Inside those jars [Jade&FloydxREADER]

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(Keep in mind that this is part 1, I have deadlines so I can't finish this yet) 

Update: I have written part 2 and continued it in this one so the story won't be seperated into another page.

"What colour are her eyes?..."

 Y/n is pretty, that is the main point of this story. The one and only female student of NRC and the apple of one's eye, everyone's of course. Vil, the head of Pomefiore cherishes beauty, including that first-year student and decided to take her in his dorm. Under the hand of Pomefiore's head student, she was like his little princess who is getting even prettier day by day. Of course Vil applied some really strict rules to her diet, but the girl doesn't mind one bit, she acted nicely and that pleased Vil.

Vil: What a good day to go out and take a walk for everyone to take a look at us, yes?

Y/n: Aha, senpai you sure love that.

Vil: My beauty is for everyone to admire, not to keep for myself.

Y/n: But it looks as if it's about to rain...

Rook: I agree with Y/n, Vil, maybe next time?

Vil: I declined, let's go.

Y/n:... If you said so.

Rook: I know just the right place.

  That place is Mostro Lounge, considering the perfect timing, most students are here. The vice head of Octavinelle went greeting the three himself.

Jade: Azul is out at the moment, if there's anything we can help about your beauty product-

Vil: Ah, not about that. We're just here for some drinks.

Jade: I see. Then the usual for the two of you and ?

     Jade then looks at Y/n as she was confusing, not knowing what's on the menu. Rook wanted to lend her a hand but seeing her being a total newbie is entertaining to him, after all, Vil took care of her so well that he didn't let her do a thing on her own. The situation couldn't get any more awkward when that energetic brother of Jade came with "that-red-liquid-all-over-him-which-is-not-blood" and laid his hand on Y/n's shoulders.

Floyd: HI!

   Y/n swears if there were god, he would've take her already. Vil on the other hand, was kinda mad, luckily Y/n's clothes didn't get dirty. Jade was quick to notice one's mood, so before Vil even says a thing, he offered Y/n the new drink and got Vil's attention by complimenting him .

Rook: He was one step ahead.

Vil: That is good, no?

Y/n: Being angry affects your skin~ You told me so~

Vil: Ah, you're starting to mess with me now huh, my-precious-daughter?

Y/n: No mother.

   Of course it was just their way of making jokes, they talked a lot til the drinks came, Floyd apologized for his earlier behavior. There were many guests, both inside and outside NRC, but instead of helping the others, Floyd remained at the table with Y/n. After all, the waiters here are deep in debt.

Y/n: You're a second year?

Floyd: Yep. Stop asking about me, I want to know more about you. Your eyes are so gorgeous.


Rook: Now, now Floyd, is this your way to get a girl?

Floyd: Maybe, I'm speaking the truth though, look at that... They remind me of the way I and Jade get our earrings.

Y/n: Oh?

Floyd: You see, back then-

Jade: Floyd, someone refused to pay for their debt, I need you to handle him, he's waiting.

Floyd: Right, right, coming... See you later, Y/n-chan.

        Y/n waves goodbye to him, she didn't communicate with people well aside from the students that already know her from Pomefiore but maybe she'll try to make more friends, like Floyd, he has the potential to be a reliable friend.
    Vil was pleased with himself hearing those compliments around, they're chatting non-stop about how his skin looks like it's glowing, what pearly skin indeed, his eyes, his hair, everything was outstanding. Meanwhile Y/n is just trying her best to curve herself into a small ball due to her shyness.

Y/n: Can we go?

Rook: Why so early, princesse?

Y/n: I just don't feel like staying.

Vil: Well you can go first, we'll be back late.

Y/n: Alright, see you at the dorm.

   " They are the colour
     Of tawney whiskey; intense,"

Floyd: Y/N!

Y/n: Ah! 

     This time she really did scream outloud. Who would've thought there's a person that has been behind her the whole time.

Floyd: All on your own?

         It took a minute or so for Y/n to get herself together. She nodded as a reply and continued to move forward while Floyd being stubborn and walks  alongside her.

Floyd: It's hard to meet you in person, Azul kept telling us about you, your appearance left a strong impression on him. Vil sure did a good job keeping you away from people's eyes.

Y/n: It wasn't all because of him, I request to take a different class so as not to disturb the students' usual schedule. I mean... Being different is already something.

Floyd: No wonder, but at least you are here now.

Y/n: Didn't Jade-senpai say that you have something to do with?

Floyd: You mean that? I'm done, we're used to such cases.

