Chapter 1: First day in Konoha's home town.

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Soft orange-pink sky in the afternoon, each white cloud floats in the vast sky. The gate of Konoha village is huge and solid. There were three people who were members of a merchant's family. They all had bright smiles on their faces because they had returned to their homeland. The wind blew and the trees roared like we welcomed them.

In their family there is a lovely little girl about seven or eight years old.  Her long hair is tied in two pigtails with a pretty pink bow tie. Eyes sparkling like stars. The pink and red pretty girl's lips were smiling happily. She is happy because she is having a complete love with her family. The pink yukata of fresh cherry blossoms glides with each small flute footstep.

She is Kayoko - Matsumoto Kayoko is the treasure trove of the richest merchant family of the five great powers. The girl's father, Matsumoto Tadashi. A man with a gentle smile, a kind face. Her mother is Matsumoto Midori. An elderly woman, but also extremely salty and aristocratic. Sparkling black eyes, chestnut brown hair neatly tied up.

They had not been home for a long time after an arduous journey across the distant Wind country.  Tadashi kept looking. The village has changed dramatically. Besides the poetic peace, the locals also seem to be very happy and complete. When meeting family, everyone is very welcoming.  Matsumoto has long been known as a wealthy and generous merchant.  Everyone loves and respects Mr. Matsumoto. They consider his health and that of his wife. At the same time, they praised Kayoko as very pretty and charming. After greeting the crowd, Mr. Tadashi carried his daughter on his back. While walking, Mr. Tadashi talked to Kayoko, who kindly asked about his daughter.

- Our house will be there. Are you happy about this?

Kayoko cried cheerfully, laughing.

- Yes daddy! I like it! 

Her mother followed them, telling them to take care when walking. Their family will now live in the tranquil village of Konoha. The sound of giggles mingled with the sound of birdsong and the sound of the wind. Although it is autumn afternoon, the sound is as cheerful as a bright spring day.


A nice day at Konoha Ninja Academy.  Today has been busier than usual, in particular to the classroom teacher Iruka. Looks like you guys are discussing the same issue.  Because today's class has a new transfer student.  What is especially remarkable, however, is that she is the daughter of a wealthy merchant. Usually, it is rare for rich ladies and the young masters come here to study. However, Kayoko was not like them.

While her classmates talked again, she and teacher Iruka entered the class. For it is the first day of school for the new school. This is the Ninja Academy. Kayoko wore a black costume that was both cool and tough to stick to the mud. The back of the trousers has a heavy fabric belt that can hold a kunai or shuriken bag. Ninja boots are made from cow skin, which is both strong and durable. She also has to wear elbow and knee protectors covered with a thick layer of cowhide with a soft cotton lining. All this was especially designed by her mother to protect her. Because it was her mother's love, she couldn't turn it down. Kayoko is already very embarrassed by her friends.

The class then shut up, but all eyes were turned to Kayoko. She was a little confused, partly timid due to the new context.  Besides, she sensed that everybody's eyes were very strange.  She thinks it's because of the bulky way she dresses that she's like this. But surprisingly for one other reason. Someone from the classroom looked at it and turned around to whisper something. She was a little fuzzy at first, but when her eyes crossed. She took a break, a sweat dripping on her cheek. Although she was embarrassed, Kayoko smiled again. Meanwhile, the teacher showed up at the class.

- Hi guys!  Inform the children of the news that the Konoha Ninja Academy has added a new member. That little girl…

Iruka put his hand on her shoulder. Back then, Kayoko greeted everybody with joy. At that time, she was supposed to impress everyone first.Then she introduced herself.

- I'm Matsumoto Kayoko. Nice to get to know everybody.

And then the boys of the class started revolting. This guy punched the other guy's head, the other guy knocked him out, so the class turned into a battleground. Everybody wanted a place where they could sit with her. Because she's a lovely girl.

Except for one who got her attention now. Even he noticed her from when she was in class. Right, the first thing that surprised everybody was this. He and Kayoko give you two drops of water. Kayoko seemed to understand something, but pretended to ignore him and avoid his eyes.

That boy, his eyes were immediately startled and shocked. The black eyes of that uneasiness dimmed and trembled. What surprised him was that the little girl opposite him looked exactly like him. However, there are a few differences between the two. But look at them, if someone said they were twins, people would believe them.

His name is Ushiha Sasuke, the last surviving member of his clan. That terrifying night, not so long ago, Uchiha Manor was covered in the blood of the extended family. After his shock, he seemed hopeless. It was like he fell into some dark abyss. Or like being in some cold ocean. But today, a surprise before him made him unexpectedly.  Someone came into the classroom with the same face as he. This isn't easily imagined.

