Chapter 2

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(Art by me)


"Hey Legosi, can I touch your fur for a bit?" (M/n) asked, his eyes spakling from curiousity as he slightly reach out his hand.

Taking back at the hybrid's question, Legosi nodded. He moved closer to the boy and let (m/n)'s hand place on his head.

"Of course you can but why do you want to though?" Legosi asked, looking at (M/n) with confusion.

"Well, I told you that I was home-schooled right? That time, I have one man who adopted me, he told me to always stay at home so I wasn't dare to step outside." (M/n) said, his hand gently pet Legosi, the wolf's fur was so soft that he keep stroking. "I never get to interact with anyone and only looked outside from the window. Now I'm able to go to school, I become curious with almost everything, see all kind of different animal make me want to touch them."

Suddenly, (M/n) stopped petting "Oh, sorry, did I touch you a bit too long?" he said.

Legosi only shaked his head. To be honest, it was actually relaxed. The gentle touch make the young woft felt calm and somewhat weird. he hadn't been petted for a very long time and this was the first time he had a hybrid to touch him, even if he had a very strange feeling about this but it wasn't uncomforable at all, in fact he was actually like it.

'Maybe it's because I'm a canine' he thought to himself.

"No no, it's okay."Legosi said, a bit embarrassed for liking this new feeling so he tried to change the subject.

"How was your first day at school?"The wolf asked.

(M/n)'s face turned anxious soon after. "It was fine, I guess."Let out a tired sign as he remembered what happened in his first day. For him, the dorm was the most comfortable place to stay right now. Going outside is too tiresome.

"you don't sound fine to me."Legosi looked up the the male and asked " Was there anything bad happened today?"

"I got lost again and went to class late."(M/n) said, he grab the pillow on his bed and hug it tightly as if he let out all his anxiety on it. Get lost on the first day to school, he felt too embarrassed to even glance as anyone.

"Oh, then why wouldn't you ask me for help?" Legosi asked again, after the conversation yesterday he thought (M/n) would trust him so he was a bit sad when the hybrid seem to avoid talking to him all morning.

"I just don't want to bother you with my problem."(M/n) replied, he didn't want his only friend to get annoyed at him for asking. The male embraced the pillow tighter as he scared of the thought his friend leaving him.

He was used to being alone .But now, having the first friend in his life, the thought being alone again made him scared, he became fear of that.

"Was there anything else happened today?" the wolf asked

"Nothing much....Oh, I did meet someone!"(M/n) suddenly remember, he did speak to one student or rather two.

"And who is that?"Hearing that, Legosi began to feel curious about this person his friend met, must be one of his class mate or someone else.




In the distand of the room, Jack and Collot were playing video game as they look at two of their roomates talked with eachother.

"Legosi and that (M/n) kid seem to be close, I surprise that Legosi is the one he talked to first." Collot said.

"Legosi, I so proud of you!" Jack happily said, his friend finally made friend by all himself! Legosi always hid from evryone and refer to be alone so Jack, who was his childhood friend was very worried for the wolf.




Back to our (M/n), he remembered the person he accidently met this morning as he said.

"Well, he is a deer."


Finally, It was break time! (M/n) step outside his classroom and took out his juice box. (M/n) had to save his money so he usually skipped lunch time and only got juice to drink.

He wandered to the back of the school once he got to know the school more, ther were few people here so he could be relaxed and enjoyed his drink.

But something soon caught his eyes, that was a deer, standing tall and his head was always high up so he looked very serious and strong but that wasn't what (M/n) focused on, he only stared at his antlers.

The things were so shiny and pretty that the hybrid couldn't stop staring, he wanted to touch it!

"Excuse me, why do you keep staring at me? It's a bit annoyed ." The deer said as he stood in front of the male, his face clearly show his discomfor. He looked at (M/n) and realized that the boy was a hybrid from a fox and an animal that he couldn't figure it out. This was the first hybrid he had seen in his life. Well, whaever it was he still didn't like being stare by the half- carnivore.

(M/n)'s face didn't change a bit as he kept staring, then he pointed at the things on the deer head and said.

"Your antlers."

"What's about it?" the deer asked, starting to feel tense.

