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The story began in late spring. Varlan Empire, in the tenth year of the Dragon Emperor Suk Lam reign.

The morning spring breeze sweep across the beautiful meadow spotted with white patch of Kelin flower, a curvy road carved it way through that green sea of grass, and stretch far to the horizon. A convoy of three carriages and five wagon slowly roll along the road. Escorting the convoy is four hundred Downer men strong, clad in black lamellar armour, their spears shine under the morning sun like the stars of the night. Their helmet covered with black fabric, on the rear attached a small upside down gold triangle with four feather pointed upward, on the front a square gold with a smaller diamond jewel in the middle. On their back is a short yellow brocade cloak, embroidered with cloud, sword and lion motifs. These are the prestige Brocade Cloak Guards of the Varlann Empire in charge of safeguard the imperial family.

The men mounted a strange creature, the Velelises. A bipedal horse size dragon like creature, with horizon posture, covered from head to leg in filament feather, small feathered arms with three finger, and the tip of their tail also covered in bird like tail feathered. Their snout and mouth is like of a horse, and on top of their head a pair of cat likes ears. The creatures have two colour, brown and yellow some are spotted between two colours. These creatures are a main mount and a mean of transportation.

In the middle of the convoy there a red carriage pulls by four Velelis, it is the biggest of the three, the carriage curved roof painted in deep jade green, red lantern adorns with silver wind chime and red tassel hung on each corners. The carriage wall decorated with cloud and bird motifs. Inside the carriage, hung a hammock, on it lied a Downer mans, the man is in his early thirty, clothed in a right lappet cross-collard robe. These kind of robe used throughout Varlann from the aristocrats to the common people. The robe are knee length, tailor with bright red silk woven with swastika patterns, a silver coiling dragon embroidered in the middle of the chest, tie in the waist with a black silk belt, decorated with gold, white jade jewels and small silver rattler bells. His legs and wrists wearer golden braces with wave pattern carving and adorn with ruby, green jade and silver rattler bells. He have black shoulder length hair, handsome face, thick eyes brow with a short black goatee beard under his chin, and on his forehead right at the hair line, protruded a pair of small deer like antlers bend upward. That man name is Suk Lam, Emperor of the Varlann Empire, Lord of One Hundred Clans, the son of Dragon, the protector of the Realm. Laying on his hammock Emperor Lam reading the reports of his official from the city of Qua Loh, a port city on the lake shore of Lake Kao Ren. And this particularly report is the reason His Imperial Majesty left the comfort of his palace.

- Your Imperial Majesty, we're will arrived to Qua Loh in 30 minutes please get ready. An official said.

- I know, thank you lord Kue. The emperor answered.

Then the convoy stop, the royal servants get in His Imperial Majesty carriage to help him change to his formal attire. A black silk , right lappet cross-collard robe, with big loose sleeves, embroider with silver cloud motifs and a golden coiling dragon in the middle of the chest, white inner skirt, and dark red outer skirt embroider with sea wave motifs. Both are above ankle length.

30 minutes late, the imperial convoy came to Qua Loh city, at the outskirts of the city a delegation of Qua Loh, the lord official Buh Huy has waiting to welcome His Imperial Majesty arrival. Lord Buh Huy of Qua Loh city get off his velelis, following him is his family. They came before the convoy kneel down and formally bow by interlock their fingers, raise their hands in front of their face, palm faced inward.

- I, Buh Huy and my family, welcome Your Imperial Majesty. Long live the Emperor, may you reign for thousands and thousands of years. Lord Buh Huy and his family simultaneously said.

- Be at ease. Emperor Lam said.

- Thank Your Imperial Grace. Lord Buh Huy and his family said and stand up.

After the welcome, they continue to enter the city. In the city the citizens has took to the street to welcome his arrival and immediately Emperor Lam can feel the air of distress of the citizens, it is because they fear him? It is because Emperor Lam a tyrant? No. There are clearly hope in their eyes when they saw a glance of the emperor carriage before they kneel down. And suddenly a cry echo from the crowd. Emperor Lam ears caught the cry and order the convoy to stop, then his step out of the carriage order the Brocade Cloak Guards to find the person who the cry belong to. After a while the Brocade Cloak Guards escort an old man out of the crowd, the old man face etched with many winkle by time, his eyes soaked with tear. He came before Emperor Lam, put down his walking stick, formally bow and kneel down painfully, His Imperial Majesty immediately took to the ground and hold the old man hand help him get up.

- Your Elderly, why are you cry? What trouble you mind? Asked the emperor.

- Your Imperial Majesty, these are the tears of joy, for this old man had finally can set these blurry eyes upon you. These are the tears of relief, for finally you are here. The gods is smiling upon us, the terror from the deep soon will be vanquish. Said the old man, his tears roll down his wrinkle face.

The crowd becomes noisy, some pray to the gods, some burst into tear, and murmur relief that the emperor is here.

- Your Imperial Majesty, my old sickly wife and two granddaughters is what left of my family, my sons... the old man stop because of a hiccup

- ...all my four sons and my grandsons is death, the youngest of my grandsons is only fifteen he is die too young.... It is all because of that monster... please! Your Imperial Majesty slays that monster, so that my sons and grandsons can be at peace, so their souls can meet Mien papa in the underworld and pass on to the next life. The old man kneel down again as he finished his sentience.

Emperor Lam holds his hand and pull him get back up as the crowd started to cry.

- My beloved subjects, ease you mind now and do not be afraid, here I am and right here in the name of the gods, in the name of the supreme Quelas'Airuth, in the honour of the Imperial bloodline and my father the Emperor Suk Luo Tu and my mother the Empress Lu Nue. Emperor Lam stop for a moment to take a breath, tear started to swelling in his eyes.

- This I swear to yours all, the terror yours have endure thus far shall be no more, I shall not rest until this monster has slain, and the souls of those who has gone because of this abomination be at peace.


