Chapter 22: The letter from oblivion (End)

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Class Zero entered their classroom after a period of peace, even though the war ended a few days ago but it was only yesterday for them. They don't know who ended it, but they know that person is familiar, when everyone takes their seats. Suddenly, they saw in their desk drawer a letter with a gift box, they all wrote the writer's name "Enix," and they opened the letter and read:

Dear Ruka

As a friend, as a teammate, a ray of light on the battlefield, a person with a strong will always ready for friends, use that to motivate the weak to become stronger.You may not remember it but because of me that you almost sacrificed, I hope that this gift will repay it. You have always been the one who told me to be stronger and I appreciate it.


Dear Hayne

Dawn will always be the first light to appear in the dark, dawn refers to a new day, dawn is to prove that we can see tomorrow. You are the dawn of your teammates and keep moving forward, become a strong person.


Dear Quon

Always focusing on the book to learn how to become an Agito, why do you always have to try to become an Agito while you are with our teammates already Agito? Don't cover yourself anymore, open your heart to others, don't for your own sake, forget about who you have around.


Dear Ryid

Even if you have Lorican blood flowing inside your veins, you're always an important part of your teammates, a member of Class Zero. Don't be afraid because the body is so big, let's say that it's affection between both countries, I'm sure you can feel it too.


Dear Carla

We could have been doing business with cadets and other people about the cool stuff you have, I'm sure this will help you learn better things to sell, if you don't like this gift. it's okay to sell it anyway, I want you to be honest.


Dear Naghi

You always help me when I do something heavy, you always work side by side with me on information-gathering tasks. That time thanks to the transformation magic we were not captured by the Milities. Looking at their expressions so funny, if only together again.


Dear Machina

To become stronger to protect Rem, you need to have teammates close by. Don't feel scared, don't borrow the power of others, but stand by them that will help you protect the people you love.


Dear Rem

How is your condition? I have been searching for a lot of drugs to make the medicine for you, it takes a lot of time, but I finally made it, I'm sure my ancestral remedy will help you heal. You are so kind i thank you for that


Dear King

I consider you as the second oldest brother in the classroom, always taking action to protect me whenever someone wants to touch me, you're a brave and kind brother, not only that you are The oldest brother in Class Zero. A brother whom I always respect.


Dear Queen

In my eyes you are always the class president I always look forward to, the will and the education are all great, sometimes there is a little problem with you always asking me about affection. I guarantee that in the future you become a leader of Rubrum.


Dear Jack

You always make me laugh with jokes, under no circumstances are you optimistic jokes to make me feel happier and more loving life. I hope your smile always shines, not tears of sadness. Be optimistic and always smile.


Dear Nine

Don't look at things as black and white, look at things with different eyes. You are always angry and impulsive, but I know deep inside your heart is someone who cares about Class Zero and Arecia. When I'm not here, don't argue or fight with Sice anymore.


Dear Eight

You always hate fighting to use weapons, you're right. Fighting without equipment without having to fight with bare hands, you and Cater are one of the toughest teammates I've ever seen, both fighting always have each other.


Dear Seven

If King is the eldest brother to me then you're the eldest sister to me, in the eyes of all the cadets who consider you their most reliable senior. You always give the right advice to help people be more confident, continue that because don't look back on the past but make yourself lose confidence.


Dear Sice

There's always controversy between you and Nine, but that makes your life a bit less boring, I see that whatever you do just wants to be good for others, you always respect the older ones. Always look around you and give the correct answer.


Dear Cinque

Even though the young girl looked weak and weak, she was very strong on the battlefield, liking cute things like my ears. I always refuse to touch your ears because they are very sensitive, many times you have touched them. It was such a fun time.


Dear Cater

The things that you see don't wonder about it, the important thing is the present, always pay attention to the present. As for the future, it's up to me to decide that it is life, not deja'vu images.


Dear Trey

I always listen to your speeches, most of them talking about the history of orience. Every time I hear you speak like I'm learning history, I guess in the future you must want to become a history teacher. But always be careful what you say because you always talk endlessly.


Dear Deuce

Do you like flower gardens? I planted them in school because of the war, the plants and flowers were all destroyed, but I planted the most beautiful flowers so please take care of them, hope you enjoy the flower garden I planted.


Dear Ace

The so-called frozen prince, but warm inside, may not be next to me but I am always in your heart. Maybe you forgot me but I didn't forget you, even when I was gone. I just want to say "I love you, I love Ace. Even if I disappear, I will never forget the love you have for me".





When Class Zero finished reading the letters, they opened the gift box together. Inside was a red uniform with a white cape, and the collar and wrist were all black, a card that said a sentence that touched them deeply:

Congratulations you have become Agito

The wind from outside the window blew in, a feather fluttered inside Class Zero, it flew through the members one by one to catch their attention. The feather flew towards the board, they were surprised because on the board there were lots of pictures of them all that they were very happy with. in the middle is a picture of Class Zero collective taking a picture together with a Miqo'te girl standing in the middle smiling and taking pictures with them.

Then the feather flew away from Class Zero, they watched it fly away and smile.


At some point, Diva, a god holding Enix's body on her. Gently placing her on the throne of the god and her body began to turn into crystal stasis:

-O Etro's child, the blood of god flows in your veins, this is not your end. But your body will be in a long sleep until your true soul returns to your body. Etro's child, you will one day have to face a real battle. Etro's child, could you end this for your mother?

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