First kiss

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*clack, clack*

Early in the morning, as always, Earthquake was preparing breakfast. Thunder has been out exercising for quite a time. Suddenly the kitchen door opened.

Earthquake: Huh, Ice? Sorry, did I wake you up?

Ice: It's okay... I'll be back to sleep soon...

Ice's eyes are half opened, his face is still red, looking extremely sexy.

Earthquake: You need something? Let me get it, you're still weak... Careful!

Ice staggered and fell, luckily Quake caught him or else he would have hugged the floor.

Earthquake: I told you, be careful! "hot!"

Ice: Water...

Ice was in Quake's arms, his voice softly resounding, making this respectable mama also flutter. Quake reached for a glass of water on the table and gave Ice a drink. Water flowed from the corner of Ice's mouth, Quake watched as he swallowed. He put down the glass of water...

Earthquake: Ice... *slowly crouched*


Thunderstorm: I'm back...!Earthquake: *get up* Uh... Uh... You're back...

Thunderstorm: Ice? Why is he here?

Earthquake: Ah... He was going to get water just now, but he fell down when he got to the door, I gave him water to drink, can you get more ice for him? Then please call the others to wake up. *give Ice to Thunder*

Thunderstorm: I know. *takes some ice, carries Ice away*

Earthquake: *blushes* "Oh my god! God! What was I doing just now!!! Luckily Thunder didn't see... Ice... Why does my heart keep beating...?! " (If it doesn't beating, you would have die a long time ago ya know).

5 minutes later, after feeding each of them a lightning sword, Thunder successfully woke them up. It's just that they all look burned with afro hairstyle...

Earthquake: Blaze, how are you feeling

Blaze: I'm fine, thank you. That's right, what about Ice? I heard everything from Thundy... Because of me, Ice...

Earthquake: Ice is affected by your temperature so he's a little feverish, he'll be fine, don't worry.

Thunderstorm: Don't be so foolish like that anymore you hear me?

Thorn: I won't forgive you if you make Ice sick again! *puffy cheeks*.

Blaze: I know... I'm sorry...*look down* Ah, can I take a look at Ice?

Earthquake: Don't get too close, or you'll get sick. (Who was going to kiss that person just now?)

Blaze: I know!

Blaze approached the sofa, looking at Ice who was sleeping and breathing with difficulty, he felt extremely guilty...

Blaze: It's all my fault... Sorry, Ice... *kneels down next to Ice, holding his hand* ... If only I could take back the extra heat in you... how good it would be... *thinks suddenly out* take it back...? Is it possible?... *looks at Ice* *inhale* ... "The most efficient delivery place is..."

Blaze leaned down and placed his lips on Ice's rosy lips. He use his tongue, kiss deeply! Two tongues are intertwined, Ice's tongue is hot, then it becomes cold, Blaze lets go to let Ice breathe each minute, when the two tongues separate even a little, a thin thread connects them like unwilling to leave. Both of their faces were red and hot.

Ice: Um...

Blaze: "Sorry Ice! This is the only way I can think of!"

The way Blaze came up with seemed to work, Ice's heat was slowly being sucked back by Blaze like his tongue was wrapping around Ice's. After a while he released Ice so he could get the oxygen he needed.

Ice: Ha...ha... *slowly opens eyes*... Bla...ze...?

Blaze: Ice!!! Great!! Its worked!!Ice: What worked? What did you just do?

Blaze: *blushes* Eh... No... I... I didn't do anything!

Ice: Is that so? I feel like my mouth is wet...

Blaze: *startled* W... water! I just gave you some water!! How do you feel? Are you good?

Ice: Um, what a surprise. I remember I had a very high fever... How did you do that?

Blaze: Ah... well... secret! Ah, sorry for yesterday, I...

Ice: It's okay, I know you didn't mean it to happen, and didn't you already cure me? Thank you.

Blaze: Ah... Um... *blush* ... Thanks...

The two of them were busy talking and didn't notice, there was one person who observed everything from beginning to end. Red lighting flickered around him all the time he watched. His bloodshot eyes showed anger. Two hands clenched so tightly that they almost bleed...

Earthquake: What are you guys doing?! Go eat your breakfast, we have school to go!

Blaze: Coming! Can you go, Ice?

Ice: I told you I'm fine.

Earthquake: Eat quickly, I don't want to be late for school!

All: Yes~

Thorn: Ice?! Why are you out here?

Earthquake: Ice! You're not well, you don't have to go to school today!

Ice: Really? Great! But I still want to eat mama's food, I'm so hungry...

All(-Ice, Thun, Blaze):...

Earthquake: *touches Ice's forehead* Ice, are you okay?

Ice: Um, thanks to Blaze.

All: *looks at Blaze*...

Blaze: What? I'm not gonna say anything!

Solar: Huh... Our Blaze is surprisingly smart today...

Blaze: Hehe, it's me you talking about !

All: ... *looks with half eyes*

Earthquake: All right, let's eat quickly.

After the meal, Earthquake cleaned up as usual and the others packed up while Ice was sprawled out on the couch. Moments later, Earthquake threw the bag at Ice.

Ice: It hurts! What are you doing?!

Earthquake: You seem to be in good health. *smiles* If you're fine, let's go to school.

Ice: Don't want to. You said i can have a break earlier! *lying down*

Earthquake: I said if you're still unwell!

Ice: Then I'm feeling unwell, I'm still sleepy...

Earthquake: *drags Ice* You stop with those scams!

Ice: And you're a liar, I want a break...

Earthquake: No is no! Without a valid reason, none of you are allowed to skip a class!

Ice: But I have a reason, you said I can have a break today.

...... The rest of them walking behind could only stare blankly at the other two, one person dragging the other on the ground and mouth fighting with each other. Really...having the equal fight with Ice can only be Quake... And at the same time, a rather uncomfortable atmosphere is also emanating from the two red friends. When they were walking out the door, Thunderstorm whispered in Blaze's ear as he passed him.

Thunderstorm: There won't be a next time. *accompanied by a sharp glare filled with murderous intent*

Blaze: Huh? "What does he mean? And with that look in his eyes..." *shaking* "Is he talking about Ice? Maybe he's seen it? Maybe it's not that simple...what exactly are you thinking about Ice?..."

Thunderstorm: "Damn it! Why does that kiss make me so uncomfortable?! It's not disgusting... but it's extremely uncomfortable! Feeling like punching that fiery guy in the face!"And that was why this tense atmosphere enveloped the two red boys. A new day... just the beginning of trouble...

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