Kao Ren Lake located at southern Varlaurea continent near the downstream of the Great River. It is the largest fresh water body in Varlaurea. It name mean the "sea lake" for it so vast that it took 5 days to sail across the surface of the lake. It so big it even have it own weather pattern. Below those glistering blue waves, many bounties to be catch. And with it gentle tide, it accretion the shore, enriched the soil and help feed those first Downer settlements when they first came to Varlaurea, after their long journey through the Age of Wandering. Many cities has thrive and flourish on the benevolent shore of the lake and come with the lake connection with the Great River, trade from the free cities of the Uppers in northern Varlaurea and Chihan empire in eastern Varlaurea flow through Qua Loh city. It is the busiest trade routed of all Varlaurea.

It all happen 5 years ago, first there are only some isolated incidents occurred throughout many cities, some fishermen went missing when diving to harvest clam, pearl and seaweed. First the officials only think it just accident, and then it escalated, from missing fishermen to entire fishing ship went missing. And 2 years ago in the fishing village near Qua Loh, a survivor has found. He claimed there were no accident, he claimed his fishing boat and crews was attacked by something in the lake. "It like a gigantic fish I never seen before" the fishermen claimed. Lord Buh Huy as that time took noticed of this incident and ordered an investigation but came up empty hand. And thus that fishermen story became nothing but a rambling of a traumatized man and soon become mere rumour or spooky tale around the tavern table. But fishing ships still went missing, fear quickly rise among the people, they do not dare to go fishing far from the lake shore, and then, another incident came to lord Buh Huy's ears, a trade ship from Chihan empire has sunk not too far from Qua Loh, 6 survivor had been found and they all claimed their ship had been attacked by something, some kind of gigantic fish. The survivors claimed it torn their ship apart with just one ram, and swallow several sailor with just one gulped. A military search had been launched, but all they can find it only plank of woods, and torn pieces of sails floating in the water, no sign of the "big fish". And in following years more and more ships were attacked, more and more survival testimony claimed the existing of the "big fish", trade is stagnated. Two navy expeditions had been launched by Lord Buh Huy, and in the second expedition a medium junk ship had been attacked in front of the entire fleet, despite the valiant resistant of the crew, with just several ram the monster torn the ship apart, and swallow the helpless sailors in the water. Witnesses estimated the monster length is 100 lias (1 lia = 1 meters) at the least, it back is dark red, and have many foot like pelvic fins. It mouth big as the city's gate full of jagged teeth. It eyes is glowing red under the sun. And Lord Buh Huy launched the third navy expedition to kill this monstrosity. Many volunteers had sign up, 6 warships had been launched with volunteer civilian ships. But they attempt achieved little to no avail. 3 warships and many volunteer ships has sunk, the rest are severely damage, more than 500 casualties. Enraged by the attack of Lord Buh Huy's navy, the monster retaliate, the number of attack increase. And 18 month ago, for the first time the monster took it rage to Qua Loh city. It suddenly resurface not too far from the city's port and before anyone can react, it created a tsunami 5 lia high swept across the port, damage many ships, buildings, infrastructures, washed countless people out to the lake and to they demise. Every several week the monster attack Qua Loh and it neighbor cities with tsunami, bringing death and destruction to the residents. Many names it had been called: The "Terror of the deep", the "Whirlpool of sharp teeth", the "Tsunami Maker", and the "Fins of doom"...

The people are terrifying, some think the monster represented the wrath of the gods, as the resulted of it, a cult has arose and perform human sacrificed to the monster. Lord Buh Huy had tried his best to suppress those cultists and reassure the people that he will send a messenger to the capital and ask the Imperial Court for aid. When the matter came to the Imperial Court. The Imperial navy has dispatch a fleet of 10 Heavy War Junk, 15 frigates, 10 galleys to help exterminate the monster but achieved very little result, the progress is slow, their ballista's bolts cannot penetrated even haft their length through the monster scale and does little damage to the monster, even the Imperial Court Mages accompany the fleet cannot cause much damage to it, most of their spells kept getting deflect from the monster's scale, like there are some kind of magic had been infuse in it. And the monster is cunning, it lurking under the waves hiding from the Imperial fleet and only ambushes the lightly armed patrol ships and slower logistic ships. The situation remands stalemate. Therefore Emperor Lam had leaved his palace and solves the matter with his own hand.

After his arrival at Lord Buh Huy castle, Emperor Lam took no rest and immediately held a meeting in the main hall with Admiral Huan Tah, commander of the Imperial navy fleet that was dispatched to Qua Loh, Taosih* Tsun head of the Imperial Mage team accompany the Imperial fleet (*Taosih: a high ranking Downer mage), Lord Buh Huy and his advisors.

- Gentlemen what we had known so far about this monster? Said Emperor Lam

- Your Imperial Majesty, after 12 months battle this monster, sadly we have learned little about the monster. Its scales is extremely tough, our strongest ballista cannot penetrated very much through it, and it very intelligent, always attack where we least expected. Admiral Huan Tah said.

- We still do not know where the monster origin is, and it scales not only tough but also seem to have magic deflecting ability, most of our elemental magic had a difficulty to struck a directed hit on it and those manage to hit does very little damage.... Said Taosih Tsun. - But 5 week ago we did have some progress.

- Oh, do tell Taosih Tsun. Said Emperor Lam.

- Your Imperial Majesty, 5 week ago during a hunt of the navy, we have successfully struck it with a lightning spell, the monster seem to be hurt and intimidated by it. Said Taosih Tsun.

- Lightning spell? Emperor Lam said - lightning spell is very dangerous and can cause unnecessary damage, especially on watery environment like this, be cautious Taosih Tsun. Nevertheless good job taosih.

- Thank you, Your Imperial Majesty, me and my team will. Said Taosih Tsun.

