Chapter 1 (H - SM)

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- Lord Aleksandr!

- Lord Aleksandr!

Wherever I go, others bow their heads in respect. I was popular with the people, but also haunted the entire people. Because the cruelty that I have for criminals in my territory is terrifying to others. It's probably not good, but I'm quite enjoying the feeling.

- Good evening, Lord Aleksandr!

And now I'm sitting right at the bar counter of a pub, everyone present is also afraid that they've accidentally done something wrong, probably seeing a decrease in the taste of their drinks. Only the bartender still kept a smiling face.

- Newbie?

- Yes sir!

- Get away! - Where did the owner of this pub come from and give his staff such orders - L-Lord Aleksandr, please pardon him, he gets his feet wet, may lose your enjoyment of drinking!

It's understandable that the newbies was looked down upon, that guy quietly walked into the personnel area behind the bartender.

- Unneeded! Tell him to come here!

The owner of the pub is clearly chilling, maybe he is thinking if his staff had caused something when he was not here.

- Today I want this guy! - I smirked at that Bartender, ah, this must be a sentence with many meanings for outsiders, but I don't mind at all.

- Y-Yes sir...!

The owner jerked his chin to signal the employee to return to his position. Contrary to his worried expression, that Bartender stood confidently in front of this Lord Aleksandr.

"Then, what's your story, Lord Aleksandr?" He put his hand on his chest and bowed.

This isn't the first Bartender I've met, but it's the first Bartender to ask me such a simple yet sexy question. Really just want to laugh more.

- As you probably know, I just brought back the land that was stolen in the days of the previous Lord! The joy is not over, tonight I am fortunate to meet a very special blue rose, brilliant, seductive but also full of thorns! - I won't say I'm flirting with him.

- How interesting your today, Lord Aleksandr!

He smiled naturally as he replied to the head of the territory, while skillfully mixing drinks. I must admit that I was overwhelmed by that ravishing sequence of movements. Before long, I am served a white cocktail, garnished with lemon twist.

- Hope this lowly Bartender can satisfy you! - Another meaningful sentence, this time from Mr. Bartender.

- Gosh... That cocktail...

- You know it?

The other guests who knew the name of the cocktail whispered to each other with confusing expressions, I was surprised, also tried to guess for myself.

- Looks pretty familiar, Martini?

I always respect the finished product and the bartender, so it will be delicious. Many guests turned their eyes to the sexy bartender, the enticing cocktail, the elegant enjoyer, with a strange fear on their faces.

- How sharp-eyed, sir! This is a variation of the Martini, also known as the Silver Bullet!

- *Cough*... - First time... I experienced the feeling of drinking almost out of a cocktail and choked on it.

He served "Silver Bullet" to a noble vampire?

- Ahem... I was wondering where you put the rose, unexpected...! w

Martini is the king of cocktails, served to Lord is nothing special, but to make it both seductive and thorny, he unexpectedly chose the variation - Silver Bullet. This is the answer since I just teased him, isn't it?

- The workmanship is not bad, courage is not small! w

- I am honored, sir!

- It's no exaggeration to say that cocktails are the souls of Bartenders!

This Silver Bullet has outlined the person who made it, a rose that easily enchants you, and can also draw your blood.

Mr. Bartender was still calm as a matter of course, even his lips curled more than before, as if he was not afraid of Lord Aleksandr being played by him.

Omoshiroi w

- Your name?

- Kanae! Just Kanae, sir!

- I'm looking forward to the next meeting, Kanae! - Getting off the chair with a smile, I turned and walked away.

- Jaa, I should think about the suitable cocktail next time! - I heard it faintly.


Right on the next day, I work until late at night to finish the paperwork. Wondering if that pub is still open or not, I decided to get out for a bit and stop by to try it out.

The sign on the door is already facing "Closed" out, but the lights are still on inside so... let's just go in~

The jingle of the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of a customer.

- It has closed, Lord Aleksandr!

- Treat me as an exceptional guest! w

Kanae smiled lightly. Maa, of course he would do that to this distinguished guest.

- What kind of demon are you? I kept looking and still didn't come out!

- Secret, sir! w

- Haha! The more mysterious, the more attractive you are!

