main antagonist

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"This new world is mine,In the plam of my hand"

Surgu Geto

"This sure a interesting city,And interesting new spirit,Yet it all depends on the boys how funny the world are,but will change now"


"Don't you see itadori,We are same,You kill curse spirit while I kill human, Does it make a lot sense here,Ah Itadori hahaha hahahah hahaha hahahah"


"Those so call spirits think better than us,I will show them, they're nothing than just a puny girl have a power,That power should belong to our curse spirit kind not them"

Yasushi kudo

"Ikki igarashi,I'll make sure you life will Be your living hell like you did to me,I will make sure you will Go deep in the darkness till you become the thing you hate and kill me, Without any reason, without emotion,I want to see that and I will smile of who you become and have a laugh,mwhahaha"

Amahiko haitani

"Let me give you back a love from me Sakura by enjoy killing you,and Humiliated you,cause you did to me like this now,So I will give back hehehe"

Hideo akaishi

"Daiji igarashi,I hear you creat your own orginazation and where did it go, Nowhere cause right now you have nothing beside your own self and family,i know you love to command other cause that is all you want,Away from your family and have your own career,All the stress of protect people will make you forgoten what value on this world"

chameleon deadman

"I no longer to return my human form,Cause I disgusting it,I now a curse spirit since my human Is no more,I so happy cause this is What I like Hehehe,as well as I can do whatever I want,Even kill you...HIROMI KADOTA"

Hell gifttarin

"My prugose was to server lord gift,but now he is isn't anymore,I feel like whole world are empty,The empty of truth,Empty of sympathy of human,I feel like surrounded me is nothing but lied,human affair what they see They don't understand,So I won't be with human,I will keep fighting untill My reason Is no more to be life, Fighting and serve is only thing I have"

Ryomen Sukuna

"What is this?a joke for me,if it is then I won't Laugh,the world Is now dependent on a little one like him,By dating? mwhahahhah oh I find it is a joke for me,You see life isn't about dating, isn't about romantic thing,is about responsibility of human, responsibility of they self interest,On they selfish life,They all about themselves,And most all Fight the world,Fight the fate,even job to,and wake up to reality the world only have a pain and the fool one will be consume by it"

And here is the antagonist,The one will make our main rider life in the world of hell

Plus sukuna was right,all the world have is the pain only pain,So date the girl only temporary,to him date was Wasted his time,and of course to those love battle I will make sukuna win Kurumi,I just want to show how powerful sukuna are even when he fight the spirit heck spirit scared of him,Cause he is a disaster bringer,He is they Satan

As for Westcost,no he won't be here,cause Westcost only appear in one and doesn't impress me most,I mean he have a plan by make Mio with a guy than kill him

Pftt Geto have the Plan,be freaking back shot to born Yuji

So comments me what you think about the antagonist And their quote

I will see you later

PEACE ✌️✌️✌️✌️

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