- Also according one of our captains, his crew had land a successes hit with one of his ballista in the monster mouth, it seem... though it tough on the outside but vulnerable on the inside. Said Lord Buh Huy.

- So this mean it can be kill. Emperor Lam said. -but what is the problem here?

- As I had said, Your Imperial Highness. Admiral Huan spoke – the monster is very intelligent, and after the hunt 5 week ago, now we have a hard time to lure it to engaging in a sea battle, and it only trike in places we least expected.

- Lord Buh Huy how the situation on the cult that you spoke of in the report? Emperor Lam asked

- Your Imperial Majesty, I have arrested most of the cultists, and put a wanted order on their leader. I think they won't be a problem anymore. Lord Buh Huy replied.

Suddenly the city alarm bell rung. A city guard rush in the meeting hall

-My lord, the monster had reappear. It just surfaced outside the port. The soldier said

Heard the news everyone in the hall rush to castle wall. Because Lord Buh Huy castle located at a highest hill overlook the city. From the wall's battlement they can saw the port in clear view, the monster resurfaced 500 lia from the port. Emperor Lam can see all those people in the area around the port fleeing in land or toward higher ground in panicked, as the monster cycling the deep water out side of the port gulping up those poor souls whose have to risk their lives to try to make a living by fishing near the shore and the port. Then the monster suddenly twisting it enormous tail and created a tsunami 6 lias high rush toward the port. Witnessing all that happening Emperor Lam cannot stand idle, he must do something. And his eyes turn white, blood vessel bulging around the tail of his eyes. The Emperor invoked his magic to enhance his body, and with just 1 somersault he had arrived at the port. Right the moment his feet touch the ground Emperor immediately chant a spell in ancient language.

"Thur rua fuh qelah ein luur.

Ark ein kavik zuarah iun huslur.

Kelov, kelov zuarah fiee ein nukuur

Divardi uanarku aban pofike da kuhfur"

"Earth and stone beneath my feet

By my command now pay heed

Rise, rise now to aid my need

Created an impenetrable wall withstands all siege"

The ground before his feet started to rumbling violently, two parallel crack appeared and stretching along the shore line, then the earth rose up created an wall 8 lias high and hundreds lias in length, enveloped the port. With just himself Emperor Lam had done what would take 10 taosih to accomplish. Awestruck by such marvelous magic, everyone near the port stood in silent as the tsunami make land fall, the water crashed on the earth wall violently, mist plash through the top of the wall as if it about to suffuse, yet the wall still stand, and the port is unharmed. Seeing it attack has fail the monster disappears back under the wave. After the danger had gone Emperor Lam recalled his magic and returns the ground back to normal. And then awoke from silent someone in the crowd starting to chant "the son of dragon" following soon by the crowd and the entire city roaring with cheering and chanting.


They cried

Some of them cannot curb their joy, they rush in and hugged the Emperor and immediately terrify by their insolent act. But such a benevolent emperor as his are, Emperor Lam take no offend and allow they to come near him, some even kneel down and kiss his feet. They swirling around him and chanting "the son of dragon" as four men carry him on their backs through the crowd as they exploding with joy.

One week late everything remains quite. The repair and reconstruction of the port and the surrounding area that has been damage by the monster earlier tsunamis had resume. But this time is difference, for the pass week the city street had become more and more bustling. The man are humming while they work, some merchants had return to the market, the tavern fill with the noise of chatting and clinking toast, smile blossom on the women face and the children running around the streets once again. In every citizen eyes filled with hope and joy, although the city guards still keeping a watchful eyes on the horizon, and the ships still cannot set sail far to the open water. But hope and joy is returning to Qua Loh.

When the sun risen on the first day of the next week. A military parade for the navy's expedition in order to kill the monster is marching through Qua Loh main streets. That day is a pleasant day, the sun is warm, and the breeze is gentler. Almost every citizens had flocked to the main city square and the street lead to the port, they are cheering, waving the Imperium's flag, throwing confetti and flower as the troops marching by, some peoples even climbed to the rooftop to gate a good view of the parade and banging their cooking wares together just to make some noise. Leading the parade is of course the emperor himself, follow right behind Emperor Lam is the Brocade Cloak Guards and 1000 sailor. The emperor standing on a red square chariot pulls by 2 velelises. He wearing a red padded cross collar robe, clad in steel lamellar armour, each steel plate shine under the sun like diamond. They laced together with red leather strap. A square mirror armour reinforced the chest plate, it was etched and coloured with a coiling dragon nestled in clouds, adorned with gold border and ruby on each corner. His neck wearing a golden necklace with a piece of green jade and silver rattler bells. His lamellar shoulder guards was decorated with specially smith pauldrons that shape like a dragon head, wrap around his hip is a silk sashes and tighten with a black leather belt that hold the lamellar skirt, the belt embedded with silver and white jade jewels and a lion head pendant holding a ring of rattle bells in it mouth. On his arms and shines are steel lamellar vambraces and greaves. His helmet was specially designed for his horned head, on the top of it a decorated piece that look like a pike head and red tassel, the cheek guards has been shaped like wings. After the parade marched around the main square they will continue marching toward the port and get on board the waiting ships.

