§ fear §

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I got into the café when Hoseok was washing his hands. He looks different today, he has a white shirt on, black pants and that familiar brown apron. 

He looks like he was going on a date. 

"You came," he said to me and makes a sign, telling me to come closer. As I approach the counter, I smell something warm, Christmas-like, definitely delicious. Hoseok must have been baking something... 

"Do you want something to drink?", he asks, drying his hands with a brown cloth. 

"Sure. Hm... Cappuccino," I answer, thoughtlessly.

"But Yoongi, it's late..." Hoseok sighed, giggling. 

Itell him not to worry because I have to finish some stuffs anyway before going to sleep.
He frowned a bit, but he doesn't complain. Instead, he just gently says :

"Fine then, I'm in the mood for some Cappuccino too."

I must have heard it wrong.

I can't help but smile widely. A good feeling embraces all my body. I have been waiting for this day for so long - have Cappuccino with Hoseok. 
A clear sound of the bell resonates. The warm smell was coming from the oven. "What's that?" I asked, but Hoseok doesn't say anything, he just winked out of nowhere at me and his lips curl up a little. He should stop doing that. Or do it again, I don't know.

"I uh... I made something special. For a special someone. Can you give it a taste and tell me if I should give it to the person?"


Yeah, oh. 

Hoseok turns off the oven, turns to the ground coffee and set it up in the espresso maker. I should look excited. What should I say after tasting the cake? "Your special someone will surely like it!", "When are you giving them to your special someone?", "Your special someone will appreciate this a lot, will you tell your special someone that you baked all this at this time of the day just for your special someone?"

The moment has come. Hoseok takes the black plate out of the oven and, wow, a line of gingerbread man, freshly baked, warmly diffusing its cozy smell all over the place.

Is this smell really coming out of the biscuits?

"Nicely gilded." 

"They are..." I thought they smelled different. Badly different. I was mistaken. 

"Do you want to decorate them with me?"

He wants me to decorate them so he could give it to his special someone. But do I have the right to refuse? I take the decoration tube from Hoseok's hand. Together, we draw white lines around the cookies, giving them smiley face and light heart buttons, while my chest still feels heavy.

"Have a bite, Yoongi", he gives me a cookie afterwards. I took it and eat it slowly. 

What the hell can't he do?

I think my expression said it all, since Hoseok's eyes turn into rainbow arcs and his giggles louder than usual. The smell of cinnamon and ginger soothes me for a bit, alongside the sweet taste of butter and sanding sugar. I guess gingerbread is my new favorite food now. If only the whole cookie box was for me...

"I told you you will like it"  As much as his smile is beautiful, it sends me uncomfortable. He should not waste it like this, he should keep it for his special someone.

The espresso was ready, Hoseok left to make coffee. I silently sat down behind, eyes gazing at his back, then the cookies, then his back again. I tried thinking about other things like the ingredients he put in to make the cakes, or how I should finish my half-way song, or how many day should I stay with my parents or should I just stay with them forever so that I can forget what I've got to do here, with my works, with my cold room everytime I get back and can't afford to call it "home." How awful am I as a friend? I should be happy when Hoseok is happy, not being selfish like this. It's not like the world is collapsing in a few hours. Come on.

Perhaps Hoseok has been my whole world all the time, if that explains. 

"Yoongi, what are you thinking?"

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