While the teacher arranged Kayoko's desk. The classroom is messier than ever. It beats a flea market. Markets are safe and orderly from time to time. So that scene was like a battlefield. When the classroom was too noisy, Iruka cleared her throat and banged on the office three times.

- All right, class! You and Hinata have a seat.

- Yes, teacher!

Kayoko went to the place arranged by the teacher and sat with Hinata. As she settled into position, she looked at her friend sitting next to her. She was a little girl with eyes as white as pears. White skin blends with silky smooth hair that is cut short to make the bangs goofy. Kayoko is quite shy when she meets her new girlfriend. And I think if I were a girl, I'd show up in front of my girlfriend. She smiles gently and says.

- Hi! From now on, we're going to have the same table. If you need anything, let's help one another.

Hinata smiled timidly and nodded gently. Kayoko's face was flushed. Her lips were a radiant smile. Coincidentally, the two people just met, fell in love. She and her new friend are good talkers. Hinata quietly looked at her surroundings. She also noticed that the boys in the classroom were very excited about the new friend. The girls in the class were frowning. There are also people that have praised Kayoko for her beauty.


At recess that day, classmates gathered around Kayoko. Mainly, ask Kayoko what she learned in her old environment. They asked all kinds of questions, some even dared to ask if Kayoko's family was related to Sasuke. As she talked about this, she looked towards the table where the other boy was sitting. Black hair curls each strand kissing the soft white skin. But it seems Sasuke has been staring at her for a long time. And when she looked at him, he looked the other way.

Listen to the girl's difficult question to answer. A drop of sweat fell on Kayoko's gentle cheek. The little girl smiled, shook her head and waved her hand. Then she started talking about other things.

After recess, they practice.  On the training field of the Konoha Ninja Academy, a strong wind blew the dry leaves. Iruka-Sensei tested Kayoko's skills, including throwing Shuriken, stealth, and basic drills. Looks like she's matured and excelled. Iruka was slightly surprised, and then smiled proudly.

During the melee lesson, Iruka raised his voice and asked if anybody would fight her. All of a sudden there was a cold voice amongst the children. Whoever was speaking was Sasuke. Kayoko frowned a bit, then looked at Iruka-sensei as if she wanted to follow his decision. Iruka-sensei smiled a bit and leaned towards Sasuke's shoulder.

- No, she's a girl, you're the best of our class. It's not a fair battle.

Iruka then stood up, and then he called out to another classmate.

- Vlinder!

From among the children, a girl with dusty tanned skin stepped out. Her blonde hair shined like sunlight, but cut short and shaggy. Round, amber eyes are both shimmering and sharp. The girl's dark blue clothes were covered in mud and patches. This little girl looks extremely hyperactive and mischievous. Just by looking at it, I knew she was done playing somewhere.

When she heard the call from Iruka, Vlinder got away. Knowing that his opponent is Kayoko, she is very upset. She crossed her arms to watch Iruka, then asked loudly.

- Hey! Are you sure about this? Is she really hard for me?

Iruka stroked Vlinder's head and gave him slow advice.

- All right, Vlinder! Let's fight to test Kayoko's abilities. You have less endurance in class than Sasuke…

Cho blew his cheeks, slapped Iruka's hand and advanced standing in front of Kayoko. She narrowed her eyes to the girl and said.

- Hey lady! I will not restrain myself. Don't sweat from the pain, then go home to your mommy.

Kayoko smiles slowly. Leather seat belts have been removed and placed in her backpack. Her eyes turned towards Vlinder.

- Is it right now? I won't restrain myself either.

Both took a prepared position, the classmates seemed more preoccupied with Kayoko. Look at this gentle, fragile little girl. Whereas the other girl is one of the nasty kids in the class.

After hearing the signal from Iruka, Kayoko and Vlinder struggled. Everybody in the class came together to watch. At first glance, it doesn't seem like the physical strength of these two is much different. But this is just checking someone's opponent. Vlinder knows how to use physical strength and speed to run over her opponents.  So did she with the boys. As for Kayoko, each way of blocking and evading attacks from Iruka's perspective is very technical.

When she couldn't submerge Kayoko. Vlinder has changed its strategy to use force and height on her behalf. Vlinder was then replaced by a top-down attack which profited from Kayoko's impulse. Her goal is to take her opponent down and overthrow Kayoko.

But Kayoko seems to have carried out this Vlinder tactic. The girl wasn't worried about anything. She used her left foot to stand on her back. Putting force into her right elbow to block Vlinder's attack even though she was pressed to the ground.