I may be rumored to be "not interested in women", but I just like being with him, any questions?

- I don't have anything special to say today, it's up to you!

- Would you like a Bloody Mary?

- I never tried! You can also make that "messy" cocktail?

- If you order, this will be my first time doing it!

- Well then, go ahead!

Bloody Mary is a cocktail that is confusing right from the array of ingredients. Of course, what makes the red color is tomato juice, and also contains some sauces used in food processing, sometimes garnished with bacon or shrimp. This cocktail, in my opinion, neither a food nor a drink.

- Done, sir! - A highball glass filled with a bright red mixture is served.

Well... It's also quite pleasing to the eye... Since it's a pretty blood-like color, success makes me swallow my saliva and take a sip.

The brain tells me there is a very dilute taste but it is the most attractive, thinking about it and then gulping it all down, Kanae still just laughed.

- I did meet your expectation, didn't I?

- I thought it would make me nauseous, but it turned out to taste good!

- This can be considered a new variation of Bloody Mary, because I added a secret ingredient that no one has thought of!

- May I know what that was?

- Shh! - So you aren't gonna reveal it - The secrets make Bartender sexier!

- Haha, indeed! - It's true again - What would you name this?

- Call it... Bloody Groovy!

Bloody Groovy, both bloody and groovy, the more you drink, the more you crave it.

- Hah! Seem...

Kanae was probably wondering why I was smiling like that, and was getting up from my seat, walking towards him.

I lifted his collar to reveal an area of skin, ran my hand over the bartender's neck, smiled full of meaning. Kanae still didn't have a particularly expressive expression.

- Looks like I've found that secret ingredient!

- Shh! Tell no one, and this will be the cocktail just for you!

- You're not afraid of me, are you?

- What will you do to me?

- You are an interesting and proud existence, Kanae! w

- Bartenders are supposed to be attractive people, sir!

- Don't use honorifics at times like this! That's an order!

Why...? Mr. Bartender, why are you so attractive to me? This Aleksandr Lagusa has never offered to create a special relationship with any person, you are the first. To be honest, I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be approved, but Kanae agreed, a bit glad.

- Call my name! - I requested while lifting Kanae's chin.

- ... - No commoner has ever had this honor, why don't you call? - Aleksandr!

- Hm...! Not as good as I expected! - Ah, then try this - That's right, call me "Sasha"!

- "Sasha"?

My nickname has always been called only by family members, and I don't know where I'm putting Kanae in terms of me anymore.

- Uhm!

- Then... Sasha!

- It sounds better! w

Satisfied, I must say, I enjoyed hearing that warm voice call me Sasha. Don't blame me when I can't help but put my lips on the Bartender's lips.

Kanae... Why not dodge? Because is this Lord's intention or...

- I'm drunk! See you another day! w

"Drunk by alcohol or love?" I wondered.


These days my underlings are wondering why Lord Aleksandr spends little time down town every day. But after all, I always finish my work first, they have nothing to say.

I have to go see Kanae today, seriously, but dear father why did you hold a prom at such a timely time, the real purpose is for Lord Aleksandr choosing a fiancee!!

*Clap* - A hand clapping, attracting the guests - Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for being at this prom!

Till now, my father still hasn't said anything, but me and the girls who are trying to eat me alive know that this is a congress of picky wife in disguise. I'm gonna run away soon.

- The couple who dances best, or the girl who caught Lord Aleksandr eye will receive an extremely precious gift!

Does it have to be that obvious? So why not declare this as a picky wife congress in the first place.

I'm sitting on high, looking down there, a bunch of boring people. As expected, only Kanae was most special.

I-surely-will-care-no one, definitely-no--




Maji?! w

While on one side were couples dancing, and on the other side were noblewomen presenting themselves one by one, when... I discovered a very strange guest.

Looking at it for a while, I spread my wings and flew out of the observatory, the noblewoman who was on her turn probably thought she was the chosen one, demo nee~ I'm caring about that girl standing over there! Unexpected~?

That person was wearing a half face mask, slightly startled by my sudden appearance. Without a word, I just smiled and extended my hand to invite her to dance. The female guest looked embarrassed but then put her hand up.

