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Author-senpai: Don't ask me why I've been updating so many LEMON lately, you guys ask for it 
:))). Anyhow, I've received a lot of requests from you guys and.. unfortunately I've lost track of those, if you guys have any request, just write it on my wall, don't comment down the comment section, It'll totally slide due to the new comments. (If you had requested before, please post it on my wall again, or DM me) THANK YOU FOR YOUR AMAZING IDEAS, READER-SAN!


 {Azul's POV}

It was nice having someone confessed their love to you, especially if it's the one you love, otherwise it'd be such a bother. I didn't mean any harm, by the way, I'm telling you my story. A story about a girl who loves her boyfriend a lot and how much her boyfriend treasures her.
 Let's go back to a month ago, where everything started. 
 It was a sunday morning, Mostro Lounge was still open, I was busy checking all the paperworks, the Leech brothers is doing whatever they were doing inside the kitchen. Then there she was, Y/n L/n, my precious guest and my beautiful wif- ahem, crush. I stood up from my seat to get her a drink, my lady should drink the best stuff which is made by me, the annoying cat is not with her today , I see.

Y/n: Azul?

Azul: Y-yes? How can I help you?

Y/n: I just wanted to remind you to stop pouring the tea outside the cup, you okay?

Azul: Nothing, really, I was busy thinking of something.

  I quickly put the pot down and made my way to the fridge, taking out a piece of cake which was bake earlier. Y/n was still patiently waiting, I took out a small glass bottle, pouring the purple liquid inside onto the cake, looks as delicious as it could be, I complimented myself for having created such amazing stuff, I bought Trey's recipe, but making it into a nice looking one like this took so much time, he's a genius, I admit, but I'm also one of those.

Azul: Sorry to make you wait.

Y/n: It wasn't that long, besides, looking at you making me full already.

Azul: My, my, Y/n, you sure know how to please someone.

    And I'm not sure if I'm able to keep that happy face of mine if she said the same thing to other boys. 

Azul: Y/n, before you eat that cake, I have something to tell you.

Y/n: Eh? What a coincidence, I was about to say something to you too.

Azul: Then lady first.

     I wonder what she's trying to say, but let hear her out.

Y/n: Azul, it's been wonderful being able to be here in NRC with you, you're caring, handsome, smart, it'll take the whole day talking about you. But all I wanted to say is that, will you be my boyfriend?

    Did I hear it right? She confessed to me? Okay, Azul, calm yourself down, act cool, breath in and out.. My heart was about to explode, to be honest, I will definitely say yes to you, my queen.

Azul: That was... unexpected.

     My acting skill is on point, good job, me.

Azul:  I was about to say the same thing, but if you already said it out, I guess I'll take this chance.

      That is how we got into a relationship, it was simpler than I thought, but let it slide and let's skip to the second week of our date, shall we?
     Today is Valentine day. Chocolate boxes, roses, love letters,... I benefited from selling those, it's weird that even though some of those who knows their feelings might be denied, they still have the courage to do it anyway, you know, confessing your love to your crush or something like that. There's a rumour that if you confess to the one you love at the woods behind campus, you two will be together, forever. But that doesn't matter to me, who already manifested what I want. However, having Y/n as my girlfriend also means that I have to take care of her well, like taking her out for dinner, do what couples usually do. One thing I didn't mention is that I don't reveal our relationship to others, including Jade and Floyd, Y/n has a huge pride, that's the main reason why, we did hold hands in public, hugging and such but the students didn't seem to realise, or they don't want to accept the fact that we're dating. Many students were aiming for Y/n, I totally understand, she's like an angel sent from above, goddesses must've be jealous of her beauty and kindness. Seeing her everyday is such a blessing to my eyes and soul.

Y/n: Azul, you're working again? On valentine?

Azul: Y/n.... I promise after finishing what's left on this table, I'll take you out.

  Y/n simply kissed onto my forehead, messed with my hair and smiled.

Y/n: Don't overwork yourself, silly, I can wait. How about next time?

Azul: If you're okay with it, so do I.

Y/n: Then saturday! See ya til then!

Azul: Roger, my queen.

    I was so naive... for not noticing what will happen after that. 

  Finishing my work, I left Mostro Lounge to the twin and went out. On my way to see my darling, I saw many students giving away their gifts, some rambling about how expensive those are, some exchanged their gifts as a way to show their friendship, but you know the fact that Valentine isn't supposed to be like that.
  I'm at the front of her class, there's nothing going to stop me from seeing her (that what all I had in mind). Stepping inside, I took a good look around, Y/n is not here. Well it's understandable, it's not like the teacher is coming to class today so she might just wandering somewhere else. And so I went looking for her, I'm started to miss her already though we just talked a while ago. Suddenly, I heard a boy talking when I was passing him, it's almost like he's whispering into his friend's ear but somehow, I managed to hear it clearly. "I saw Mob taking Y/n to the woods behind campus, is he trying to confess to her?"

