Little Heart (P1)

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-What part of your life isn't miserable, Gin? - Held a gun, said Shiho.

Tired, blood-shot eyes, with defeat and losing a tremendous amount of blood, Gin smirked, then return to his plain expression but his eyes were still locked on the figure towering him. They were both soaking wet, beaten after a long day of bullets and bombs. 

-Why won't you talk to me, asshole? - squeezing the Glock in her sore fingers.

The black beast sits leaning against a broken wall unphased no matter how loud the girl shouts at it. His vision had tampered with a grenade earlier, he couldn't see well, and with all the pain grinding him all flush in after his surge of adrenaline he was too tired. Tired to move on. 

He has no purpose anymore. Don't you realize?

- Goddammit!! - She hustled away - Why should I feel bad for you...? -


She dropped the gun, and herself next to him. She too was exhausted, after all that mess and relief and finding herself in front of a man who was once her nightmare.

- Why does it have to be you ...?  Why must I feel this way for the likes of you...- She let her half-formed fist drop on the wet dirt ground. Her breath was loud under her wet strands of red hair. Little pebbles crunches bitterly as her distorted thoughts fingered the ground with her gray nails. 

Out of the blue, she felt a warmth rested on those tired knuckles. Her thoughts were so overwhelming, she didn't even notice a slight movement of the beast in front of her. He reached out, landing his scared hand on top of her, slightly. 

A small gasp was her reaction. 

His - You are.. cold - the voice was so hoarse and breathless - You must be soaking wet.

A ringing silence flashed by.

Only to be broken by Shiho's effortless burst of laughter.

- So you do talk - She murmured, not even looking at him - That's all you have to say?

- .... - A tiny sound of his lips unstick and then close again.

- Just what I thought, you're just a heartless psychopath after all - She retracted her hand, escaping his. She stood up, wiping off some dirt on her knee, purposely wiping the part of her hand that was touched by him on her shirt.

Shiho picked up the gun, turning away from the half-dying man. 

- I hope you enjoy your last days behind bars, Gin.

Rain still tapping the same tune. Every of its drop stroked their skin in reminder of reality. A loser of battle, accepting his upcoming punishment, watching a little light grey dot slowly slip from his vision.

- Hey! no- An interrupted dialog slipped off his ragged body before collapsing completely in defeat. His arm pulled towards her direction.

Hopefully, she noticed it and turned around.

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