Me and her obviously became the focus of all eyes. Every beat is so harmonious that it's surprising. Outsiders say that a couple is born, girls who aim for Lord Aleksandr get jealous and secretly curse the girl, I've heard it all.

The music stopped, I also kissed on the lips of the dance partner in front of the crowd, making them cheer. The girls who got jealous but unable to do anything left the party.

Chosen by Lord Aleksandr and the best dancing couple, everyone in the audience recognized her as worthy of Lagusa's reward.

I already know the reward is just a glass of Blue Margarita, it's worth since there's the Lagusa family heirloom engagement ring at the bottom. If someone else wins, it will be another ring.

Dear father, since you brought this out, I'll do as you please. But not here.

- Bring the reward to my room!

Before thousands of eyes, Lord Aleksandr carried a female guest to his room. No one dared to say anything, they must be guessing something shouldn't be seen would happen.


From the banquet hall until being pinned down on the bed, this girl didn't say a word.

- Open the mask yourself, or want me to take it off?

Those lips curled up, this smile I've seen before.

The seal of the face was removed, she and I looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.


"He" is correct.

- Yet I thought I was in perfect disguise!

- You may have got through everyone's eyes, but not me, Kanae! w

Was trying to find you, but you came here by yourself, nothing could make me happier. It's true that the disguise is very elaborate, if you don't look familiar, I might think it's a real woman w.

- Aren't you going to ask me anything?

- What should I ask? In case I already have all the answers? w

- Haha! Got it!

His hand deftly took the gun hidden under the prom dress, but of course I took precautions, stripped it and knocked Kanae unconscious without a superfluous move. Don't you know, I've trained so much to be able to defend myself against assassinations, you're basically impossible to win in the first place, Kanae.

My private room has a chamber of secrets, finally I can bring Kanae in there to have fun.

The secret room is opened with a special spell, only I know. I've gotten in here many times, but this time thinking about the person brought in is Kanae, I feel strangely excited w.

What's in here huh? Well... ww This room is used to personally torture high IQ criminals ww. Any kind of torture is here, there is sexual torture too :) Don't go around spreading rumors, I only use "tools", this Lord Aleksandr is still a virgin w.

Hang Kanae up first w. While waiting for him to wake up, I'll have a bath~ If it was a normal prisoner, I'd quickly press the red hot iron on that body, but why would I do that to Kanae, right? w


Dressing like this for tonight must be enough to fascinate, don't I? I also changed a male outfit for Kanae, how beautiful w.

Ya, I guess I'm going to be scolded for being a pervert, but if it's Kanae, I won't mind it, on the other hand I don't know what this pervert will do to you ww.

- Ah, awake?

- ...

Why are you looking at me like that? Regretting that you're not as strong as me, but you got yourself into danger? w

- Are you hungry? Shall I call someone to bring the food?

- I don't need the last bite from someone like you!

Haizz, it's gone from reverence to hatred.

- What made you think I would take your life? Let's chat for a bit! w

At least for now, I won't kill Kanae.

- As long as I'm alive, I will accept nothing you suggest!

Catching Kanae's chin but he jerked his head in the other direction, his eyes clearly showing the word "nausea", naa, I don't like it.

- I know you're human, sent by the Church, but I'm totally in love with you is indisputable!

- Say something I haven't known!

- If you already know then... Marry me? Even if the whole world turns to you, I will always be on your side!

- Spit out everything you're gonna say! I will answer with only a sentence: Humans and Vampires, by nature, couldn't be together!

- I still don't understand why there is that sentence! Humans arre afraid of being drained of blood?

- Part of it! Another reason... Have you forgotten how the lifespan of humans and vampires is different??

T...That's right...

I don't bother to talk about this anymore, changing the subject myself.

- Then why did the Church send you here?

- Huh? Didn't you say that you already know all the answers so you don't need to interrogate anymore?

- According to the survey, only you are the only human here, why would they send you alone to such a dangerous place?

- Do not ask more! Wanna kill or not, it's up to you!

- I would never do that to someone I love!

- You scoundrel! Shut your mouth!

- Kanae, it's time to say... I've lost my patience!