Azul: Ehem, you there, what did you say?

StudentA: W-who? Me?

Azul: Yeah, repeat whatever you just said.

StudentB whispered into A's ear: Isn't he the head of Octavinelle? Shit... Tell him already.

StudentA: Mob and Y/n left the class fifteen minutes ago, so if you be quick-

  I ran as fast as I could, the heck is that brat trying to do, not with my Y/n, you're doomed. How lucky I am, there they are, now all was left is to stop that brat from.. 
  Tears streaming down Y/n's cheeks as she tried to push Mob away, the roses he was holding was thrown downto the grass. THAT FUCKING BRAT IS KISSING Y/N. Before I realized what I should do, I punched that damn asshole straight in his face, my hand hurts, but it was totally worth it. A tooth fell out, great, I've learnt that I'm strong enough to make him lie in bed for a whole week, no, whole month. He's getting up, staring at me, mad, aren't you? My mouth curved into a smirk, without knowing, I already gave him that 'fuck off or I will kill you' look. But those brats never learn, do they?
  Mob or whatever that brat's name is, standing up, threw me a fist, and another, and another, but none hit me. Shame on him, he didn't know that he's facing one of the most elite person here in NRC.

Y/n: Azul, enough, I'm alright, leave him be, no more!

     Leave him be? Oh darling how can you say that.. 

 After putting the annoying brat to sleep with a sleeping spell, I turned around, caress Y/n's face, looking if there's any injuries. My hand moved from her chin to her ears, back at her lips. I used my thumb, slowly wiped on her soft, pink lips, no one but me is allowed to kiss her. But I was careless, that damn brat turns out to have succeeded in getting himself out of the eternity dream, which was not cool at all. Casting a low-rank spell on me, which did manage to make my anger grew even bigger, there's no better option than finishing him off by using my unique magic, stealing his magic and all there's left inside that weak human body of him, Mob lost consciousness, just what I want.
  Y/n, who was shocked from what she saw, was about to check Mob out, I stopped her, yes, with my tentacle, Y/n struggled for a bit before giving up. 

Y/n: Azul, let me go! I won't come closer to him, you're in danger, stop pushing yourself to your limit!

Azul: What do you mean my limit? This is my true form, they're not even related.

Y/n: I can tell, I've seen you in that form once, you might harm yourself, or worst.

Azul: Is that so? 

Y/n: Why should I lie to you? You're my lover!

Azul: No, Y/n, we're not lovers anymore.

Y/n: Azul what do you mean?

  If only I can tell her, Y/n, you're my world, not just any human.

Azul: I ... Y/n...

Y/n: Azul, you're feeling unwell, aren't you? Let go of me, I can help you!

       My mind is going against my heart, Y/n, help me

Azul: We're leaving this place.

Y/n: What? You are starting to speak nonsense, Azul, this is not like you.

Azul: This is me, the new me. And you have to accept this.

           No, it's not like that, save me...

    I couldn't remember how long have I been here, back in my hometown, maybe weeks after that incident. Y/n is here with me so that doesn't matter. 

Azul: Y/n, I brought you dinner!

   Y/n is still mad at me, I hate seeing her being so disobedient, but I don't want to harm her, I can't stand seeing her thin, fragile figure being hurt, maybe I still have that weak side, oh how I wanted to get rid of it.

Azul: You haven't talk to me for weeks, was it about... Mob?

Y/n: No.

    Azul so she finally opened her mouth huh, just by mentioning some other guy's name.

Azul: Then why don't you talk to me?

Y/n: Azul, I hate seeing you like this, you even left Jade and Floyd behind, what was all of that for?

Azul: You should be glad Y/n, that I didn't turn you into a mermaid, you're still able to talk and breathe under water, wasn't it all thanks to me? Yet, you didn't say a word nor say that you appreciate what I did.

Y/n: You brought me here, Azul, and I don't want to stay in this place!

        Let her go you monster

Azul: SHUT UP!

Y/n: ....

Azul: Sorry Y/n, I wasn't talking to you, it's just him,..... that old me..


    Y/n slapped my hand before I could feel the warmth of hers. And that's the last straw. I'm finally at my limit. Skipping dinner is bad for her health, yeah? So I kinda help her out a bit. I  drank the soup, which is not cold, yet,  and passed it to her mouth. I wouldn't let Y/n throw it out and gladly she didn't. But those fiercing eyes are looking at me like her madness is going to swallow me, I totally understand that feeling of having someone you hate, but my love shouldn't act like that in front of me.