Y/n: Uhm... To be honest, senpai, I have nothing more to say. Isn't it best if you return to Mostro Lounge?

Floyd: It's boring, you know I can't work well if I'm not in the mood.

Y/n: I guess that's what we have in common. 

Floyd: Suddenly I remember about the drink you ordered, what makes you choose it?

Y/n: I didn't, Jade was the one to offer, it's my first time there after all.

Floyd: You didn't know, did you?

Y/n: About what? Why are you suddenly talk in such suspicious tone?

Floyd: About... who made it, yep, that was me.

        Y/n can tell he's stuttering.

Floyd: Why giving me that look?

Y/n: It sounds kinda wrong.

Floyd: Hey, I can be a genius if I wanted to, a drink is the simpliest thing to make.

Y/n: You are not wrong, can't judge a book by its cover.

Floyd: Let me tell you one last thing before 𝔂*𝓾𝓭*𝔃**#𝓯𝓯 that is the after effect won't be so pleasant.

Y/n: Before wha....

Jade: "Our new fraction to the collection."

Floyd: Wakie wakie!!!!

    Y/n is having a really bad headache, yet, Floyd is so loud that he might not even care if they'll be discovered or not. 

Floyd: Ah, you're waking up, that's good.

  No ropes, no chains, no nothing, they truly kept Y/n "in her original state", that is for the one and only purpose: making her their new toy. Jade's voice was heard before Y/n passed out, but he's now nowhere to be found. Floyd was surprised by Y/n's calm reaction, most victims will immediately scream to the bottom of their lungs. 
  Y/n's attention switched to those jars containing different body's parts. Ears, eyes, fingers, ... they all have one common thing: unbelievably "gorgeous". The perfection of the shape and the freshness of the skin was managed to be kept as if they were not been removed from their owners. Magic, that is such a wonderful tool, to somebody who used them for such purpose, they definitely have some abnormal stuffs running through their heads.

Floyd: Like what you are seeing?

Y/n: Does anyone else know about this psycho little "hobby" of yours?

Floyd: No, I don't think so. But now you do.

Y/n: And I'll be-

Floyd: You know that we don't have to repeat such obvious thing, right? Sit still.

   Though their aim was for her eyes, Y/n doesn't want to close them cause what is that for when she already knows it'd be useless either way, she has to see what and how he's going to do it, probably that will be the very last things she sees.

Jade: Floyd!

Floyd: AH, YOU STARTLED ME. What is it?

Jade: You did it without me, how unusual.

Floyd: It didn't require that much of a skill when coming to take one's eyes out. I can handle this.

Jade: You just deeply hurt my pure heart, though I won't take part in this, I-

   This is her chance, yes, Y/n grabbed Floyd's magic wand and aimed it towards him.

Floyd: Look whose fault is this.

Jade: Uhm.. Me?

    Of course Jade has his wand, this is not a good choice, facing two tall men that know magic is crazy, yet, nothing can stop Y/n, after all, she took such special classes to defend herself in such cases. One spell and there goes Floyd, now sitting on the floor, she was fast to cast another spell to defend herself. The magic shield she created also reflects Jade's attack, making it hit the jars on the shelves. There goes their humanity, the magic wand of Floyd didn't help Y/n for long when it wasn't even hers, so it stopped working at a point, now it's just a normal pen in her hand.

Jade: You know how much it costs to have that much of a collection, don't you?

Y/n: Uhm... No, actually.

Jade: That's your answer, I see.. 

   He could've bring her to sleep, an eternal one, but Floyd just decided to ruin the moment. 

Floyd: Look, I would not be satisfy with just a blast that kills her right away. I have the right to take revenge!

Y/n: Uhm... Okay.

  She threw the wand that is now useless in her hand to his, yes, it's suicidal af, but she doesn't care, she has a plan, a good one. 

Floyd: Yuck.. Look at you, Y/n, you're also a psycho.. from deep down.

Y/n: No, you're imagining things, now end this stuff here so either I can go back to my room and take a bath or I'll enjoy my spa down there in hell.

Floyd: Sure thing.