My laugh must have been creepy, but it can't help since the part I've been waiting for the most is here!

- Unruly boy must be punished, right?

- You... Asshole!!

He became more serious when I suddenly tore off his shirt. Under the furrowed brows were a pair of eyes as exquisite as blue sapphire. With such soft white and fragile skin, do you really have the ability to fight? I see that this is the body of someone who needs to be protected, Kanae.

I moved my gaze to his neck, under the soft and elastic skin is the rushing blood, the warm and delicious vampire's source of life. Licking the sharp fangs, the feeling of dry mouth became more and more boiling.

- Perhaps you don't believe it, but I never thought of drinking human blood before! It was you who told me how wonderful it tasted!

I'm talking about the Bloody Groovy you brewed, but that's nothing compared to the pure red liquid running through your veins. I let the chain go longer so your hands aren't tied to the point of immobility, but still enough to keep you from attacking. Kanae kept struggling when I brought my mouth close to his neck. Behold, wasn't it you who gave me blood?

- It won't hurt!

How luscious and scrumptious and Kanae's blood is, I have never tasted something so appetizing. Bloody Groovy has only a few drops of your blood, and here I am drinking fresh blood, the pure blood of humanity, I feel more drunk than when I drink alcohol.

Hugging that naked body and experiencing this feeling for the first time, I...

- See...? Humans and vampires... can't live in peace with each other...!

Luckily... Kanae's words helped me find myself. Human blood is indeed very attractive, I was so immersed in it, almost drained your blood without realizing it.

- I-I'm sorry...!! I didn't mean it!!!

Seeing his face pale from anemia, I panicked. Kanae weakened, his body softened, I hastily removed the chain and put on my outer layer for him. All my fault, what I was going to do today had to be put aside.

His breathing is disordered, have no strength to hit me. Human life is that fragile? You... you don't scare me...

This King size bed tonight is for Kanae, myself sitting next to him, constantly apologizing and pacifying. The best doctor was called.

- Blood transfusion done, sir! For the time being, he shouldn't exercise too much!

- I see, many thanks!

- There's just one thing...

- If that's something shouldn't be said?

- Got it, sir!

To keep away from prying ears, I called a reliable doctor. The more people know your identity, the more dangerous it is, I don't want to release you back to the human world, nor do I want you to be killed in the demon world.

- Kanae, you should get some sleep! From tomorrow, I will tell the kitchen to prepare blood-tonic food for you, okay?

I put my hand on Kanae's body, patting him, his body trembling, curled under the blanket.

Are you cold? Should I embrace you?

Seeing Kanae's whole body was not well, I was afraid but could only tighten my embrace, placing my lips on his forehead.

The Blue Margarita with the precious ring, maybe we should put it aside.


All night I worried about his health and worried he would run away, thought it was a sleepless night but fell asleep at some point.

And in the morning, I am awakened by his voice:

- Oi!

I haven't opened my eyes yet, let's see how he reacts.

- Hm...

Naa... Why are you pinching my cheeks?

- If you're a villain, please don't be handsome...!

D-Damn, I can't help but laugh wwww

- You??!! Obviously awake??!!

- You praised me handsome, I had to stay awake to listen! w

- Damn!!

- Don't move, you just had a blood transfusion! - As soon as he woke up, he wanted to use violence - Last night...I sincerely apologize...! That was first time I drank human blood...! How do you feel now?

- Apologies or regard are unnecessary! Just kill me if you're gonna!

- C'mon! - Just laugh it off because having nothing to say - Do not leave me, I promise what happened last night won't happen again!

- I won't repeat what I had said yesterday!

Kanae never intended to submit, but he was unwell so he had to listen to my arrangement. I let him rest for a few days, that's what I said on the outside, but I'm actually imprisoning you. That's why no one can enter my room without my permission.

After a few days of fattening, Kanae also recovered his vitality. I'm glad you're completely healthy, what I've been wanting to do for a while now can be done, right?


- Ah... What the hell...

I am finally able to bring Kanae into the secret room and play as I like.

Unbuttoning the shirt, his rosy skin were showed before my eyes, I continued until the flat and smooth belly line was exposed in the air. Maybe a bit perverted, but seeing him shiver, I licked my lips.

