it's fair for us to end this relationship."

Annie flailed, trying to escape from Liam Claude's grasp. "Claude, why are you holding me back? This bitch dared to challenge me."

"Catherine isn't the cause of our troubles, Annie. We're in the wrong with her, but seeing her like this is enough," Liam Claude tried to cool the atmosphere down.

Annie felt defeated, angry, and stormed inside, "Fine, I'll give you a minute. Liam Claude, remember, I'm your current girlfriend." She left them alone.

"Liam Claude, are you putting on a show for me?" Catherine interrogated, feeling exhausted. Facing this man, she felt no emotions anymore.

"Catherine, you can leave now," Claude said coldly.

Catherine looked at Liam Claude with a cold expression, devoid of any tenderness: "Leave? Fine, I'll go, but I won't leave anything for you." She said firmly.

Liam Claude chuckled lightly, his voice full of disdain, "Then leave, I don't need your presence here."

Catherine clenched her fists, trying to keep herself calm. "I loved and sacrificed everything for you. Ten years, it took me ten years to see your true face."

"It's all over," Liam Claude brushed off Catherine's words, but his eyes emitted malice.

"Don't bother defending yourself. You're not worth keeping around. I can't trust a word you say either," Catherine retorted strongly.

Meanwhile, Annie stepped out from inside, her eyes filled with hatred as she looked at Catherine, "Enough, I think you should leave. Everyone is very concerned about you!"

Catherine disregarded Annie's sarcastic remarks, "Remember to send me a wedding invitation when you get married!" She said and walked away, not wanting to endure any more insults.

"Honey, if Catherine said that, let's get married soon," Annie stood in front of Claude, speaking affectionately.

Claude grasped Annie's shoulder, speaking softly, "Sweetheart, it will be soon. But for now, you know what to do, right?"

As Catherine stepped out of the house, she saw the reporters still waiting outside. The sense of unease from earlier returned, but she tried not to let fear dominate her mind. As she approached, they swarmed in, thrusting microphones and cameras into her face, continuing to ask malicious and pressure-filled questions.

"Catherine, so you've been fired, haven't you?"

"Do you have any apologies for Claude and Annie?"

Catherine stood her ground, refusing to respond to their questions. She didn't want to participate in the game of those who only sought scandal. But as she tried to leave, the reporters kept pulling her back and pushing her. The relentless pressure and harassment made Catherine unable to bear it anymore.

At the breaking point, she felt like she was losing control. She yelled at the reporters, "Enough, leave me alone!" Her voice carried a sense of anger, and she struggled to contain the emotions welling up inside her.

Then she turned and walked away, without any hesitation. She couldn't believe in a world where truth and deceit intertwined, not knowing what was real. Catherine felt cornered, with nowhere left to hide.

They intentionally shouted after her: "The failure, the one who interferes with others' happiness, will always be at fault."

"Catherine, your ugly image will always be remembered by us." They laughed together after saying this.

Catherine tried to run to a nearby park as fast as she could, sitting down and crying uncontrollably. After a while, she took out a small piece of paper from her pocket, on which was Lucius's phone number, given to her by him before she left.

She held the piece of paper tightly in her hand, contemplating it for a while before pressing the call button. Lucius quickly answered, Catherine's voice firm: "If I agree with your ideas, can you help me revenge them, please?"

A tall figure in a large vest suit walked up to Catherine, blocking half of her view of the sunlight. It was Lucius.

"Very pleased, Mrs. Ravenwood Catherine."

"Lucius..." Catherine was moved, not expecting him to be the first one to appear at this moment and here.

"Don't cry! They don't deserve it." Lucius hung up the phone, kneeling down on the grass. He gently wiped away Catherine's tears, feeling very warm.

"If you can help me cover up the marriage for my family, I'll do everything you want. It's mutually beneficial. Lucius lowered his voice, stating the purpose of both parties clearly.

Lucius lifted Catherine's face, their eyes meeting, his voice firm. "I'd rather see you cry over a pile of money than cry over that garbage, my lady."

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