C10: Stay here tonight

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Brett stood outside the door looked at Eddy's surprised face. He drenched and held the violin case that was wrapped in a waterproof bag. His voice trembled with cold.

-"Hi, Eddy. You forget your violin"

-" I know.. but... How can you know my...apartment exactly?"

-" I called some people but no one picked up and then Barrie called me back when I was close to your home" his voice became slightly hoarse and he coughed lightly.

-" You'll be sick, Brett! Come in" Eddy realized that the small man in front of him was drenched and trembling. He felt so guilty.

-"..Just take your violin"

-" I can't let you go to such terrible weather and you've just coughed!" He insisted.

-" wait.. so...you mean you want me sta.." Brett hesitated.

Eddy pulled him in and closed the door.

-" The weather is too bad to drive and I can see how far your home's ... just stay here tonight, ok?" He said in a worried and gentle voice.

Brett's body warmed up. Although he could feel the heat of his ears and his cheeks, they were pale before the cold. He sighed "ok.. thanks a lot"

Eddy's heartbeat very fast. He saw Brett's cute and perfect. Water revealed his smooth skin in a thin shirt. Wet hair was raised in an attractive way. On the other hand, Brett was admiring Eddy's handsomeness a durable way- He with a black T-shirt and gray cardigan...they could appreciate each other all night... if Brett wasn't wet.

-"Um... can I have... towel?"

-" Oh!! Yes"

Eddy back with a white hoodie and comfortable pants.

-" Just.. use my bathroom"

After seeing Brett not respond, he quickly pulled his wrist away.

-"Wait...Eddy!!" He was surprised.

-" Here"

-" ...Thank you"

-" ok" Eddy closed the bathroom door.

He sat on the sofa and was impatient. 'If he knows I'm gay, will he agree to stay?' Brett came with a super cute look that made Eddy's heart stopped beating and then beat faster. 'So cute.. for a man'. He almost swam in Eddy's hoodie.

-"Eddy?" Brett really liked the smell from the hoodie. He felt comfortable where he shouldn't felt comfortable.

-" Yes! I made...tea, it'll make you feel better"

-"Thank Eddy" he smiled brightly.

-"I'll get you a blanket..." he smiled back.

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