Let's start up a bit! w Kanae is being hung like that day, just raise your chest and you will feel the nipples being caught by metal clips, there is even a small chain in the middle, swinging eroticly loose in the air.

I do nothing but pull that string alternately with rubbing your lovely nipples. The stiffer they are, the more you wince and tremble, the more am I interested. Who would have thought that a body fighting with vampires would be so sensitive to sex?

Kanae bit his lower lip for fear that a single moan would be interpreted as surrender, but when I used my mouth to massage the two ruddy points of his chest, his eyes couldn't help but flash with lust. He still tried to suppress the gasp of instinct, discontentedly looking at the person in front of him brought pleasure. That's right, let's progress like that, I really enjoy making people like you completely indulge in pleasure.

I couldn't help but laugh when I noticed that his remaining sanity was fading, hearing him moan softly but more prominently than the melodious sound of metal clashing. Ah~ Kanae, you're the only prisoner makes me horny during torture. Naa, you should thank me as your identity hasn't revealed all over the demon world, or else you'll become a drinking bait and not be as well as you are now!

- Fufu... Seems like someone is eager! - He's already hardy.

Just a few days ago I bought something for you as a gift. Have a try~

An electric chair.

It is carefully fixed to the ground so as not to fall. I locked Kanae's slender limbs on the armrest. He slightly lowered my head, eyes half-closed, eyelashes fluttering slightly, as if in a deep sleep. But the rise and fall of the chest cavity and the unnatural flushing of the cheeks suggest that things are not so simple.

Yeah, his recent dinner was added some "special spice" by me:)

You can still say I'm disgusting, but wait a minute, I haven't seen anyone who can resist this drug. Rubbing the mole similar to mine under the corner of his eye, I am satisfied with this scene.

What a beautiful and pitiful picture.

Stuck in the electric chair with the shirt opened, every movement, even life is in my hands. What a euphoria, our desires will explode at any moment.

The ecstasy from the sudden touch of his private parts made him moan in his throat. Fingers slid down, reaching for the pants that were forced to take off, the thigh muscles tensed. I enjoyed that frightened look, continued to massage his lower body in my hands, it slowly stood up under the rapid breathing of its master, and the liquid that flowed from above left sticky wet marks on his lap.

See, it's obvious how stubborn you are at first, but now can only follow the instructions of pleasure, or is the nature of this body inherently lustful? Either way I like w.

The breath coming out of the mouth became more and more sticky, I continued to rub the cylinder with my fingers. Using a slightly rough force to press the top of the glans, the moan that spilled out like honey made me want to destroy you even more.

- D-Don't...!

In the next seconds, my hand forcefully pry open Kanae's mouth, tickling his small tongue maliciously.

- Ugh... Cough...

Suddenly choking on saliva, Kanae was forced to open his mouth, saliva ran down his jaw unable to close, and the cough was stopped by my ferocious fingers. This kind of feeling is really uncomfortable, isn't it, but after that he got used to it pretty well so there's nothing to worry about.

The sound of the water continued to resound, and drool spilled out, wet lips and chin. It was as if every place was connected with many sensitive nerves, and the tiny electric current caused by each friction would be transmitted directly to the brain, returning the pleasure to spread throughout the body. Kanae suddenly sucked the fingers in his mouth lustfully, it seemed the medicine was working very well. But I really like to play around with others, intentionally withdrawing my hand, disappointment shows up in his eyes.

During the next few seconds, I change the target to his backside.

- My nails can hurt you! Don't move!

Just kidding, there's no way I keep such sharp nails and put them in:) Seeing you docile in fear makes me exciting! One, two, then three fingers, the pain mixed with the unexpected pleasure causing the prey trapped in the pleasure to groan, blinking wet eyes, eyebrows sometimes stretching and sometimes sticking together, like a pitifully guy unable to understand the current situation.

When I pulled my hand out of the small hole, it twitched seductively, the water glimmering showed that he enjoyed the pleasure very much. I'm so eager to put something other than my finger in it.