Emperor Lam will be onboard Admiral Huan Tah flag ship the "Dragon Fang" as fleet command, it is the largest and most heavily arm Heavy War Junk of the fleet with 5 masts, on it prow painted a green dragon head baring it fangs, and a large Varlann flag proudly flying in the wind on the ship stern. The expedition had launched, follow the fleet is 100 volunteer ships. They set out in a wing formation, with the Frigates in the front, the Galleys at the flanks and the Heavy War Junk at the rear in the center of the Heavy War Junk line is the "Dragon Fang", on the very back of their formation, about 100 lias from the Heavy War Junks line is a large Transport ship acting at baited and been pull by the "Dragon Fang", the volunteer ships created a ring surround the fleet to scouting ahead and the surround water, if they detect any movement under water they will send a signal to the "Dragon Fang" via smoke. They heading toward the area about 500 lias from the shore and 4 kelias (1 kelia = 1 kilometers) north - north east from Qua Loh. This area had been reported to have the most occurred attack by the monster. For 5 hours they have not found any sign of the monster, the search continue to midday, then a volunteer ship at the rear left flank sent a smoke signal. They had spotted 60 lias from their port side, a large shadow moving under the water. Battle order was sent, all hands on deck, all ballistae had loaded. The "Dragon Fang" signal the volunteer ships to return to the center of the formation and from that point they will pass on to return to shore. After the volunteer ships is clear, the fleet starting to change course and moving parallel with the monster, keeping their distain at 50 lias. The air is tense, every sailors face fill with stress and fear, why would they not, no amounts of training can prepared any person for situation like this, any sane person in situation like this would turn tail and run, yet they are not, yet they are still stand and waiting for order, yet in their eyes still show a hind of confident. How? Because their Emperor is here, his present has gave the troops the courage they need to stand, they believe him with their live. Especially is Admiral Huan Tah and some old captains for they have spent years follow Emperor Lam when he still a young crown prince in those final days of the Hundred Years War. 30 minutes pass the monster still keeping a steady speed and have no intention to attack, then it starting dive down and disappeared to the deep water. A whole minutes of dreadful silence pass, then another minutes, and suddenly it resurface at the very back end of the formation and attack the stern of the transport ship. The monster use it powerful jaw to try to crack the ship stern, the wooden planks creating a terrifying cracking sounds as the monster jagged teeth bite down on them. After a minutes chewing on the ship stern and cannot find a single soul on it, the monster realized this was just a decoy, and dive back down to the deep. But it cannot.

It struggle to try to dive back in to the water, yet somehow it's head still remain above surface, not only that it upper body is starting to floating to the surface, it like there are some magical force keeping it from return to the deep. That magical force is of course Emperor Lam's telekinesis, a high form of psychic magic that rarely any mage can use at this distain and to hold such large object. The monster is trapped, the fleet starting to encircle it and unleash their ballista bolts, their target is the mouth of the monster. The bolts ripping through the air toward their target, as hundreds of them hit the flesh in the monster mouth. The monster twist it body in pain, but unable to escape it starting to wagging it body and waving it huge fins, created violent waves around it, causing the fleet to have difficult aiming. But though the attack is going well, as Taosih Tsun has said about the monster scales, Emperor Lam can feel it slipping through his telekinesis grip, every time it twisted it body violently. After 10 minutes the encircling is completed, then a frigate called "Young Wind" break formation and approaching the monster, on the ship is Taosih Tsun and his mage team. They stand at the ship prow, trying to keep their balance while the ship swaying in the wave cause by the monster. When the ship getting near to a 5 lias distain from the monster, Taosih Tsun mage team starting to charging their inner power, which is called "Qigun" by the Downers. Then they channeling their qigun to Taosih Tsun by touching they palm to his back as he murmur a spell, and waiting for the moment between waves so the ship can stable enough for him to have a good aim, doing this is quite dangerous, for if Taosih Tsun holding his spell too long the additional qigun can overload his body and causing harm. After a few minutes waiting patiently, and when the opportunity came, he unleashes a lightning bolt from his fringe tips toward the monster head. The lightning bolt powered by 5 Taosih's qigun created an eardrum popping thunder and a flash so bright is can temporary blinded anyone look directed into it.

The lightning found it mark and struck the monster left face, blowing it left eye off and heavily burn a good portion of it left face. The monster twisting in pain, and smack it gigantic tail on the water created even more high and violent waves nearly capsize the "Young Wind", the "Dragon Fang" and some other ships, cause Emperor Lam to lost his balance and lost his grip on the monster. Finally free the monster immediately disappears back to the depth. Though the battle has won, but the monster had escaped. Standing at the ship prow, Emperor Lam stare at the blood spill in the water in silent, while the crew of the "Dragon Fang" and the whole fleet cheer on for they first victory again the monster. Do they actually win? Will the monster wound severely enough to kill it? He cannot be sure.

They return to Qualoh at twilight with the news of victory. The city rejoices with the news of this first victory against the monster. Taosih Tsun, his mage team and the whole crew of the "Young Wind" has been hail as heroes of this victory. A celebration has been issued, all the taverns will empty their stock to night. An hour late every streets in the city has been lit up with colourful lantern, the street fill with laughter and songs. At Lord Buh Huy castle a feast is being held for all those who participated in the battle. The castle lit with red lanterns, the court musicians playing a lovely, cheerful song. In the great hall where the feast for the general and ship captain are, its ceiling lit up by two row of big cyclical red lantern, each tall as a man chest. Silk carpets with intricate weaving pattern hung on the walls. Two row of tables with red silk tablecloth lined up along the hall, each table for one person fill with food and drink. Emperor Lam sits at the table at the head of the hall, he stand up with a silver goblet in hand.

-my lords, my generals and my captains. This feast is for yours all, I Suk Lam emperor of the Varlann Empire thank you all for you service to the crown. Today is a joyful day as we celebrate a first victory against the monster that has terrorized our people, but be vigilance, for our work is never ending. Emperor Lam said.

–and now a toast. For the prosperity of the empire and the people who live in it! Emperor Lam raises his goblet

- For the empire! The attendees shouted

As everyone in the hall rises their goblet and drink, a wine servant silently approaching the emperor tablet and charging in, dagger in hand the servant yell


And aim the dagger at Emperor Lam chest. Immediately a Brocade Cloak Guard stand near Emperor Lam reacted, he throws himself between the assassin and Emperor Lam, and took the entire blade in his chest, the brave guard die instantly. Other Brocade Cloak Guards quickly surrounded the assassin. But to their surprise the assassin strength is greater than his skinny look, the guards struggle to apprehend him. The assassin punched a guard fly several lias through the hall, knocked him unconscious, it is took four guards to restrained him. The assassin is a man in his mid-forty, with a buzz cut and a clean shaved long face, his eyes are baggy with dark circles like he has not sleep for a long time.