   It was even easier for Y/n to increase the success rate of her plan when Floyd is acting like a child who didn't get to play. While they were still talking, she quickly picked up a piece of the broken jar on the ground, it cuts her hand due to the quick movement but it's okay, as long as she can escape, Vil'll help her. It was definitely gross when accidentally touching a part of someone's body too, but that, too, is nothing compared to the fear of being killed and then got your eyes put in a jar.
  Aside from spells, what Y/n learned during the time here in NRC, is how to defend herself, and her teacher, yes, is Rook. Having a fragile body doesn't help her much, so she asked for her senpai's help. Beauty isn't everything to her, Vil dislikes the idea and locked Y/n in her room for one day, but she managed to escape with Rook. Soon they were figured out, Vil no longer cares about her training anymore, as long as it didn't leave any scars, he's fine with it.
  Waiting for the right time is the hardest, once she got it right, the rest didn't really matter, Floyd was not on caution anyway, he was enjoying himself. 

Floyd: Any last words?

Y/n: Yes, look up.

   Her words did catch their attention, soon she threw the glass towards Jade's hand, making him drop his wand. Y/n lowered her body to avoid any attacks that will come from Floyd, at the same time, kicking the wand of Jade away. She managed to take Floyd as her hostage by taking his wand away again and pointing it to his head, she wasn't sure if it will work but it didn't matter, Floyd is in her hand. With one hand tightly squeezing his neck, she was sure to win. Jade doesn't want his brother to suffer, he now went to the negotiating mode.
  Everything should be serious like how the normal exchanges went, but one thing didn't go as her plan that was Jade. He looks like he's holding his laughter.

Y/n: Quick time out, why are you laughing?

Jade: M-Me? Ahaha.. I mean... How could I not when Floyd is being held hostage by someone who's shorter than him and is trying to stand on tiptoe?

Floyd: Right..... Ha..ha..ha

Y/n: .. Okay you should've keep it to yourself.

Jade: I have one condition for you to keep your life actually.

Y/n: You really talk about that before discussing about your brother's life huh...

Jade: I know Floyd is enjoying himself judging from his look, which you couldn't see by that height of yours.

Y/n: Quit mocking me, please. 

Jade: You're being polite so okay.

Floyd: Can you hold me tighter?

Y/n: No.

Floyd: I can kneel-

Y/n: I said no.

Floyd: You know I like it when you're-

Y/n: No.

Jade: Okay Floyd, stop before you really leave this world. My condition is that you give us one of your eyes-

Y/n: Ouch..

Floyd: So I worth one eye? That's-

Jade: Let me finish, you also have to keep your mouth shut by becoming one of us.

Y/n: I don't want to come back to Pomefiore as a pirate.

Jade: I'll make you a fake eye. Your eye is just a sacrifice for the ritual that you won't betray us and go around telling people about all of these stuffs.

Y/n: I supposed that is okay, losing an eye is still better than-

    Y/n didn't know why she suddenly got so weak, she dropped the wand and Floyd was set free.

Jade: I feel so lucky that Floyd didn't tell you all about this place. 

Floyd: Huh? What?

Jade: The reason why we never tied our victims, aside from getting marks on their precious skin, we have another solution for that already. A scent made just for such purpose, we read about it once in the library and successfully recreated it. Too bad you can't hear what I'm saying.

  Floyd quickly grabbed Y/n right before she fell on the floor full of shattered glass. 

Floyd: What are you going to do now?

Jade: Follow the deal we're discussing of course. We shouldn't waste such talent.

Floyd: Right, I'll clean this place up.

    The second time Y/n opens her eyes, she was already in her bed. Though the early morning was the perfect time to wake up and start doing Vil's secret beauty exercise, Y/n doesn't feel like doing it today. She went into the bathroom. While washing her face, she noticed something strange going on. Her vision, she can now only see half comparing to what she can see before. But unfortunately, nothing came to her mind, she couldn't remember a thing, that must be an important information.

Floyd: Don't touch it, it'll soon recover and you can soon see again with that new eye.

   Y/n turned her head around just to see Floyd, in her bathtub, his eel form surprised her.

Y/n: YOU!

Floyd: Yes?

Y/n: Don't tell me-

Floyd: You're slowly regaining your memory, that is good.

    He splashed the water towards Y/n making her all wet. As one's instinct, she grabbed the towel to cover her body.

Floyd: So....... did you remember what we did last night?

Y/n: We did what?

Floyd:  Secret~

   Before she could grabbed his tail and pull it, Floyd command her to stop with such weird spell she never heard before and her body did stop. 

Floyd: That, my love, is the power of the eye we gave you~ 

   He left the bathtub in his human form, of course, not even a piece of cloth, but Y/n was quick to close her eyes.

Floyd: Let's have more fun from now on, okay?


Author-chan: Guys, it's not like I don't wanna continue my works, it's just Wattpad didn't work for months, either on my PC or phone. Recently, I have bought a new computer and it works kinda well, strange huh, Wattpad works again~

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