I waved in front of Kanae a familiar object, which was his silver color gun. He seems attached to this thing, it's well maintained, has a lot of edges and by weight there should be about three bullets inside, enough to pose a big threat to vampires who have bad intentions.

- You brought here a good toy! w - I laughed as I opened the safety latch at Kanae's helplessness.

How many vampires have you killed with this gun?

- If you're good, you'll be rewarded, if you're not good, be careful, I'll pull the trigger~!
You're probably thinking that this isn't a negotiating tone at all, or that you're cursing me to the extreme.

The gun is inserted into Kanae's mouth forcibly, I'm asking him to lubricate it with his saliva. Seriously?! ww It's just a gun, why are you sucking and licking it so much? If I put something else in, will you be more ecstatic? w

As soon as the foreign object in his mouth was taken out, he was numb from the emptiness. I slowly traced his beautiful jaw line with the gun, skimming his throat that was sliding up and down because he knew what was touching him was a murder weapon.

- Vampires with noble blood like me can withstand quite a bit of silver bullets! Only bringing this and coming here by yourself, you can never bring victory back!

I turn to attack downwards, and pull the pants down until they wrap around his legs, becoming a second shackle, rendering the bottom part immobile.

- N-No...!! You're gonna...??

Unable to speak a complete sentence, shocked by embarrassment leads to incoherent statements, his own defense was quickly interrupted.

- Shh, don't say anything unnecessary! - Forefinger pressed to Kanae's slightly dry lips - But next I want you to moan as much as possible!

My palms were clutching Kanae's head, kissing his as gently as possible before going to the next stage, telling him not to be afraid of things that would surely scare him.

Unable to stop his body temperature from rising because of the medicine, he cooperated more and more with my actions.

- Good!

His blue-gray pupils were slightly blurred by many factors, reflected on the glossy surface of the gun stock.

An unsettling silence pervaded.

I, the one holding the gun, shows no sign of drunkenness, I simply enjoy torturing you, a human that shouldn't have come here, and is now being held captive, leaving yourself to me to handle. Tonight I will give you a taste of lust, my Bartender, my priest, my Kanae.

Humans are contradictory creatures whose words and actions are inconsistent. Just a few minutes ago you struggled and fought against, now sitting in the electric chair, although still say "no", but your body keeps yearning for more stimulation. The friction of the gun muzzle against the grave door made him shiver.

- H-Hah... No...!

He shed physiological tears, could only widen his eyes in horror, watching the gun in my hand get a little closer, desperately waiting for the moment when the guillotine would fall. However, the executioner here is very patient, ignoring the resistance of the muscles in the back hole, slowly letting the barrel open the soft flesh, bit by bit dipped into the narrow gap, while also clawing Kanae's lower body so he can surrender faster.

The collision of the hot mucous membrane and the cold foreign object forced him to regain his senses, suppressing the urge to withdraw. The texture of the metal object was harder and more uncomfortable than a finger, and its slow penetration seemed to take a century. Before it was over, the uncontrollable tear glands quickly secreted tears and filled Kanae's eye sockets. He is about to be pierced by this hard object, if I accidentally pull the trigger, blood will spurt out, staining everything nearby.

- Afraid of pain or not?

The invader in the rear have stopped, but this is not good news. He hesitantly lowered his head, only to see the finely carved silver gun handle peeking out between his thighs, the unseen object buried deep in his body, gouging his inside into bizarre shapes. You just kept quiet, I had to understand it as a positive answer.

The thickness of the metal cylinder is no more than three fingers, which is easily accepted by the newly opened place. At this moment, his attention can only focus on the dangerous gun stuffed into his body. A presence stronger than a finger, a deadly silver bullet that could be fired at any moment, a medicine-induced sexual thirst, the cold metal initially warmed up from the heat.

Without giving poor Kanae too much time to rest, I took control of his beloved gun and began the invasion in the most despicable and unethical way.

The alloy that became warm and sticky was moving through his body, far beyond the hardness of human flesh, making his jump in shock and clench his fists, but fortunately, the mucus from his hole couldn't wait to spill out, makes it easier. The quiet room resounding with the rhythm of the push and the hot sound of lust.