Azul: Y/n...

   I laid my head onto her chest, feeling her heartbeat.

Azul: Are you ready for your punishment?

   Y/n realised something bad is happening and right at the moment she about to push me away, I took out the small bottle I've prepared and poured it all out, making it blended into the sea water. I have no choice, Y/n, forgive me. Y/n stopped as the potion started to kick in, that fiercing look in her eyes has disappeared, replacing with a soften look. It has been a while since I last saw her looking at me like this,ah the good old days.

Azul: Y/n.

Y/n: Yes, Azul?

    She's obedient too, which was a huge success. 

Azul: We're getting married.

        Y/n didn't respond, but that's totally fine, I can understand how exciting it can be, for most girls, wedding is an important event in one's life. I reached for the wedding ring on the bedside table, Y/n didn't bother to look at it before but it's different now, under my control, she'll be a perfect wife.

Azul: Give me your hand.

   I placed the ring on her ring finger, perfect. I gave her a kiss, Y/n gladly accepted it, in addition, she even deepen the kiss herself, wrapping that tongue of her around mine. Now, the most important part, we're not skipping it, guess what, if you're thinking what I'm thinking, then you're a genius. 

Azul: Drink this, Y/n.

   I handed her a glass of water and a pill. It was none other than a fertility drug, just to make sure that she'll get pregnant after this, I'm not going easy this time, because the potion I made only effect for a few hours, after that, Y/n wouldn't remember a single thing, however, I'll explain to her later, I'm not a villain, she has the right to know. 
  Taking her clothes off didn't take much time, she listened to all of my command, starting from making her sucking my hard member. Yes, I'm too kind that I even take the human form to do this with her. I couldn't help myself but moaning to every of her movements, she's good at this.

Azul: Swallow it all, it'd be a waste, Y/n.

  But this doesn't help to make baby, we need to move on. My manhood is at her entrance, even though she's under my control, I can feel her body trembling, it's normal to see someone react like that during their first time, and I was kind towards her, that is, to do it slowly and gently. I pushed it in, not all at once, but enough for Y/n not to feel uncomfortable. Only when she agreed did I started to speed up. Each pound hit her womb, making her moans louder and more erotic, I didn't know Y/n has this side, soon I'll discover everything about her, we have plenty of time. After my first time cumming inside, Y/n looked a bit tired, so I helped her by making her drink a healing potion. Before the second round starts, something come to my mind, there's nothing to lose so I decided to try it out. Acting like the old self would be nice, Y/n loves that side of me.

Azul: Y/n, thank you for expressing your love to me that day. I didn't know what I would do without you. I'm scared of losing the one whom I loved most in this world.

Y/n: A...zul..

     It's working, she's tighten me down there, I'm so glad I try this plan out.

Azul: No matter what happens, Y/n, please be by my side. I'll protect you, my love.

  Without hesitation, Y/n hugged me tight, happy tears coming out of her eyes. The fact that she loves me making me so delighted. But I can't imagine how much she will hate me after this. No need for me to say a word, Y/n moved her hip, making my member hit the deepest part inside her. She was calling out my name when we came, how adorable.
  However this is getting bored, I decided to do it with my cecaelia form. Replacing the human's reproductive system, my tentacles made its way inside Y/n, her hands grabbed onto my shoulder, let out a small yell as she lowered her voice down as much as possible.

Azul: Y/n you don't have to do that, no one can disturb us down here, let me hear your voice.

Y/n:  .. It's embarrassing..  Ahh..

Azul: There we go, it sounds nice, love.

Though she said it was embarrassing, her down there is squeezing me tight. The suckers on my tentacles were expanding her inside a little wider, making her moans louder and louder each time I thrust it in. Her juice are coming out, it wets the bedsheets, but I don't mind. The more she feels good, the happier I feel.

Y/n: Your---your tentacles, they'll leave marks on my body...

Azul: You don't like it?

  I asked, reaching the tentacle which is already inside her deep into her womb, it's warm and wet there, the suckers kept sticking around her walls inside, pulling it along every movements. I decided to add another one in, now she's finally at her limit, judging from the expression on her face, it must've feel so good.

Y/n: Ah, no, I didn't mean that.. It's just..

Azul: Leaving marks doesn't make you less beautiful, Y/n, I still love you.

  After hours of love-making, Y/n was exhausted so she rested on me and fell asleep without knowing how long has it been or how many time did I come inside her.
     I guess she's ready to continue after waking up, after all, all she has to do is to accept my love to her, isn't that right?


Author-senpai : Just a quick reminder of how cute Azul is🐙


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