Chapter Twenty

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The loud chatter of the mess hall drowns my thoughts. I slurp the hot black tea through my lips. It warms my soar body. It had been two days since I collapsed in the courtyard. It was pretty scary waking up to a dark room inherited with one nurse's shadow arching across the floor. It was two hours before I got the news. Unfortunately, they couldn't figure out was wrong with me. Instead of cutting me open to study my organs, they told me to rest and it would hopefully heal up my body. I spent a day in the same dark room and found an alarming rash spreading across the back of my legs onto my backside. I slurp the last bits of tea from my cups and slam my head down onto the table in frustration. I wanted to go home. Get back to Armin. To Mikasa. Even Levi. I hear someone sit down next to me. "You doing okay" he asks. I look up to see the blond haired man I saw two days ago in the courtyard. I nod. "Name's Luther" he states. I look up at him. "Is there a reason you're here?" I snap. Luther raises his eyebrow. "They wanna know how you're doing so we can examine when you can head on back home". I roll my eyes. "I CAN go home" I growl. Luther forces me to my feet. "C'mon lazy bones.....we gotta check you out" Luther urges me to get up. I grunt and slam down my empty metal cup.  


My eyes were sealed shut. I could feel the bright light rip through my eyes. I feel the cold hands of the examiner slide his hand down my leg. I can't feel anything. The light was turned off. I open my eyes and feel dizzy. The doctor walks up to the counter and pulls something from a box and puts it into a beaker filled with red liquid. He takes it out and returns to my side. I gasp. It's a needle. I struggle to sit up but fail. "N-no" I panic. "Calm down Eren, you need this shot" I feel my heart stop at the word "Shot". I force myself to roll off the table. "What the crud jaeger?!" the doctor yelps. "NEVER AGAIN!" I scream. The doctor gets closer. "BACK YOU!!" I scream. Tears begin to well up in my eyes. Memories of father come flashing back. "EREN, HOLD OUT YOUR ARM!!!" his voice screams. I see him with the shot, crazed. I scream and suddenly enter blackness as the doctor hits me unconscious.


I begin to enter back into the world. My arm was numb. The world spins as I moan. The doctor is putting ice to my forehead. He slightly smiles. "You're looking better". I rub my eyes and sit up. The pain in my stomach hurts less. "Is the pain all gone?" he asks. "Yes sir....thank you sir" I lie. He nods and hands me two cylinders of medicine. "Take one each every day for about a month so it can stabilize your body from all the......excitement". I nod and slip the pills into my pocket. The doctor wipes sweat off my head with a towel. I stand up. I feel weak in my legs, but I hold it in. The doctor usurers me to the door and bids me a good. I walk down the long halls and return to my room. I grip the handle and open the door. The room is flooded with afternoon life. My stuff was neatly folded across my bed. My room hasn't ever.looked so well. On the bed stands what I assume was the victim. I don't scream. But I'm disappointed. It's Annie.

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