Kanae panted violently, his pharynx quivering, moving up and down constantly in the neck area. The fragility of humanity is also expressed in sex, you are too easy to be ecstatic compared to demons. If I change my mind a little, the bullet will shoot out and destroy your internal organs, pierce your heart and lungs, and wipe out the sparks from your throat.

But soon, instead of all sorts of brutal fantasies about death, the reality he didn't want to face more began to sprout and grow. The gun barrel in the body is intentionally changed by the depth angle, to probe the reaction of every inch of the intestinal wall, to probe the sensitive area that no one knows. My own patience was exchanged for the expected response. Gripping the gun and stabbing it diagonally upwards, a short scream I'd never heard before suddenly rang in my ears, which I knew was the response of pleasure. His eyebrows are slightly raised and the eyes are increasingly blurred and his head is tilted back.

The prey's weakness is found.

- Ah!!♡

Unfamiliar stimuli caused the body to subconsciously resist, but he had lost the ability to form words. The weak protest mixed with gasps sounded more like an invitation. His beloved gun begins to fire continuously at his own newly discovered glands, the mysterious switch is turned on, the whirlwind of euphoria is sure to engulf everything in an instant. The panic then melted into numbing pleasure.

A sincere groan spilled out of his lips with each thrust of the gun barrel, and at the same time, his tongue couldn't stay inside his mouth but kept coming out into the air. The drool flowed unstoppable, and the unstoppable amount trickled down the slender neck and to the collarbone.

Pleasure betrayed mind. You're making the atmosphere hot. The tear gland could not close, a steady stream of tears was seen and wet the eyelids, accompanied by groans. Delicate bioelectric currents in the body lower body are transmitted to the eyelids, eventually turning into a lustful gasp and the sound of water reverberating throughout the room.

Maybe it's time to use it?

- A-Ah... S-Stop!!♡

I just flipped the switch on the chair, carefully adjusting the amperage from zero, until it was enough to stimulate Kanae's entire body. I let go of the gun so the electricity wouldn't pass through me, concentrating on the Kanae of lust. The signal to stop increasing the voltage was when the first white fluid was squirted out.

The dim lights cannot overshadow your beauty. The waist and abdomen that wanted to resistance are now completely collapsed in the electric chair, the current makes him constantly tremble so pitifully, wherever I touch he has a sensitive reaction, the lower body does not stop spraying like it will never dry up.

- You like it that much? I'm so glad! w

The smell of the air in the room quietly changed. Neither reward nor punishment, just pleasure. Seeing you like this makes me want to do more painful things.

His wet lips trembled, his red eyes filled with tears suddenly woke me up. The Kanae in front of me was getting me an erection, but the current clothes were enough to mask my body's honest reaction.

The justice that you insist on is indirectly dragging you down the quagmire of lust. Sometimes I don't even understand you. When I met you as a Bartender, you were mysterious, you were sexy, you were attractive, but why is your insides so innocent and pitiful? A completely chaste Catholic is being tainted by me. To think that you've never had sex makes me feel guilty for what I'm doing! w

- Hah... Sa... Sasha... Turn off the...power...!

Intermittent groans, sobs. Finally, after a few days, I heard you call my name. In response, I did at his request, turning off the power of the chair to reduce a source of stimulation. When he regained consciousness, his small face was messed up by his own tears and hair, the overwhelming pleasure made his skin even redder.

While still in high spirits, I grabbed the gun again and pushed it in with force. Kanae wriggled his slender arms and waist indiscriminately, the shackles only holding his body in the chair but did nothing to stop him from basking in the accumulated pleasure. The swollen genitals vibrated against the lower abdomen, revealing the desire to drain the remaining fluid of the owner.

The weapon in the wall of meat accelerated its sprint, his mouth moved, not knowing what he was trying to say, his hands clenched on the handrails. The sensitive gland was repeatedly stabbed bringing him closer to the second climax. Kanae raised his head and opened his mouth wide, but no sound came out of his throat amid the shameful sound of secret secretions.

Immediately after the milky liquid shot out, I purposely held onto that guy's bouncing thighs, that overly sensitive body still shivering during the climax. His white chest were covered with his own semen, and even splashed on his chin and neck, and on the collar of his shirt also slowly dropped. Red swollen lips as if to bleed, he lowered his head to gasp, finally overcome this voluptuous torture.

