The great sage to be love

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Hello, just call me Jelly i just cameback for a long time off so yeah hope you like so!
A long, long time ago, a decade ago, a legend was kept there. Anyone who hears it is filled with admiration, he is Sun Wukong, the monkey king of monkeys and Flower fruit mountain, with the nickname "The great Sage".
He have become famous throughout the world and fought with gods. He say he are not afraid of anything?

But it's a pity that something unfortunate happened to him, A small love affair, It would be considered weak when a king once struggled with a small love affair with the person he loved..
Missing a deep love with a person like him and That guy had six ears and was very understanding. That was something Sun Wukong did not mention. He said that no matter how many words he used, he could not describe those happy days. that happiness until the day he gave up that love to find a great strength within himself and wanted the people he loved to understand that he was trying to protect them so he could be stronger... But the excuse That's no use to Mac. Yes, His shoulder has left him.

Several years have passed, and He have wanted to return to his life partner. He was famous as a king, but secretly in love with such a weak love... He's thinking that He might have a chance to do it again. Did he do something wrong to get closer to the person he love?
The great Sage Equal to Heaven, Everyone says he is stubborn? That's right, he calls himself a stubborn person or is it just because he's too weak to confess his feelings again after everything he's done to Mac? Well, let's just move on, he decides not to go, but that's just an excuse to hide his small feelings, right?

Suddenly, without saying a word, a shadow appeared under the shadow of his cloud, slowly rising from that shadow and greeting everyone and not forgetting to tease the person Mac didn't like very much, wukong..

Mac replied in a mocking voice:
"Hello, group of newly hatched rice chickens! How are you today~ How about you Sun Wukong, maybe you're still as weak as ever? Great Sage"
"Hii macaque!!"
wukong just glanced at him and then shouted back:
"Shut up you six-eared thing, I'm not interested in answering you-"
Mac's shadow suddenly came closer to Sun Wukong, making him suddenly startled and the two of them looked at each other. He said:
"Not interested or are you afraid to talk kindly to me?"
Wukong was suddenly startled and backed away from him, saying:
"O-of course not! I'm not interested and when have I ever talked to you properly?"
Mac looked at wukong's actions with a puzzled expression and replied:
"You and I used to be partners, wukong? Did you forget-?"
Wukong denies that:
"It's just that I was too confused to make friends with you, you understand, now you and I are enemies, not-
Then without saying anything, he stole the peach from Wukong's hand and disappeared with a sarcastic sentence:
"loser, let's say goodbye~"
Wukong couldn't keep the peach in time and lost it in front of mac's hands. He angrily called the gold cloud out and jumped on it, muttering silently:
"That six-eared guy will have to give back what he took!"

After a while, wukong spent the whole afternoon looking for that six-eared guy because he had touched him. After a while, The great Sage discovered that Mac was in a large theater in that narrow area just because Wukong heard his story and shadow. Wukong secretly went in and opened the curtain to sit in the audience and watch Mac perform. while He didn't pay attention to him. Sun wukong sat down and heard the story about the king and his warriors. Wukong was quite surprised because it was a long time ago. Maybe mac still remembers, in other words he is reviewing his past experience
were the days when he and him were happy together, Mac was still passionate about telling his story, He must be a crazy person to still be immersed in that small feeling... the day wukonh left was also the day he was in the most pain

"A strong and powerful king ascended the throne, he ascended the throne with his famous title of Monkey King. After a long time passed, he met someone who knew a monkey in their flock, Mr. The king was interested in him, so the friendship began from there
That king and the warrior who followed closely by his side spent happy days together for more than 200 years until, he cruelly let go of his friend or more accurately, his lover. sir? So why did you carelessly throw away those feelings after 200 years just because of a shameless and selfish emperor who only thought about himself and yet you still wholeheartedly followed him and left me behind? How can you treat me like that alone? I love you so much, my Sun, are you willing to leave me just because of a despicable guy who tortures you all day long with his bracelet? !"

Wukong He gradually remembered everything, yes he had had the duty to protect his master from demons during the trip to find the scriptures for him. It is true that he is a selfish person and scolds him all the time, but why did Wukong endure so much suffering so that now he have nothing to lose?
I will make more when i free time hope you like my comic about Shadowpeach!!

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