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  It was growing louder and louder. 

'Stop it, you silly heart!' Charles mumbled to himself, staring at the girl walking by. 

She wasn't just any girl. She was the most gorgeous girl he had ever laid eyes on. Her eyes twinkled like stars in a dark night. Her wavy hair cascaded down her back. And her smile, it was enough to send him falling. Charles couldn't help but be totally smitten for this girl. 

Days passed, and all Charles could do was follow his muse around the campus, though he kept a fair distance so he wouldn't seem like an obsessed stalker. In fact, he wasn't; he had all the respect in the world for her. 

Charles had made no attempt in striking up any conversations, for each time he tried to, his palms would get clammy and the butterflies in his stomach would get restless. That is, until one day when they were assigned in the same Science group project. Grinning like an idiot, he excitedly moved to his new seat, next to his beloved girl. 

'Hi, I'm Charles,' he said calmly, trying to neglect his racing heart. 

'Rosé,' the girl replied in a rigid French accent. 

'A beautiful name for a beautiful girl,' he thought, the corners of his lips slightly turning upwards. 

Daydreamer he was not, but Charles felt like he was on cloud nine. 

The next day, Charles brought a bouquet of roses in various colors, hoping to score a point in her eyes. He stood in front of Rosé's locker, the bouquet in hands, and waited for her. His peers passed by, pointed, whispered, some even laughed and mocked him for his 'naivety'.Charles couldn't care less. Love requires endurance. 

'What is this for, Charles?' Rosé blushed. Aside from her cold and blank expression, Rosé was just like any other girl; sensitive, emotional, and delicate. 

'I... I think you're adorable, Rosé...' Charles, himself, was blushing too, looking at the ceiling, daren't to look directly at his high school crush. 

Rosé hesitated for a while, speechless. Then she reached for the flowers, and their fingers grazed slightly. She thanked him, cheeks still red and all, before heading to class. 

Charles was over the moon. Jumping on his feet, he whistled all the happiest melodies in the world now that he had made it to the next level. 

Since then, they talked more often, about themselves and about the most random things. The others were avoiding the couple, some gave them the stares of hatred; but Charles didn't care, Rosé was his world. 

One day, the merry couple were skipping class to hang out in the hallway. 

'Rosé, do you have a house?' Charles gently locked his fingers to Rosé's. 

'Of course I do, dummy!' Rosé laughed at the silly question. 

'Then why not just live there? Why moved into my heart?' 

'Charles!' Rosé's face was burning red. She didn't think her boyfriend could say such cheesy things. 'Where did you learn that...' 


 It was a thunderous gun shot that turned the school atmosphere into a living nightmare. 

'This... this couldn't be...' Charles stuttered, all the blood drained from his face. His heart was beating faster and faster. 

He was looking to comfort Rosé when he found her covering his mouth, tears streaming down from her eyes like waterfall. 

'Look Rosé, it's going to be alright,' quickly wiping tears of her ravishing face, Charles grabbed her hands and ran. 

He could hear roaring footsteps growing louder and louder from behind, as if they were heading straight to them. He pulled Rosé into the bathroom, and turned the light completely shut. He shoved them into one stall, still covering her mouth, and told her to wait for the nightmare to end. She silently placed her head onto Charles' shoulder, looking for warmth and comfort.The two waited for what felt like eternity. 

Charles was about open the door to check when the lights went back on. Someone was in there with them. 

'No... no...' Rosé mumbled to herself, her eyes were wet again. 

'Shhhh!' Charles quickly covered his girl's mouth again, staring at the closed stall's door that could open at any moment. 

He saw a shadow through the small gap under the door. Someone was approaching them. 

'Look Rosé, if something happens, I just want you to know that you're the best thing that had ever happen to me okay? And even in the next life, you'll still be my girl, okay?' Charles held her face with both of his hands, placing their foreheads together and whispered. 

Not saying anything, Rosé nodded repeatedly, tears streaming down her charming face.The footsteps grew louder.A man breathes heavily, his breaths echoes the restroom.Charles heart was pounding at his ribcage.A sudden knock on the door startled Rosé. She shrieked without realizing and her eyes turned wide as saucers. 

That was it. That was the end. 

'Is anyone in there?' asked a familiar voice that Charles realized was the principal. 'The school is safe. Come out, kids!' 

'We're safe. We're safe!' Charles cried. His tears were full of joy. 

Rosé opened the door. 


Charles's heart skipped a beat. 

Never before had Charles heard two gunshots in a day. His whole body froze as the thick blood of his loved one splashed all over his body. Rosé's lifeless body fell back onto him. 

'No... No... Noo!' Charles screamed like a maniac. 'This can't be... Rosé! Rosé!' 

Hot, salty beads of tears streamed down his face as he cries for the life of his lover. 

'We found the kid in here! Send an ambulance! He lost it again!' 

'No! Rosé! Rosé! You can't just leave her like that!' He screamed at the people, his eyes red and wild, like that of an animal. 

'Hurry! Before his mental illness takes over him! And put the 3D human model back into the Science lab! What the hell is it doing in the bathroom with him?' 

'NO! ROSÉ! ROSÉ!' He wailed, his arms flailing around in an attempt to get back to Rosé. 

The agonizing scream gradually faded. 

And then there was silence.  


Personally i don't write in English, but when lẹc helped me to survive my English class we accidentally created this cute little piece of writing. Shoutout to lessmallpenguin because she deserves much more recognition (lab u). I have one more work in English called "The end of the world." that you can find on my profile. The rests are in Vietnamese. Thank you for stopping by and have a nice day.

P/S: On the cover is my bae DEAN, tho he has nothing to do with this story. I just adore him.

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