While watching the match, Iruka and Sasuke noticed. The ground on which Kayoko's hind legs stood had cracked several cracks and then sunk. Then Sasuke was surprised to see Kayoko gently veering to the side using Vlinder's own force to force her to make her fall to the ground.

Kayoko then sat down at Vlinder. Her elbow was near the back of Vlinder's neck, and an arm and leg were cut off or Vlinder's arm. Kayoko's other leg was tight at the girl's legs. Looks like Vlinder can no longer move.

Iruka-sensei then declared Kayoko's victory before everyone's amazed eyes. Nobody thought Kayoko could win against somebody as strong as Vlinder. At that time, one even said that if only Iruka-sensei had left Kayoko to fight Sasuke, the battle would have been better than it is now. Only Iruka had noticed it. Kayoko used jutsu Earth Release to easily escape Vlinder's attack. Especially, the rebound technique is simple and emotional, but it is very similar to anbu's assassination skills.

Iruka believed that for Kayoko at her age, she could be regarded as a genius. But isn't Kayoko the lady of a wealthy merchant? Although her mother Midori was a chunin, this is a very difficult skill to practice. At least you must come from a former ninja clan and practice hard.  How could a noble woman from her like this? Iruka stopped thinking and kept teaching all the pupils.

After the battle, Vlinder was not upset with Kayoko. By contrast, Vlinder admires and admires this girl immensely. The girl and Kayoko shook hands and rejoiced. The entire class also rallied around the question of which Kayoko skill used.

Kayoko also secretly noticed that Sasuke's gaze was fixed on her. It seemed Sasuke wasn't hiding from her anymore. Instead, the look in her eyes was both provocative and like saying, "I found out your secret!" Kayoko seemed familiar with this. She ignored him and continued to ignore him and studied with happiness with everybody.

Matsumoto Kayoko is a lady belonging to the Matsumoto family. In the house, she is still loved by her parents. Because she's the only child they have. Everything outside looked at her like a beautiful pink picture.


Nothing in this world is perfect.

Every rock has scrapes. Every human being has defects. And none of the happiness is complete…

Although she is a lady, Kayoko loves being a ninja and still dreams of becoming the most gifted ninja. But that's something Kayoko likes or doesn't like. Each person has something which renders them incapable of choosing. It was our fate to be born.

The road to the future is your choice. But the circle of fate will at times be set in motion for us to find it again. Something no one wants to see... no matter how much we hide or try to evade.


Last day at the Ninja Academy. At the village road to the school house. Two rows of weeds spread across the road. The fragrance of the flowers is slightly scented, with small butterflies floating softly. Her house is pretty far from school, because her parents like to keep their mouths shut. Therefore, it must drag its feet to find the key tired.  It is true that parents who like to watch peaceful scenes are going to hurt their kids and want to lose their legs.

Kayoko dragged the whole way while cursing the long way home was so far away.  Suddenly a boy picked her up. This familiar character made Kayoko feel like hitting him. What sort of thing was watching her this morning like a strange creature. Now I have to walk back and I've been met too. Thinking about her black number.

Anyone can call her matcha, but it's rude to curse that boy in front of everyone. Having just moved here, she has not made a good impression on people, and has a bad reputation for hitting people.  Actually, she's a good girl, too. Her mother taught good children not to be coarse or to behave coarsely. She didn't want to be embarrassed when her teacher asked her to stay with her parents while she was at the Ninja Suna Academy. According to her mother, if she's spoiled, she'll be in custody.

Due to her great life, Kayoko decided to ignore Sasuke and move forward. But he looks like he's trying to be beaten. He purposely wouldn't let her go. The little girl was angry now, but she still forced a very friendly smile towards Sasuke.

- Hi! Can I help you?

Sasuke asked Kayoko in a chilly tone.

- Who are you? Why are you the same as me?

Kayoko was very tired walking home, and now she heard this guy ask again. She was frustrated that she no longer wanted to be polite and responded out loud.

- I introduced myself this morning. My name is Matsumoto Kayoko. How am I supposed to know why I'm the same as you?

Pray he believes and moves quickly. It's against Kayoko's wishes. Sasuke looked at her with suspicion.

- Do you know anything about the Uchiha clan?

When Sasuke asked straight up like this. Kayoko also understood how suspicious he was. The girl remained silent for a while, then responded loudly.

- What happens if I know or not? Don't worry, I don't belong to your family. Now get out of the way, so I can go home and have dinner.

She turned her back when Sasuke suddenly assaulted from behind. She swerved to the side. After that, Kayoko pulled Kunai away, this time she would definitely defeat him.