"I want to touch it." (M/n) eye's became sparkling from excitement


" I think you shouldn't have said that. What did he say after that?" Legosi said

"He said no then walked away."(M/n) replied, his reaction was very slow so when the deer walked away angrily, he finally realized what he did was rude but didn't get a chance to apologize.

"Well, as least it didn't end badly"

"It's still my fault though."

"What about other student?"

"Ah yes, I met a white rabbit! Her name is Haru!" The hybrid said happily,Legosi surprise at how his mood change too fast. (M/n) must be very fond of this person.


The school bell rang loudly around many classes, Students one by one exited the classroom to go to their dorm, except for (M/n). He wanted to breathe some fresh air so he went up to the school's rooftop.

After going up the stairs, he opened the door, flowers was the first thing he saw. A lot of types of flowers were placed by group,red,blue,yellow,violet,ect... it was so colourful that it remind him of the rainbow. He was so awe, this was the best place he ever seen in this school! He was too fascinated with the flowers to hear the sound of the foot steps behind him.

"Ahhhhh!"the scream startled him, which also cause him to scream in fear too.

"Ahhhhhh!"they were both screaming.

And they both lower their voice down as they realized eachother were just the student in the school. It became silent after that, (M/n) tried to calm down by breathing in some air, he definitely didn't like being scared like that, he almost passed out right then if he didn't look up.

"What are you doing here?" The other student asked.

"I just want to breath some fresh air before going back to my dorm that all."He replied quietly.

Now that he was calm down, he could see the other one clearer. It was a rabbit, White rabbit.Amazing!!!His eyes shined up once again.He had never seen a pure white rabbit before, it reminded him of snow, she looked so beautiful and untained. He sudden felt wanted to touch again, but he suppressed it as he didn't want to be rude again. (M/n) didn't want to make the girl uncomfortable.

"you're staring."She said.

"S-sorry" He apologized, feeling ashame for his behavior.

"well,I'm Haru, a white rabbit, thirth-year student."

"I'm (M/n), a hybrid of red fox and human, I'm new here. Please to meet you, Haru-senpai" (M/n) said nervously.

"Human? But I thought they were extinct a long time ago."

"U-Uh, I don't know either...I'm an orphan."

"Sorry for that." Haru said.

"It's okay"he didn't want to talk about this topic anymore.

"Well you can continue with your work while I doing mine."She said then walked closer to the flowers, she carried them and placed each diffent flowers in their place neatly.

(M/n) watched the rabbit do her work, he then felt bad when he relaxed while a girl word very hard. (M/n) walked near Haru and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Can I help?"He asked.

"I can do it myself." She said, annoyed because this hybrid must think that she weak and couldn't do it herself.

The half-fox felt nervous again, did he do something wrong? But he still wanted to help.

"Why wold you want to help me anyway?"Haru asked, looking up at the hybrid.

"I very like flower so after looking at all kind of flower's types, I have a feeling to take care of them."He answered honestly.

Haru looked at him for a moment then let out a slight laugh. "You are a very weird guy,you know? Come here." She said.

Hearing this, (M/n) become happy right away as he did what she told. He spent the whole afternoon to help the white rabbit to take care of the plant.


"So that why you were late."Legosi said.

"At least I have made a friend!"(M/n) pouted.

The two canines chatted with eachother more. Nothing interesting happened to Legosi so he didn't talk about his school day much. During the conversation, (M/n) suddenly thought of a new idea.

"Hey Legosi, can I asked you this?"

"Of course."

"Can I take a picture with you? I mean we basically friend now so I want to do something new."

"Okay."Legosi agreed.

"Great!"(M/n) said as he quickly stood up and placed his phone in front of them to take a picture.

"You ready?"The hybrid asked

"w-wait,I'm not-"

"Smile!"(M/n)held his hand up to form a heart shape and smile brightly.


"Geez (M/n), I'm not ready yet"The wolf said, looking at the young happy male.

"Sorry, I was excited"(M/n) laugh softly as he apologized.

Legosi glanced at the picture they just took, he had never saw the hybrid smile this bright before, the weird feeling suddenly returned again liked he want this moment to last a bit longer , he felt warm and comfort around the male even if they hadn't been friend for very long yet.

Legosi decided that the hybrid indeed was very special to him and he swore he never would let his little friend get any harm.

"What do you think about the picture, Legosi?" (M/n) asked while smiling happily.

"It's pretty." 

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