Some small explanations/analysis

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Hii, thank you for reading my story until now. It isn't a good story because I'm freaking bad at writing.

This story was for my school's assignment about writing a Gothic story, so I included some compulsory (and kind of hard-to-understand) details, and I thought having a small analysis would be a good thing.


Capturor is the bad guy, and his name was inspired by using the word "capture" to make him sound like the one who usually captures things (or people?)

Vic or Victimity is the good girl, and her name was based on the word "victim" to foreshadow that she would have a bad ending.

The BlackHell city is just a random name I thought of when trying to create a name for the city the characters are in. It somehow figuratively means a bad place full of darkness (a small gothic detail).


Basically, Vic was told by the souls to come explore the truth of the city, and Vic found out that Capturor, who was supposed to be the city's hero, turned out to be the villain that trapped the souls that built the city and took his own control.

From the revealing of Capturor, it was known that he could see the dead souls, and then in the scene where Vic followed Capturor to the street and saw herself on the television, the shadow behind Vic at the end was Capturor, and from this, I gave an open ending for Vic's afterlife.


In fact, there is no lesson or message in this story since it is just a short Gothic text. Still, I hope it may convey something to someone based on how they feel about this story.

It was a hard time writing this because I struggled a lot with the story plot; however, it was fun trying to write in a new genre. I promised the whole story was my idea, with no copywriting included.


That's all of my planning and explanation, and if there is any part that confused you while reading, I am super willing to explain. Also, for any more ideas while reading, please feel free to share. I appreciate that, and there may be some new things I can learn from it.

Thank you once again for reading my story <3

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