Then the uneven struggle took place. Sasuke released the young woman's shuriken one at a time. Left hand Kayoko pulled the belt off her belly. The pocket on her waist fell down. She swirled the rope to make the wind release jutsu. The wind around the belt suddenly blew through a circle, blowing Shuriken out of Sasuke to his surprise. He smiles, yes, Sasuke was just waiting for him to struggle with her. That was the goddamn scramble chance stolen by hyperactive Vlinder. But in the end, as Sasuke anticipated, Kayoko lowered the curtain on Vlinder in a striking way. He was exactly what Sasuke wanted.

Sasuke took advantage to attack and remove Kunai and attack Kayoko. She also used Kunai to stop Sasuke from attacking. But she struck and scolded Sasuke one time.

- The nasty thing! If you want to get beat, why don't you tell me first? But your grandma's hungry, I still want to go home for dinner. Wait till dinner's over, Grandma will give you a full hit.

- So what? Fight here if you win, get where you want.

Sasuke used the Ninjutsu Fire Release to use the Fireball technique to compete against Kayoko. After all, she knows her way around Ninjutsu. He couldn't take her normal attacks. The first time, due to a sudden attack, the fireball hit the face, setting black Kayoko on fire. Sasuke smiled, amused and kept using that stuff on her.

Kayoko gripped his teeth in anger, okay, if he liked it, she would. She did the Earth Release jutsu that broke the ground. Then a giant boulder rose from the ground to take the hit of Sasuke. Then he got hit by a wave of Shuriken. Sasuke quickly avoided all his Shuriken. He then used the shade clone technique to attack it consecutively.  Sasuke is the genius of the ninja academy after all, so this game is truly unequal. Knowing that Kayoko could use a great deal of basic jutsu, Sasuke combined stealth tactics with surprise attacks.

Actually, that bastard's strength isn't bad either. Kayoko was dead tired with Sasuke. In fact, when fighting Sasuke, Kayoko had a strange feeling about her whole body. The chakra inside her made her hot.  She felt immediately anxious and familiar.  Sasuke had never felt this way.  There seems to be a strange bond with all of us.

Kayoko seemed to have figured it out. The young girl's mood in those days was extremely complicated.  She really wasn't thinking about it. Even though it was clearly before her eyes. Because that's the truth anyway. The truth is that Kayoko is hiding.

Due to the connection and resemblance between them. Every stroke and every movement at every chakra in the two of them. Kayoko and Sasuke even in combat. The two have a sensation of revitalization and intensity.

Any subsequent movement is also a coincidence. Although the tactics on both sides are different.  Initially, Sasuke was hiding. At first, Kayoko wanted to fully apply Ninjutsu to defeat this guy once and then come home. For this reason, she could no longer concentrate and struggle, according to her feelings. Until something unexpected happens between these two. The clan's Genkai kekkei, the blood-like eyes of the Sharingan appeared.

Kayoko's eyes were awakened a long time ago. But it left her with a bad memory. Then she realized the truth about herself and unfortunately lived with it. As for Sasuke, his Sharingan was not awake, but this time he emerged naturally. Well, it wasn't because he was awake. It was caused by Chakra's strong connection with Kayoko that caused its sudden appearance.

Sasuke looked at Kayoko and the beautiful eyes of Sharingan. It seemed that this was the first thing he wanted to ask her. And now it's been exposed in front of her without her needing to open her mouth.

Right… Right…

 Both were stunned, not able to say anything. Suddenly, the two sides ceased to fight.

In a moment their eyes of Sharingan vanished. Because Kayoko was too awake, she recalls it. Sasuke got back to normal. While she was in the process of leaving, he grabbed her hand. He tried to keep it so Kayoko couldn't get out. Both of them remained silent for a while before Sasuke spoke first.

- You can't lie anymore. Why leave your noble origin? Because we lost everything and nothing. Or because the Matsumoto family is so rich you don't care about our bloodline and blood feud.

Kayoko turned to the Sasuke. She looked at it calmly and angrily and provocatively. The girl held out her arms strong. Then she distanced herself from him. When the two are a certain distance away. She spoke to him with a soft voice.

- What is l denying? I had the family name Matsumoto from childhood. Even if I have no blood connection to my parents, I will still be my parents' child.

Kayoko returns to the confused eyes of Sasuke with a forced smile. You want the truth to come out. Fine, she'll say she doesn't care how he feels about her.

- I was originally an orphan, my intrinsic identity only endangered the people beside me. So why don't I just shut up and pretend to know nothing so my parents are happy, so everyone's peace.

Sasuke was really upset now. He tried to hurry to Kayoko and shouted loudly.

- Stupid! So you may give your background. You don't think that he will come to your house, kill you and the Matsumotos.

