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i'm sure about that, this is the last time i have written a complete letter for you. i want to tell  you an apologize, because of all. i promised to always beside you, but i can't. sorry to you because i'm useless, can't look after for you as every man do it. i'm lie in a hospial bed and write for you the meaninglessly. but... thanks for everything you have brought to me. your smile, your youth and your forever-love. don't be upset, look for a new love, please give me behind you, to the past. your smile always give for your real love, baby? still alive without me...

from park jimin with love.


một. lại là hố mới 🤦

hai. đây là vài dòng ngẫu hứng của mình thoiiii. thực ra là mình đang rấc là zuiiiiii. phơi phời nhắm. với lại mình phởn vì mình vừa thi toefl nà :3



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