-Your Imperial Majesty! Are you alright? Lord Buh Huy rushed to Emperor Lam side

-I am fine. Emperor Lam said.

-fool of an emperor, do you know what you have done? Do yours all know what have yours done??? The assassin yelled.

-hold you filthy tongue still. Who do you work for? Who told you to assassinate His Imperial Majesty? Lord Buh Huy asked

-please wait, Your Imperial Majesty, father. A voice come from the crowd

A young man approaching the assassin and stare at his face. He is lord Min the eldest son of Lord Buh Huy.

-you know him Min? Lord Buh Huy asked

-yes, father, I recognized him. He is the cultist leader that escape my raid on their cult rally several month ago. Lord Min answered

-are you sure? Emperor Lam asked

-absolutely Your Imperial Majesty, although he has cut his hair and shaved his beard, but I still can recognized that baggy eyes and his voice. Lord Min said.

Emperor Lam approaching the cultist leader ask

- Who do you work for? Speak and I will so you some mercy.

The cultist leader let out a maniacal laugh, then he stare at Emperor Lam.

-I work for no one but the gods, you ignorant fool. You doomed us all for your ignorant!!! He yelled

-insolence! Lord Buh Huy slapped him

-you think Quelas'Airuth and the Five want me death? Emperor Lam surprise at his answered

The cultist leader laugh maniacally again.

-Quelas'Airuth. Hah hah hah... oh, yours pitiful ignorant fools... Quelas'Airuth and the Five is not thing but a lie, I talk about the true gods, the old gods of yore. The cultist leader said

- is that so? And what make you so sure you know they are the true gods. Emperor Lam asked

- Because I have heard their voice, their whispering. The gods displease for yours ignorant and your worship of false gods. They demand their respect and that monster is the result of that displease. And you... you have wounded it, wounded their agent. You doomed us all, now they will unleash their wrath on the entire Varlaurea continent for you stupidity. He grinding his teeth as he speak


- Your Imperial Majesty, this clearly is just a rambling of a delusion mad man, please do not wasting your time with him, he must be publicly beheaded immediately to make an example for other. Lord Buh Huy said

- You have heard the voice of the old gods? Emperor Lam stare silently at the cultist leader for a minute and smirk. - I think beheaded will be too easy for you.

-Lord Buh Huy throw him in the dungeon, and let him rot there. Emperor Lam said then he turn to the crowd - and this assassination never happened, that an order.

- A... as you will, Your Imperial Majesty. Lord Buh Huy complied

After that Emperor Lam order the feast to continue without him, and go back to his chamber to rest. In his chamber he get on his bed and pull out a small wooden chest, inside it is a small round mirror with silver frame, the size of a man palm. Imbedded on the back of the mirror is a diamond the size of the thumb, with a circle of ancient language script carved in the frame and imbedded with blueish stone. Emperor stare at the mirror and muttering a spell. Suddenly the mirror surface turn black and reflect nothing, the ancient scripts on the back of the mirror softly glow.

-Aucelen are you there? Emperor Lam softly spoke as he keep staring at the solid black in the mirror surface.

After few seconds an image starting to appearing, first it is twisted and blurry, then is became clearer and turn into a young woman wearing a white right lappet robe sitting on her bed. The young woman appear to be at her mid twenty, her face is beautiful and enchanted. Her icy blue eyes make you feel like she can stare directed to one soul and yet still give off a warm loving feeling, her lip is pinkish-red and full like a ripped peach. The lantern light in her room make her pale smooth skin and her golden hair softly glow like an angel aura, her ear long and pointed similar to the shape of a bamboo leaf. This woman is the Empress of the Varlan Empire, Emperor Lam one and only wife.

Empress Aucelen push her golden lock behind her ear as her softly spoke.

-what is it, my love? Why are you call me this late at night?

-I... I just want to see your face and hear your voice that all. Emperor Lam smile

-thank you, I miss you too my love, but how the situation in Qua Loh? Empress Aucelen softly smile

-well... there a good news, the Imperial Navy had struck a heavy blow on the monster and the bad news is a Brocade Cloak Guard has die today at the victory feast. Emperor Lam said

Heard the news Empress Aucelen sigh

-then we must honour his sacrifice for the empire with a proper burial ceremony.

-I already take care of it. Emperor Lam said

- but... why is he die? What has happened? Empress Aucelen said while staring her icy blue gaze directly into her husband eyes, as if to tell him do not hide anything from her.

Irritated by his wife's stare Emperor Lam rubbing his forehead

- I hate it when you do that, is just... uh... there was an assassination attempt.

- an assassination attempt? Are you hurt? Have the assassin been apprehended? Empress Aucelen gasped, her face full of worry.

- do not worry I am unharmed, and the assassin already been threw into lord Buh Huy's dungeon. Emperor Lam reassure his wife

- that a relief, do you have the assassin name? we must find out who behind him. Empress Aucelen said

- well... about the assassin... here the thing... I do not believes he working for anybody and there are somethings I do not understand that why I need you knowledge. Emperor Lam said.

- as you always do. Empress Aucelen smirk.