Hearing that, Kayoko suddenly stared at Sasuke. Seeing her calm, he asked again.

- You and I are now the only people with the Uchiha surname, so we have to rely on one another to live. You can't even avenge our family. Should you also be afraid of the danger this presents to you?

Kayoko looked at him in silence, looking at his angry eyes carefully. Even though she did not like him, she could not deny what he said. However, there is a difference of opinion between the two. He's vindictive, she's got her own dilemma. But at least Kayoko must be afraid of the person Sasuke was referring to hurting his parents. She sighed and began to frown.

When Kayoko was done, Sasuke lifted his eyebrow. He wondered why the girl hid from him because he was afraid that he and she were siblings. Although this is a bit strange, he had never heard the adults in his family say that he had a sister. Everyone believed he was the youngest in the family. He turned around, but before he went, he talked slowly.

- Don't think about it! You and I have the same family name and the same Uchiha clan, we're not bloodbound.

Hearing this from Sasuke, she gasped with relief. But that's more than enough. She just moved here unluckily. Kayoko still hadn't adjusted to life in a new environment when a fight broke out. She turned around and took off without saying goodbye.


On the way back, there were plenty of rocks on the road. It's a long way to go, but my heart is heavy and tired. White birds  singing are flying towards the nest. The little red sun behind the pink clouds faded away. Kayoko's house is up there. There are stairs descending towards the foot of the hill. A small wooden home with a wooden fence planted with sunflowers and small apple trees in the front courtyard. While the Matsumoto family is wealthy, its normal life is extremely simple. Because they love it by nature, a warm and peaceful lifestyle. The smoke came out of the chimney, and it felt like Mom had finished cooking.

Kayoko came home exhausted. But before she went in, she transports the chakra. A strange type of silver-white chakra covered her body, causing the disappearance of the injuries she had fought against Sasuke and Vlinders. Kayoko then patted her face a few times and beamed. As always, when she arrives at her former school, she returns home and greets her parents.

- I've come back, parents!

- Welcome home, Kayoko!

Mrs. Midori immediately went outside to welcome her in the house. The midwife took Kayoko and wiped it with a damp towel. Look at Kayoko's body covered with mud. Madame narrowed her eyes and slightly scolded her.

- A filthy child! I want to give you a bath.

Mrs. Midori took Kayoko and opened the closet for a light yellow nightshirt. Then, Madame carried her to the bathroom to bathe her. After bathing, the whole family gathered around their family meal.

The inside of the house is ancient and simple. The light shines with a hot pale yellow filament. The house comprises two floors, the top floor is the couple's room. Next to that is Kayoko's bedroom. Below is a spacious kitchen and lounge. Tables and chairs and shelves in the living room and kitchen are made of velour wood. The only difference is that in the lounge, the table is a dwarf table with a rattan rug with cushions for drinking tea.

Today, Kayoko's mother prepares fried chicken, rice, curry and miso shiitake soup. The scented smell of fried chicken with the smell of broth mixed with mushrooms and meaty soup filled a cozy kitchen. They discussed Kayoko's education in the new school. Mr. Matsumoto took a swig of tea and smiled a bit. Maybe now this peaceful village will be the permanent resting place for their family. If their daughter likes it here, great.

She has such a happy family. They like simple, regular. The simple happiness that many other small families, though not so wealthy, have. It is what Kayoko and her family seek to build and protect. That's why she wanted to be a powerful ninja to protect her parents.


On the other hand, in the Hokage's office, the space is great with walls painted a pale yellow color and a background of dark green brick. However, the air was slightly wrinkled due to a couple of recent problems. At the office with piles of paper piled up as high as a mountain. Mr. Third with a strained face. The elbows lay on the table with their hands clasped in front of them. Also in the office was Iruka-sensei to signal the status of the new student to him. Watching the transfer files with the results of his teacher, the Hokage frowned slightly. After all, the Matsumoto family is an established family. With Origins, Matsumoto Tadashi's mother came from the mansion of the Fire Nation Lord. So, while the Hokage himself respects them three times, he is also extremely distrustful of them.

After the scores from Kayoko in class. As well as a brief report on Kayoko's potential following Iruka's words. The Hokage then became highly contemplative. It is normal to be contemplative, after all, Kayoko is at the origin a golden lady. The Matsumoto family because of the nature of work frequently moves in both directions. Why is Kayoko's skill so well?  A doubt arose around the Third's mind.

The night begins in Konohagakure. The light new moon and starry sky surrounded the village on the mountain sculptured with the Four Kage. The fog at night makes the space a bit chilly. Fireflies and insects buzz. The tranquil village of Shinobi has been always so alone.

To be continued…

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