The hole that had been opened by the barrel of the gun was now closed, glittering with erotic jets. I turned my back and cleaned the gun for him.

Except for the suggestive smell that lingered in the air, everything was the same as any normal night. I should have really wanted to go one step further, but worried you was overworked at the first time, I couldn't bear it. He almost collapsed in the electric chair, weakly calling my nickname.

- What a good boy today, now you can get some sleep!

After playing (It was still too gentle), I kissed him sincerely, an act that I have never done with anyone who was brought into this secret room. I don't go any further, because I want to wait for you willingly. After cleaning everything up and dealing with my erection, I embraced him and slept in a happy mood.


- Kanae, it's time to get up!

These days, the happiest thing is seeing you by my side every morning. My beloved frowned slightly and was about to sleep again, making me laugh. Does it mean you've gotten used to me? w

- I've changed my mind, Kanae!

You still don't move, I just keep talking, it's good if you hear it, if you can't, then that's it:

- I will release you! You can go anywhere, even human world! - *Kiss*

Kanae suddenly looked up at me, then huddled in the dark corner created by my embrace.

- Don't trust me?

- Of course!

- Yeah, there's a condition! w

- Go ahead!


- If a month later you are still sober, I promise to set you free, completely free!

- Is that all?

- Uhm!

- ...

- No tricks, I swear by my honor! - I'm telling the truth, Kanaeeee.

- How easy is that? Just a month? No torture?

- Um! Or do you want to stay here with me? w

- No no, sayonara!

Still stubborn! w

My Kanae, that means you don't know the horrors of the "White room torture" w.

The "White room torture", a all-white prison, the prisoners' clothes are white, the food is white, the light shines 24/7, it's difficult to sleep, it's a completely soundproof solitary confinement. Many people think that there is nothing to be afraid of, but the reality has proven that after only a week or two, the prisoners are gonna lose his temper and wanna die, the more "animal" part dominates the "human" part. A month is more than enough to destroy a prisoner's morale.

I can't wait to pick you up a month later.

The reason we do this, is both for you and for me.

I know that church is where you raised you, but in the end you are naive, how devout you are to trust them so easily?? Even worse, they took advantage of that and told him to get as many vampires' blood as he could. They say this is the word of God, to find a way to help vampires no longer need blood, can live in peace with humanity, but the real purpose is to find a way to step into the realm of immortality.

Haha, against the laws of nature, people like you dishonor the Christianity I know! The "greatness" of humanity really opens my eyes!

Where did I get this information? I just went to the human world to ask and broke their neck.

What they said while standing in front of death...

"This is a dog's voice, definitely a dog's sound!"

It went like that.

If this time coming back with empty hands, they certainly won't leave you alone. Yet you accepted the condition to back to the human world...

But, in a month, I'll help you restart from zero, Kanae.

You said you believe in God. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard.

If God were real, you would have been delivered from me long ago.


I haven't seen Kanae in a full month, I miss him so much. How is he?

Opening the door of the white prison, I was a little nervous.

- Hic?!

Kanae, with his visible haggard eyes, dark circles and messy hair, made him look worse than ever. He backed away to the corner of the wall when he saw me, when I moved closer, he ran to another corner, his eyes scared as if being touched by me was the most terrible thing. Seeing the door open, he ran to it, but couldn't be as fast as my teleportation magic, instead of rushing out, he rushed into my lap. If I didn't hold him tight, he'd run away again.

I kissed his lips, swallowed all the words he wanted to say while losing his temper. I thought he would be tamed by me and won't run away anymore, but I never thought that he would scratch my face in pain and then rush out of the prison door. Maybe I'm the one in hurry www, but my subordinates are here a lot, you can't escape no matter how you run.

Like an feral animal, he didn't say a word, but only growled when he was captured, sorry but I died laughing when I saw this scene w.

- Help him calm down, that's all it takes! Rely on you!

- Got it, I'll let you know when it's done!

Of course, we also have specialists in treating people with psychological crisis after "white torture", which is the premise to help Kanae start a new life.

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