- ugh... spare me already, women. Emperor Lam grumbling

- first thing first, about the monster, after the battle today I have the men collected some samples and sending it to the capital, can you analyze those samples for me. Emperor Lam said

- analyze the monster sample? May I ask why? Emperess Aucelen asked

- this monster seem to have magic neutralize ability, even my magic having a hard time effecting it. Emperor Lam said

- well, that interesting. Empress Aucelen mumbling with a curious look on her face

- good, then about the assassin, he claimed that... this monster is an agent of the old gods and he can hear the old gods voice. Emperor Lam said

- agent of the old gods, voices? Empress Aucelen said

- do you remember the incident with the cerpidar tree that me and my father encountered? Emperor Lam asked

- the large cerpidar tree and the strange village near it? Yes, I do. Empress Aucelen said

- yes, so I wondering if the monster have any connection to that incident. Emperor Lam said

- very well, I will look into it. Empress Aucelen

- thank you my love, and how are the kid? Emperor Lam said

- well, Tua just finished his 20 pages long research paper about "the relationship of astrology and human's behavior and character", scholar Pan is quite impress about it. Empress Aucelen said

- that my boy. Emperor Lam smile

- why you look so displease about this? Emperor Lam asked

- because the idea of astrology effected on living organisms behavior and character is totally rubbish. Empress Aucelen said with a big frown on her face.

- Aucelen, do not be so harsh on him, the boy only 10. Take your time. Emperor Lam said

Empress Aucelen sign

-oh, I suppose... well, Lam be careful out there alright.

- I will, my love, good bye. Emperor Lam smile

In the following week, the monster does not have any activities, none of the patrol ships have report any signs of it. So in the next week the fishermen finally has been allow to fish again, but most of them only do near shore fishing, very few dare to ventured far off shore. Two weeks and 4 days after the battle things still remain quiet, more and more fishermen ventured far out to fish, things seem to be improving. Emperor Lam still remain in Qua Loh to overseer the rebuild effort of the city port, with everything remain quiet his hope that the monster has been killed from it injure is starting to solidified. But on the end of the third week, a far shore fishermen ship return with a bite mark on it stern, luckily the crew only suffered light casualties, only 3 injure and no death. They reported the monster still alive. The report sent distress throughout the citizens, all marine activities immediately put on hold. After reassured the mass, Emperor Lam immediately order the fleet prepare to set sail in 2 days.

2 days pass the fleet launch again this time Emperor Lam will do everything to kill this monster for good. First they scout the area the monster had been seen at the latest encounter with the fishermen ship, but found nothing after hours. Then they kept patrolling to cover more area with no prevail, finally Emperor order the fleet to return to Qua Loh as daylight is dwindling. The next day is the same with no result except when they are returning to Qua Loh the monster suddenly attack the Junk ships on the back of the formation, the monster ramming and biting has damaged the rudder and hull of 3 ships causing water leak and then the monster swiftly dive back to the depth. Although no casualty but those Junk ships have to anchor at the port to repair. At midnight of the same day, another bad news came, a fishing village one-hour from Qua Loh had been attacked at night by the monster, causing 4 death, 5 missing, and dozens injured, ten buildings was destroyed. On the third day luck seem to be on their side, a scout ship spotted the monster 30 kelias, north north-west from the fleet position, the fleet change course after 1 hour they have the monster in sight. They moving in formation parallel to the monster, behind the formation is a large barge, on it is 2 brave soul, they tasked to pour cattle blood and body part to the water to bait the monster to attacked then escape by small boat. Hours passed yet the monster seem to have no intention to attack. As twilight approaching, Admiral Huan Tah advice they should return to Qua Loh for hunting the monster at night is too dangerous. Emperor Lam think for a minutes, his left hand stroking his beard. Then he said.

-no, we engage now.

Emperor Lam step on to the ship bow, take a deep breath, his eyes turn white. He using his telekinesis to pull the monster out of the water. Upon felling it body being pull, the monster resist immediately, it use all it strength to dive back to the water. It gigantic tail swinging under the water created rough waves on the surface causing the ships slightly rock, but as the monster being pull close to the surface the waves intensified causing the ships rocking more and make Emperor Lam have trouble holding his footing, but he grasp hold on a sail rope and keep pulling the monster out of the water. And like the previous battle the stronger the monster resist the more it slipping through Emperor Lam telekinesis grasp, thus he channel more of his quigun to keep hold on the monster. After 30 minutes of struggling the monster only 2 lias from the surface, Taosih Tsun and his team attempt to assist by transfer their own quigun to Emperor Lam. But Emperor Lam denied their assistance and order them to wait until he has pull the monster out of water, then use all their might to strike a killing blow. Another 30 minutes pass the monster is now only 1 lia from the surface but still have strength to resist, Emperor Lam at this point also reaching his limited, his nose starting to bleed. Admiral Huan Tah struggling to approach Emperor Lam as the ship kept rocking intensely.

-Your Imperial Majesty! I beg you to stop, you approaching you limited already

-almost there! Emperor spoke

-please stop or you will die! Admiral Huan Tah yelled

Ignored his words Emperor Lam kept going even his nose bleed more and more, his ear starting to bleed and his vision starting to blur. Admiral Huan Tah cannot allow the emperor to risk his life like this, he lunged toward and cover Emperor Lam eyes to disconnect his eyes contact and pulled him backward. Escape from Emperor Lam telekinesis the monster quickly disappeared to the depth.

-NO!!!! Emperor Lam roared and shoved Admiral Huan Tah aside.

He rush back to the ship bow, but the monster already disappeared.

-Huan Tah!!! You dare! Emperor Lam yelled at the admiral

-punish me as you will, Your Majesty. I only do what I must, you cannot risk your wellbeing like this. Admiral Huan Tah kneeled down

Emperor Lam stare as the old admiral face, he angry as the admiral action but completed understand.

-call off the fleet, return to Qua Loh. Emperor Lam sign

-understood, You Majesty. Admiral Huan Tah replied and signal the fleet to return to port.

