Yandere ( Min Yoon Gi)

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Yandere- a person who is initially sweet and affectionate, with their love eventually turning into a stalkeresqe obsession and occasionally a murderous fixation on 'getting rid of competition' over time.
Min Yoon Gi is a teenager, who is also your neighbor is madly in love with you, but you didn't know or didn't realize it yet. He always watching you from far distance, he know what you do and everything about you. He stalk you on social media and ever where you go. Another word, he is obsessed with you.
You always hang out with Ken, he is your older brother, you guys do almost everything together, people often mistaken you guys as a couple. Yoon Gi was jealous and he plan to kill who ever get in his way, which is Ken, your brother.
One day, when you wasn't home, he set up his plan. While in the other hand you was at practice. He know that your brother was home alone, so he come over. He walk to you house knock on the door, which your brother let him in. Yoon Gi also have his knife with him, the knife was hidden in his pocket.
" Hello, Y/N brother" he say
"Umm...hi, what are you doing here? If you looking for my sister, she isn't home yet" your brother tell him
"Oh no I was looking for you actually" he say while giving your brother a smirk
Your brother didn't say anything more, when he turn around to get something to drinks, Yoon Gi stab him from behind. He fall down on the ground and his final words is "why are you doing this to me?"
Yoon Gi than hid Ken's body, he wait for you to get home.
You was finally home from practice. You unlock the door and enter, you turn around and lock it, you walk into the living room, and see Yoon Gi was sitting on the couch.
"Yoon Gi, what are you doing here?" you ask him while walking toward the couch, you place your stuff down on the ground.
"I'm here to see you, babe" he say in his husky voice
" uh.. don't babe me" you say coldly
"Where is my brother? Is that blood on your shirt? What happen? Please don't tell me you kill my brother" you say while tearing up and freaking out
Yoon Gi walk toward you, pull you into a hug, he embrace you tightly.
"Yes I did kill him" he say while embrace you
" why would you do that?" you say as you try to push him away
"Because I don't want anyone to stand in between us" he say again and did not let you escape his embrace.
"You...are a monster" you say
"But, I love you" he say and that is his final words.

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