CHAPTER 4: A Trip to China

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                                                       A Trip to China: 3

Japan, Tokyo


January, 14, 20xx


Time: 3:00 AM

Ashahi Fujiki is unable to sleep in his bedroom due to the continuous noise in his neighborhood caused by people re-watching soccer late at night. Well, if he happens to have some free time tomorrow, he might consider joining them to watch the soccer again at this late hour. The match between U20 and France was highly exciting, however, he has school tomorrow, an exam, and an activity that could greatly impact his grades. His mind races with thoughts, then a heavy sigh, he finally gives up and walks towards the window. The streets are still alive with activity, lights flickering, and music blaring from all directions. Exhaustion etched on his face, he longs for quiet among the chaos.

Ashahi sighed, wishing for a peaceful life that always seemed out of reach. But then the door opened, shattering the quiet moment. Yuna's voice called out to him, and he immediately recognized it as his mother's. She must have been worried about him, staying up so late. "Ashahi?" she asked, her tone full of concern. "Mom?" he replied, struggling to keep the exhaustion from his voice. "I can't sleep, they're being too loud." Yuna understood, their noisy neighbors were making it impossible for Ashahi to rest. "Why don't you come sleep in my room?" she offered. But Ashahi was 17 now, almost an adult, and didn't want to seem like a child to his mother. "No thanks, Mom," he said firmly, trying to sound mature and independent. But Yuna wouldn't budge; for her, he would always be her little boy no matter how old he got. She looked at him with sad eyes as he rejected her offer, wishing he would let her comfort him like she used to when he was younger.

Metlife Stadium, Outside


January, 13, 20xx

Time: 1:06 PM

Barou: "Finally, this game is taking forever."

Hiori: "Rin keeps scoring, that's why."

Kurona: "Yeah, he's hogging all the goals."

Bachira: "Rin-chan can be so selfish sometimes =)!"

Nagi: "Can't blame him, it's just his nature."

Reo: "Chigiri, I just purchased hair products for you."

Chigiri: "Thanks, Reo!"

Shidou: "Hey, have you guys seen Rin?"

Rin: "Right here, Pinky-Blonde."

Shidou: "Oh sorry, you've grown so much that I can't see you anymore."

Rin: "It's because you're too short to see me now, dumbass."

Shidou: "Wow, it's always your attitude that makes me sick!"

Rin: "Oh, my apologies. I must have forgotten how to talk politely to peers since I don't interact with children who haven't even gone to kindergarten."

Shidou: "You little brat, I'll kick your butt!"

Rin: "Come at me, you foul-mouthed perv!"

Hiori: "Here we go again."

Kunigami: "Where did that arrogant Ego go? Someone call him to stop them."

Aiku: "Don't do that Barou."

Kunigami: "What do you want then?"

Aiku: Just so you know, I find it quite entertaining to watch them fight."

Ego: "What is going on here?!" He shouted fiercely.

Kurona: "Scary, scary!"

Reo: "Ego, they are the ones causing trouble. You shouldn't be yelling at us but them!"

Bachira: "Reo is right. We haven't caused any trouble since we came; it's those two!"

Rin: "Cut the crap, Bachira. Are you trying to blame me for all the trouble you caused?"

Bachira: "Hey, it's all because of your stupidity-"

Ego: "Enough from both of you! Do you want to embarrass me in front of the locals?"

Chigiri: "As our boss, his words always take precedence."

Aiku: "Whatever."

Niko: "Isn't it almost Lunar New Year in China?"

Nagi: "No, you idiot. The Lunar New Year is still two weeks away."

Reo: "Our game will fall before or during the Lunar New Year festivities."

Chigiri: "That's going to be amazing! We can play our game and then have a break for the New Year celebrations!"

Barou: "Enough small talk, it's time to head back to the hotel."

Kurona: "Wait, shouldn't we grab a bite to eat before we leave?"

Hiori: "I'm pretty hungry after that long game."

Bachira: "Me too."

Nagi: "Yeah."

Aiku: "Then let's find a restaurant and eat."

Reo: "In fact, I've just booked a table at a restaurant nearby. Let me book another reservation for you guys."

Hiori: "That would be great thank Reo!"

Chigiri: "Reo as always with his fancy, rich wealth."

Ego: Clapping his hand "Alright listen up you shiny gems, since your task is completed, I will give you all three days of free time. After that, we'll be leaving New Jersey and heading to China. Understood?"

All: "Yes, sir!"

Russia, Yakutsk


January, 14, 20xx

Location: ???

Time: 3:10 AM

In the depths of a shadowy alley, twisted and contorted bodies lay strewn across the ground, only god knows what's happened, or so the police thought. The floor was painted with the remnants of what were once human beings, stretching a chilling and gruesome scene. Their limbs and organs were torn from torsos, entrails spilled out in a grotesque exhibition of gore. But what truly caused fear was the lack of their hearts, the core of life itself. These vital organs had been meticulously removed and preserved, floating in the jars filled with a white liquid on the ground.

No shred of humanity was left among the carnage, only lifeless shells. The stench of death permeated the air, as they couldn't believe that humans could cause such devastation. Suffocating and choking, a cruel smirk formed on the perpetrator's faces as they looked at their victims from far away, relishing in their suffering. If only these poor souls had stayed in their homes, none of this would have happened, pity that it is too late now...

Somewhere nearby

???: "They're so pathetic, those insects."

???: "Indeed~, and vice-versa."

???: "Why can't those scum-brats stop getting in our fucking way?"

???: "Watch your language, dear~." 🫢

???: "You're no different from me, despite what you may think, sister."

???: "Wow, such a big mouth for such a little boy~."

???: "Stop with that attitude of yours, it makes me want to vomit."

???: "But I thought you used to like my voice back then?"

???: "Shut up, don't boss me around, I'm not your plaything anymore."

???: "You've changed a lot since I last saw you. I'm not sure if I like this new version of you."

???: "I don't need your approval, and neither do you!"

???: "How could you say something so hurtful to your sibling~?! That makes me sad~."

???: "One day, you'll be grateful for this sibling when I send you straight to hell."

???: "Oh, if so I'll wait until you actually have the power to kill me then, brother~."

*Ring, Ring-*

???: "Hello?"

???: "It's me, Ms. Evelyn."

Evelyn: "Oh, Mr. Gil~, what is it?"

Mr. Gil: "The young master has instructed me to inform everyone back to the castle."

???: "So soon?"

Mr. Gil: "Yes."

Evelyn: "Is there something happening at the castle?"

Mr. Gil: "Pardon, but that's all I know."

Evelyn: "Alright, we'll make our way back soon."

Mr. Gil: "Is Mr. Ray with you?"

Evelyn: "Yes, he is here and heard our conversation."

Mr. Gil: "Good. I'll end the call now. Have a pleasant night, Ms. Evelyn and Mr. Ray."

Evelyn: "Farewell Mr. Gil~."

Evelyn: "..."

Ray: "What's going on in that kid's head? We just got in trouble three days ago."

Evelyn: "Who knows?"

Ray: "And why does he insist on hiding in that hotel room?"

Evelyn: "Who knows~?"

Ray: "Hey, kid. Stop pretending like you did not see us!"

The building next to them had a single-lit room with light shining through the window. The boy inside heard them and rolled his eyes before quickly pulling the curtain down to hide from view.


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