Chapter 17

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A/N: Helloooo guysss :DDD I'm back xD It's summer vacation so I play hard, so hard that I forgot to update this book .-. I'm so sorry :(( Here is the new chapter for you <3 BTW, thank you all for (nearly) 600 reads!

Shiyuki's POV

The second match: Sasuke VS Gaara. Sasuke hasn't turned up yet. The audiences start to boo. I'm running out of patience, too. Contradictorily, Naruto confidently declares that Sasuke will come.
Some ninja comes from the Hokage's place to tell the referee something.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The contestant for the next match hasn't arrived yet! Therefore, we will push this match back and begin the next one!"
What the hell!
"And now, the next match! Kankuro and Aburame Shino! Come down!"
"I forfeit!" Kankuro immediately says.
Holy cow what's going on!

Temari spreads her fan then flies down to the battleground.
"Shikamaru! Get down here!" The referee reminds.
"Alright! Shikamaru, go for it!!" Naruto pushes the pineapple boy so hard that he falls with a "Waaaaaahhhh!!"


I'm superduper astonished by Shikamaru's tactic. He has anticipated all of Temari's moves. But in the end, Shikamaru gives up?!
"Winner: Temari!"
Yas, my time has come!! I'm about to jump down there when the referee raises his hand, implying that I should stop.
"You have some time to rest before your next match with Akai Shiyuki. Let's push it back after Sasuke and Gaara's match. If Sasuke takes too long to arrive, we'll carry your match out." He notifies us.

Aaaaahhhh!! So I have to wait longer! Damn it, my match!!! I want to take revenge for Tenten!! Let me fight her!!!
15 minutes has passed.
"Where's the Uchiha?!"
"What about the next fight!!" The audiences boo and boo.

The referee looks up to the waiting room. He's about to call us down when a hurricane arrives.
That is...
Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei!
"Gaara, get down here."

Up here, I glance at Gaara. He has a terrifying smirk. Is he crazy? Will Sasuke get it through? Gaara nearly killed Lee after all!


Orochimaru attacked the Leaf Village while the match was occurring. The Chunin exam had to be cancelled. The third Hokage has passed away to stop Orochimaru. Tsunade-sama has returned to become the fifth Hokage.

"Shiyukiiiii!!" I'm walking on the street when I hear somebody calls my name.
"Hey! Wanna check her out? The fifth Hokage!"
"Of course, I'm doing that! I will petition her to teach me!"
"Nice! Let's do it together!"

We knock at the Hokage office's door.
"Come in." Tsunade-sama's eloquent voice rises.
We open the door to see that the Hokage has a mountain of books around her. She is researching on something. I realize that all of those books are about medic techniques.
"Well... Would you mind teaching us...?"
"Okay, but you have to take a test first." She looks up from the book.

Her assistant, Shizune, brings us two ill fish and tells us to heal them. As I've learned medic for a while now, I easily heal the fish. Nevertheless, Tenten struggles to control her chakra into a healing one.
"Do your best, Tenten!" I cheer.
"I am!"
Oh no, her fish is dead... Tenten failed. She sighs.
"Cheer up! Although medic is not your major, you're best at summoning!"
"Just be yourself! You don't have to become anyone else! You've been yourself so far, and isn't it good?"
"You are right... Tsunade-sama, thank you for today. Shiyuki, do your best!"
I wave at her, then she leaves .
"Akai Shiyuki, from now on, you're offically my student!" Tsunade-sama declares.
"Yes ma'am!!"


I tie my hair up, forming a ponytail. I put my red bow in my weapon pocket. I'm ready for the first day of practising with Tsunade-sama! I'm so excited!

"Aaaaahhhh!!" Tsunade-sama's punch sends me fly. She sure is strict! I land on my right arm. I can feel my skin tearing! Oh my god it hurts me to dead!
"GET UP!!"
"Yes ma'am...!!"

I quickly get up. I run for her again while healing myself. Again and again, I'm injured, then heal it immediately to continue fighting. It's true hell!

I've been Tsunade-sama's student for some weeks now.
"Do you know about this diamond mark?" Tsunade-sama points at the mark on her forehead.
"Is that... the Byakugou seal?" I answer while sitting under a tree to take a rest after practising.
"Good. Do you remember three rules of a medical ninja?"
"Yes ma'am.
1. No medic ninja shall ever stop medical treatment until the lives of their party members have come to an end.
2. No medic ninja shall ever stand on the front lines.
3. No medic ninja shall ever die until they are the last of their platoon."
"Great. Now i'll tell you the fourth rule: Only those medic ninja who have mastered the Byakugou are permitted to discard the above-mentioned laws."
"Eh?" I surprisedly ask.

"I saw that you can release both Wind and Water chakra on one hand without combining them into Ice. Since you have excellent chakra control, I'll tell you about this technique. It has a continuous, automatically effect that will heal any damage that the user sustains instantly without handseal."
"Wooowww! Amazing! Please show me how to achieve it, Tsunade-sama!" My eyes splash.
"But! You have to store your chakra for 3 years straight! It's quite hard, right? I don't recommend you to do it. Even my best student, Shizune can't achieve the Byakugou. But if you think you can, try. Now, continue practising!"
"Yes ma'am!"

I don't know whether I'll try it or not. I'm in two mind for several days, until I find my father's diary.

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