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Azul is looking for a new assistant, yes, you didn't hear me wrong, Azul Ashengrotto is looking for an assistant. You might be wondering, why did he need more when he already has Jade and Floyd. The reason was simple, Jade finds the amount of work is increasing day by day and due to the swing mood of his brother, he couldn't handle by himself, in order to lessen the work, he asked Azul for help and they ended up with this solution.

Grim: So you've heard the news right?

Y/n: Excuse me, what news?

Y/n was enjoying her morning breakfast when Grim starts talking about things that aren't interesting at all.

Grim: It's about Octavinelle dorm, that Azul is looking for new employee!

Y/n: So?

Grim: So??! We're out of money! I'm starving!

Y/n: Aren't you going to apply for the position instead of telling me about it?

Grim: Well yeah, but they didn't accept me.

Y/n: Why?

Grim: Grrr..... NO REASON! Just ignore it and help me, help US!!!

Y/n: Fine but what will I get?

Grim: Nothing?

Y/n: Haha, nice joke, no.

Grim: Alright then I'll clean our room everyday!

Y/n: You'll need more than just that, think about it when I got back, see ya!

Leaving Grim in desperation, Y/n came to class, it was unexpected that she went to the same class with the famous ones from Octavinelle, it has been a long time sharing the same class like this and it's uneasy seeing those eyes staring at her, especially Jade, he simply smiles at her with that questionable stare, 'Such scary guy' Y/n thought.
While focusing on Crewel-sensei during class, Y/n still has that feeling of someone looking at her. Although she wants to ignore it, she just can't. Is someone that insane to ignore Crewel's lesson and spend the rest of their time in class looking at a-normal-girl like Y/n? The answer is: Yes, there is.

Crewel: That's all for today, make sure to do the task I gave you.

Y/n sighed as she picked up her stuffs and about to leave her seat to head back to Ramshackle dorm but as soon as she got up, she was blocked by a tall figure.

Jade: Uhm, hey, Y/n.

Y/n: You scared me for a sec, what's wrong, Jade-senpai?

Jade: I was just wondering.. If you..

Jade started scratching his neck and avoiding making eyes contact with Y/n, it took him a few minutes to continue.

Jade: You probably heard from somewhere that we're looking for an assistant so maybe if you could..

Y/n: You want me to fill in that position?

Jade: I will make sure that you'll be treated well.

Y/n: Oh, let me think about it-

Jade: Answer me now, this is serious!

Y/n: O-okay, then I'm in.

Jade freaked her out so she messed up her answer, her mind was saying no when Jade yelled at her making it turning into yes ,so she has no choice from the beginning. Y/n then thought of another future where her answer is a no, what will Jade do? Will he leave her be or keen on forcing her to accept the job, either way, nothing can be done now.
First day at work - a.k.a the worst day.
'I will be treated well, he said, this is serious, he said..' Y/n was standing there trying to hide her deepest thoughts and feelings with a blank face. She was told to wear a maid costume, luckily the dress was long, however, no one told her that she's supposed to wear this. Taking orders is understandable but being stared by the guests is a whole different story.

Azul: You're doing great, Y/n.

Y/n: ...

Azul: Uhm... Continue your job, we're counting on you, don't look at me like you're going to eat me up alive.

 With no evidence, Y/n still insists that Jade is the one who came up with the idea making her wear this, she wanted to flip the table so bad but that'll make thing worse than it already does. Again, that strange feeling hit Y/n, who is the bastard that kept looking at her, can't they just stop, wearing this thing is already a nightmare. After hours of working and serving customers, Y/n finally got the chance to lay herself down the sofa in the VIP room. Jade walked in, making sure that he locked the door behind him and sat opposite Y/n, who had no energy left.

Jade: You worked hard today.

Y/n: Oh, it's you senpai... I can't even lift my hand up..

Jade: Want me to give you a massage?

Before Y/n could say yes, something stopped her from doing so, she considered how dangerous this guy is in the eyes of others, he's strong though, Y/n doesn't want to get hurt, so no, she won't agree letting him do anything to her. But it's too late to refuse, Jade already kneeled down next to Y/n, he is massaging her shoulders. Y/n hates to admit but this is great, all that stress and pain just went away.

Y/n: You're good at this, senpai..

Jade: I am? Glad you think so.

Y/n: Floyd-senpai is lucky to have someone like you as his brother.

Jade: Who knows, but you're a lucky person too.

Y/n: Me? No way, if I'm a lucky person, I wouldn't be here.

Y/n later realized what she just said, stress could make a person say stupid things and Y/n is not an exception. She felt Jade's hands stop moving and the atmosphere is getting tense.

Y/n: Uhm.. let's just forget about what I said, senpai, I'm just too tired so..

Jade: Saying it out loud must've been an accident but you do thought about it that way. Coming here is something you didn't expect and definitely don't want it to happen, right?

Y/n: No, you're just imagining things.

Jade: Liar!

Jade pinned Y/n down, he's on top of her, face-to-face. Y/n could see his face burning red just by looking at her, whether if it's because he's mad or he's shy, it's not a good sign at all cause Y/n is in a bad situation, she's couldn't escape. Inside her head, thousands of words are bouncing front and back, she's doomed, someone please just come and get her out of here.
'What is he doing?' Y/n wondered as she tried to push Jade away. He lowered his head and took a deep breath.

Jade: You smell nice, Y/n, just as I imagined.