2 days later, Emperor Lam set out with the fleet one again. After hours and hours of searching, they finally spotted the monster at midday, but when the fleet changed course and approaching the monster, it immediately dive down and disappeared. When night fall, they has to return to port, the monster seem to actively avoiding the fleet, now it only active at night and surprise attack small fishing villages every several week. The situation fell into a stage of stalemate again. Emperor Lam cannot think of any way for the fleet to engage the monster, it had learned.

One month late, in a stormy night, Emperor Lam chamber still lit, sitting at his desk and thinking while listening the sound of thunder and rain. On his desk is his dinner partially eaten, on the pass month he eat very little because of the disaster control effort while trying to think of a way to kill the monster with minimum risk of human life cost. Then a soft voice coming from the small wooden chest on his bed. It is Empress Aucelen voice coming from the magic mirror in the chest. Emperor Lam took the mirror and put it on a stand on his desk.

-Lam you look a little skinny, are you well? Have you eating properly? Empress Aucelen asked.

-oh, it... I just... overwork a little bit... it just...I having a hard time hunt down that damn monster...but do not worry I am fine. Why are you calling me? Emperor Lam answered.

-it is about those samples you sent me. Empress Aucelen said.

- you had analyzed them? How is the result? Does it marched my suspicion? Emperor Lam asked.

-well, good news, it is not? Empress Aucelen softly smile.

-phew... that a relief. Emperor Lam sigh.

-but one question still remain though. Where does that monster come from? Emperor Lam said

-well, after analyzed your samples I have found that this monster is actually a gold fish but the thing is those samples contained a significant amount of Quasium in them, even lingering trace of magic. Empress Aucelen said.

-you mean... someone... make a gold fish ingested Quasium, then use magic to make it mutated into this monstrosity? But why? How? Quasium is toxic to living things if ingested in raw form is it not? Emperor Lam said

-hum... not exactly... I am not sure about how it expose to Quasium, although that will explain how the monster possessed magic resistance ability. I mean the magic part, it is not like someone has used a spell on it but it has being exposed to a magical field, a very old magic field... maybe from the Emerald Forest....

Empress Aucelen pause for a minute, her eyes suddenly fill with sorrow and glistering when she mention that name "the Emerald Forest" the name only known by the Elvas, but to the rest of Varlaurea continent's inhabitants it only known as "the Laughing Forest". Her mind overflow with memory, memory of events that happened years ago, centuries ago and of those whom no longer walk the earth, but to her it feel like yesterday. Without a word Emperor Lam know exactly what going on in his wife mind, his heart ached for seeing his wife's eyes fill with sorrow like this, he can saw a tear is about to escape her eyes. But before he can say anything Empress Aucelen take a deep breath and a warm smile bloom on her face.

-are you alright Aucelen? I know how that place mean for you. If... Emperor Lam whisper.

- I am fine, Lam. Thank you. Empress Aucelen smile

-now, back to our topic. Like I said the monster came to be what it is today is because it has been exposed to Quasium and the magic in the Emerald Forest. It does not have anything to do with your earlier suspicion. Empress Aucelen said

-hum... if that the case.... Emperor Lam sit back on his chair, his eyes gazing into nothingness, his left hand kept stroking his beard, his mind drowned in thought.

-Lam, please do not do anything reckless? Empress Aucelen said

- What? Reckless? Me? What are you talking about? Emperor Lam jolted, and snap back from his thought.

- 13 years I has spent with you, Lam. You think I do not know what are you thinking every time you stroking you beard continuously with you left hand like that. Empress Aucelen sigh.

-Lam, you are the emperor of Varlann, you cannot solving everything yourself by charging head on into danger like that. You have....

-I know, I know, I have responsibility and the empire need me. Emperor Lam interrupted his wife.

-and me too, Lam. I need you. I cannot live without you. Empress Aucelen said.

-I am sorry, I will try not to do anything stupid, I promise. Emperor Lam softly spoke.

Empress Aucelen sigh and look at her husband lovingly.

-well, do you have anything else on your mind, Lam?

-oh! The cultist leader, what should I do with him now? Do you need a sample of him? Emperor Lam asked

-about him? I think you should bring him back to the capital, I will diagnose him to make sure if he is just delusional... or worse, if it is the worst case scenario I will have my people to take care of him. Empress Aucelen said

-um... alright then, see you soon at the capital, goodbye Aucelen. Emperor Lam say goodbye with his wife then put the mirror back to the wooden chest, sitting on hit bed staring at the storm outside the window, scratching his horns he murmur "Sorry Aucelen!"

The next day, after breakfast Emperor Lam leave his chamber, he go to the castle's kitchen, and ordered the kitchen staff to prepare a meal, then took the food and head to the castle dungeon. At the dungeon, upon meeting the guards of the dungeon he commanded them to bring the cultist leader to the guard room. Some guards find this strange, because no one can survive the dark cell more than one or two week let along over a month. But to the surprise of the guards, somehow the cultist leader still alive after over a month in the dark cell with little to no food and water. After the cultist leader had been brought before Emperor Lam, he told the guards to leave him alone with the cultist leader. Then Emperor Lam put the food he brought on the table in the guardroom and told him to eat. The cultist leader wolfing down the food in a blink of eyes without a second thought.

-feeling better? Emperor Lam asked

-what is the meaning of this? Why are you here? Why am I here? Why the food? The cultist leader asked

-well... you see, in the past month I have been thinking a lot about.... What you had said on that night... now I just realized the wisdom in your words and I felted deeply sin... I just... I wish you could help me correct my way. Emperor Lam said

-so you have finally saw the wrong of your way and want to ask the old gods for forgiveness. The cultist leader smirk

-yes, Your Excellency. I shall issue an Imperial decree to make the worship of the old gods become the main religion of the empire. And you shall be the head priest of the first temple and help bring all the subjects of the empire back to the correct way. Emperor Lam said

-good, good my child. Your intention is good, but I am afraid that is not enough for you crime. The cultist leader said

-then how do I make an amendment, Your Excellency? Emperor Lam asked

- a sacrificial ritual is a must, bring me 100 virgin boys and 100 virgin girls, I will offer them to the gods through their agent. The cultist leader said.

-offer through the agent of the old gods? You mean the mon... the great fish? Will it heed your call? Emperor Lam said

-it will my child, have faith. The cultist leader said

-thank you, Your Excellency. It shall be done. Emperor Lam smile.

After that Emperor Lam ordered the guards that the cultist leader will be bathed, dress properly and being treat like an imperial guest. Then he return to his chamber and summon Lord Buh Huy and Admiral Huan Tah. Five days later, Emperor Lam informed the cultist leader that the offering and the ritual ship had been prepared. At the next day, when the sun have yet to rise and the morning fog still floating on Lake Kao Ren surface. They boarded a large 3 mast Junk ship and set up a ceremony altar on the deck. This ship will be use as a ritual ship, on it is Emperor Lam, the cultist leader, Lord Buh Huy and Admiral Huan Tah with 30 sailors to manned the ship. The "offering" boarded a difference vessel, it is a Junk ship with roof, decorated with colourful flag and bamboo blinds. Although the blinds cover much the cabin but they are quite thin and anyone can see the offering peoples inside it, dressed with white robe and large burlap hood, the attire of funeral. The offering ship sail right behind Emperor Lam's Junk ship. They kept sailing till the sun is well above the horizon then drop anchor, the offering ship anchored 10 lias before the ritual ship. After the sailors who maned the offering ship return to the ritual ship, the cultist leader starting to perform the ritual. He stand before the altar and chanting something very strange, it is not ancient language neither any language anyone had heard. He kept chanting like that for the whole 5 minutes, after finished he cut hit palm and mix his blood with Quasium powder, then he walk to the ship bow and pour the mixture into the water, close his eyes and stand silently with his hands raise before his face, finger interlocked. 30 minute pass, nothing happened, Emperor Lam toing and froing impatiently behind the altar. Then a spotter on top of the ship mast saw movement in the water on starboard side, everyone rust to the starboard and saw a large reddish shadow approaching from a far.

-oh great herald of the gods of yore. I hereby presented this offering to you as an amendment for the sin that the Emperor had committed. Please accept this humble offering and ease you anger. The cultist leader shouted

The monster kept circling the ships for 5 minutes investigating the situation and do not have the intention to attack. Then it suddenly dive further down until it shadow barely visible from the surface. Everyone on the ritual ship were wondering what the monster is doing then it resurface next to the offering ship, haft it head is above water trying to bite through the ship hull, making the offering ship rocking intensively. But the strange thing is... although the ship a being attack and rocking intensively the people on the offering ship still stay motionless on their seat when normally they should be throw around in it. Then a loud crack resounded the offering ship's hull subdued to the monster jaw, from the crack on the ship, black oil oozing out into it mouth. Before it can reacted Emperor Lam leap to the ritual ship bow, he shoved the cultist leader aside then take a deep breath and breathing fire on the offering ship. The oil vapor in the offering ship caught fire and exploded, engulfed the offering ship and the monster head in a fire ball 5 lias in diameter. Debris from the offering ship flying everywhere, and a pieces of them landed on the deck of the ritual ship, partially burned human figure made of cloth and stuffed with straw.

-wha...what is this? The cultist leader staring at Emperor Lam

-What is the meaning of this? Suk Lam? The cultist leader yelled

- Seize him! Emperor Lam point at the cultist leader

But when the sailors about to grab him, the cultist leader jump overboard from the ship bow. However they ignore him, for right now, in front of the ritual ship, the monster is floating leadenly on the surface. Look like the explosion had stunned it. Emperor Lam quickly order the sailor to throw hook ropes at it mouth to keep it from dive back to the water. After all the ropes had secured Emperor standing at the ship bow charging his lightning spell, ready to deliver a killing blow. But the monster suddenly regain consciousness, it jolted intensively trying to free itself from the hook ropes causing the ship to rock violently, the ship hull let out terrify cracking sounds every time the monster lugging on the ropes. Then the hook ropes starting to snap one by one. The situation is worsening. They have come this far and let the monster escapes again? Then without thinking Emperor Lam leaping to the port side and jump overboard.

A minute later, right at the spot where Emperor Lam jumped overboard, a large head rose up from the water, a dragon head. A blue dragon emerged from the water, it snout it long like an alligator and full of sharp teeth and a long black goatee under it chin. On top of it head is a pair of deer like antler and a black mane, it scales shine like polished blue marble, the dragon turn it swan like neck toward the ship bow and snap off all the rope with it sharp teeth, freed the ship. With all the rope snapped off the monster try to dive back to the depth but the blue dragon quickly intercept, it powerful jaw grabbed on one of the monster fin and tear it off, blood from the wound turned entire area red. The monster convulsing in pain and turn it body around try to bite at the dragon long neck, but the pain from it burned throat, blood lot from the wound and the shock from the explosion had made it slow and the dragon easy avoided. In return the dragon sank it teeth in the monster belly right at the area below the monster gill, and then sank it front claws under the monster gill cover, it rear legs clawed the monster belly. Finally, with it mighty strength, the dragon twist it neck and torn the monster head off, and with the monster head still in mouth, the dragon proceed to resurface. After emerged, the dragon threw the monster head on the ship deck while everyone cheering on upon seeing the dragon emerged victorious.


As they cheering and chanting, the dragon eyes turn white, it body starting to convulsing and shrinking down until it turn into a figure of a man, emperor Suk Lam of Varlann empire. Exhausted after transform to his dragon form Emperor Lam cannot lip a limb, so the crew have to pull him back to the ship and clothed him, after that they head back to Qua Loh with the news of the monster dead.

----------the end-----------

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