  It's strange hearing someone saying that you smell nice, especially in such situation, it gets even weirder. Jade didn't just stop there, he has time, a lot of time so why not having some fun. Those sharp teeth of him pinned onto Y/n's left shoulder while his hand covered Y/n mouth, not letting her scream to escape from her mouth. Tears streaming down her cheeks as red blood dyed her white clothes. Jade moved down to explore the lower part, he ripped the dress, exposing those bare skin of hers.

Jade: Say, I'm your first right, Y/n?

He then let his tongue entered, leaving Y/n to squirm on the sofa with both hands pushing his head back off, she got to admit, she's slowly losing her strength so if he continues this, no one knows what will happen next. On the other hand, Jade didn't give a care about her suffering from up there, he's enjoying his moment, once she came, he drank all "her juice". Y/n was breathing heavily, seeing Jade's smirk widen meaning he won't leave her be for the next few hours, she's on the verge of giving up too so it doesn't matter anymore.

Jade: I like it when you acted like a good doll.

Y/n: I'm not a doll!

Y/n only got herself together after hearing him said so, she's not a toy that is being played with. Guess what kind of expression Jade made, he laughed, insanely.

Jade: Ahaha, of course you're not, you're not just any normal doll. You, are my doll..

Jade smashed his lips onto hers, bitting those cherry lips might be one of his new habits. For just one second, Y/n thought she saw such thirst coming from those eyes of his, he's craving for more. Also, that part of him is stiffened, Y/n could feel it scrubbing that part of her. Even though he's still having his clothes on, with that thing getting in between him and her, Y/n couldn't focus on the kiss and Jade seemed to notice that. Y/n bitted on his tongue, parted their kiss, Y/n's lips are already redden because of him being so rough on her.

Jade: Y/n, you...

Y/n: Go fuck yourself!

Y/n hopes he didn't hear her wrong, yes, she wanted him to disappear from her sight so bad. Unlike what Y/n has expected from Jade Leech, he, again, started to act like a weirdo or a pervert.

Jade: I also like it when you're rough on me.

To be honest, Y/n didn't expect more or less from a man like this, it was new to discover that this man is a masochist. He took off his clothes, Y/n's worst nightmare came true, revealing that hard part of a man. Before Y/n could look away, she could feel something strange is stirring her from the inside.

Jade: What's the matter, Y/n? Suddenly have that urge to make love with me?

Y/n: You...

Jade: I'm a jerk, yes, whatsoever, let's continue.

  Y/n stood up on her shaking feet, looking at the man standing in front of her, she wanted to curse him so much but that won't make her get out of this place so she doesn't want to waste her time. 

Jade: I know exactly what you're thinking, how about an exchange?

Y/n: Like what?

Jade: Do as I said, as simple as that. 

Y/n: ...

Jade: Floyd and Azul will be back in about an hour~

Y/n: Tch.. fine.

Jade: Then kneel!

    And Y/n did so, Jade took a few steps forwards, that's when Y/n realized what's she supposed to do.

Jade: Suck it.

  Y/n regretted listening to his words, he has fooled her so many times but there's no choice, is there? It's suffocating, that is to beginners, Y/n knows nothing about those dirty stuffs and never in her life she wanted to get involved in these, Jade changed her life, completely, in a bad way. Without any warning, he ejaculated but before Y/n could throw those up, he made her swallow those.

Jade: Take off your underwear. 

   Y/n is like a robot being created to listen to her master's order, Jade ran his fingers through her hair as a way to comfort her but it didn't help at all, Y/n still felt unsafe staying around him. He took a sniff and gave Y/n a kiss on her forehead then lifted her up, Y/n's hand wrapped around his shoulders while her legs are around his waist. It's scary how Jade's mood changed so quick, he was so much of a pervert a few minutes ago, but nevermind, as long as he doesn't harm her with any other physical violence methods, she's fine giving him her first. There he went in, it was so painful that Y/n's nails pinned onto his neck, it's also bleeding down there, Y/n could feel it. Jade does care about Y/n, she might hate him but his feelings for her won't change, so as her way to apologize, he's treating her nicely, like the way he does right now. He wanted to do this faster but knowing women have to endure pain during their first time, he has to calm himself.
  Aphrodisiac kicked in as the pain faded away, Y/n loosen her hands. It's her time to take action, she moved her hips faster, causing Jade to moan. Taking her revenge, Y/n kissed him, locking those lips, keeping those moans to herself. Her inside squeezed his tighter everytime he thrusts inside. Both soon reached their climax, Jade didn't take it out, letting it filled Y/n's inside with his semen. 
  Jade was more than ready for the next round, while Y/n was gasping, he slide it in again, Y/n couldn't help but let out a quick "Uhm" sound. That hard member of him continuously kissing her womb.

Jade: Y/n. Are you aware that it's your unsafe day or are you just ignoring it?

Y/n: How do you..

Jade: Know? I've been watching you.

  Jade noticed her inside just got a lot tighter, she meant to do so, such naughty girl. As long as she's obedient, he wouldn't do anything to harm her, at least for now. They could have a child, Jade swears to himself that the kid would be adorable, that's what inside his head now. But first, he has to impregnant her, he felt sorry for lying that he'd let her go as soon as they finished this, but he was sure that aphrodisiac is working so she might lost the track of time at the moment, meaning he has her all to himself tonight.


Author-chan: The last few weeks were exhausting, I feel glad that I'm still alive!!!!! Man... It's good to be back, see ya next week~ (If I have free time :<<)

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