Chapter Sixty

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Eren's P.O.V 

I finally decide to open my eyes. The afternoon sun blinds me for a slight moment. It's been two days since I told Annie my dream. My nightmares could only get worse. But they finally stopped. I sit up and yawn. My bed mattress felt harder than usual. I massage my back and stand up from bed and stretch my arms gingerly. I reach for my key on my desk and freeze. That key has put me in so much action. Action to get to the basement. I put my hand down and walk up to the window. It was almost evening. My eyelids feel soar. I pause to think about going back to bed. I shake my head and unlatch the window. A sweet breeze rushes through the room. It smells of cherry blossoms and mallow scents of flower and honey. A single cherry petal flutters into my room and falls at my feet. I look down at it and smile.  I vigorously blink to chase away the tears in my eyes. So many of my memories of spring were my favorite. And they all had one thing in common. Mom was in all those memories. I could remember at a young age of 3, I waddled out the door and experienced the real beauty of spring. I could remember my mother following me, sharing our love with the breath taking nature. I suddenly clutch my head. A memory flashes through my head. I'm 8 and I'm yelling at my mom. "I HATE YOU SO MUCH...........WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GO BURN IN HELL?!". I could remember the millions of tears in her eyes as I stormed out of the house. Another memory blocks my thoughts. It was my least favorite memory. Blood flying everywhere. Me screaming. Hannes holding me in his arm. The damn titan smiling, swallowing what was left of my mother. I open my mouth to scream, only to feel pain in my forehead. My eyes snap open. I was laying on the floor. Blood flows from a cut on my forehead. I see blood on the sharp corner of my table. I softly touch my head and cringe at the pain. I sit up and reach for the cherry blossom. I gingerly pick it up and look at it in the palm of my hand. "Hey mom" I whisper. "I'm sorry about all the times I was a brat to you". I crack a smile and let the waterfall of tears welled up in my eyes fall. I slightly laugh, covering my cries. My smile transforms into a clenched jaw as I sob into my knees. I suddenly feel arms wrap around my shoulders. I look up to see a faded figure of her. My mother. I clench my jaw harder as I sob into her arms. I couldn't say anything. She stays silent, tears of joy in her eyes. I slowly open up my hand. The cherry blossom flutters from my palm and into the air. Mom starts to fade away. She wipes away a tear from my cheek and smiles. The cherry blossom flies out the window, my mother following. Suddenly, something snapped in my brain. It felt as if I had caged my heart in a cage of ice. was thawing. I smile. "I'm going to tell her" I say softly. My smile disappears. "Even if she loves me back...or not". I wipe away blood from my eyebrow and stand up. I rub my temples and walk toward the door. I grip the handle and open the door. I look back at they key on my desk one last time as I shut the door. I don't hesitate to walk down the hall and outside. The sky is turning orange now. The air is cool and helps my trembling body relax. "Eren?". I turn around to see Mikasa. Her scarf is tightly wrapped around her face as usual. I smile. "Oh...hi Mikasa". She puts her hand on my shoulder. "Eren....where are you going?" she demands. Her face surprised me. It wasn't angry as usual. It was more of a calmer mix. "I'm going to see....I...I'm going to see Annie" I sigh. Mikasa nods and steps back. "Okay....just don't do anything like getting drunk". "Thanks mom" I say sarcastically. Mikasa laughs and pats my shoulder. "Mikasa" I begin suddenly. "I just wanna say...I'm thankful you're my sister". She smiles. Then her face turns sad for a moment. I hear her whisper sadly. "Sister...yeah....sister".  She returns back to a smile. "You've always been there to help me...through thick and thin.....I'm so thankful and I'm sorry I never said're the best sister a brother could wish for". I see tears of what I amused was joy in her eyes. Mikasa turns to walk away, but I grab her hand. She blushes and looks at me. I embrace her into a hug. She tightly hugs me back. I could feel a sudden overwhelming joy. She was my sister. She was the only family I had left. She kept me safe no matter what. "HEY MIKASA!". We turn around to see Jean. Mikasa smiles and we depart from our hug. She looks at me for a moment. "Me and him were going to just talk" she smiles. I look at Jean. Instead of him glaring at me....he smiles and does a nod. I step forward and put out my hand. He looks at it, his smile increasing. He grips my hand and shakes. I suddenly find myself leaning in and giving him a half hug half pat on the back. I step back as Mikasa walks by his side. I watch as they both walk out of distance. I smile slightly. Everyone was moving on. Armin and Christa finally got into a relationship. Mikasa was happy over something else. Now I needed to add onto it. To tell Annie my feelings for her.

Annie's P.O.V

I brush away my bangs from my face and blink a couple times. The sunset was beautiful. My thoughts have been spinning since this morning. I knew what to say to him. I knew what I wanted to do. I was going to tell him how I felt about him. I grip my fists. I find myself turning around, facing Christa. She smiles. "Annie" She begins. "Do someone?". I blush and slightly nod. "Yeah....I've always liked Eren". Christa smiles a bit brighter and pats my shoulder. "Then you should tell how you feel" she pushes. "I'm going to do it" I state proudly. Christa smiles even brighter. "But Christa....I don't know what to say" I admit. She shakes her head. "Don't bother putting together a speech...It's not really romantic". I pause and think about what she said. I nod when I realize it makes perfect sense. "And Annie" she suddenly adds. "You may as well want to tell him by tonight.....because if you didn't hear....tomorrow....Hanje's gonna put on some sorta surgery or something on could put him at high risk". My eyes widen. I plant my hands on her shoulders. "WHAT?!" I gasp. "You might want to tell he has something to really look forward to after the surgery......and if he doesn't make it". My head is throbbing. I step back. "What's the point of telling him if he's gonna die?". "Because he'll have something to hold onto at his last moments". I refuse to cry. "What if he doesn't love me back?". Christa smirks. "I'll feed him to the titans if he refuses your have a feeling he loves you too". I open my mouth, a mixture of laughing and sobbing coming out. I turn around to see the stars are barely visible, the sky now turning light purple. I turn to Christa. She nods. I grip my fists and slowly begin to break into a run down the hill.

Eren's P.O.V 

For some reason, my heart began to throb. My walk suddenly breaks into a run. I had just remembered. I had the operation on my upper body. I needed to tell her. Hopefully share one last kiss before tomorrow's risky operation. I closed my eyes. I could imagine Annie shouting at me, saying I was dumb to love her, that she didn't feel the same way and she wanted me out of her life forever. I open my eyes again, to find tears flowing from my eyes. I needed to reach her. The sky was slowly turning light purple. I refuse to give way to the pain in my still weak legs. Then I see the hill. I see someone running in my direction.

Annie's P.O.V

I see someone running towards me. I squint and realize it was Eren. I skid to a stop. Eren slows his run and stops as well as we stop in front of each other. I can see his legs slightly shaking. "Eren...are you okay?" I ask nervously. Eren suddenly grabs my shoulders. "Annie I need to tell you something". I freeze. "No Eren......I need to tell you something". Tears are erupting in my eyes. "Your amazing" he suddenly begins. "You're loyal" I say. "You're beautiful" he says, his voice shaking. "I've admired you ever since the day we sparred". "You are my closest to my heart" Eren says. I wipe away more tears and open my mouth. "You are the one I care about the most". Our mouths both open and we edge closer. "I LOVE YOU!" We both shout. My world freezes. Suddenly, I hear Eren sobbing, slightly smiling. Relief flooded through my body. We both open our mouths again, both saying the exact same thing. "I love you so much, and I want to be with you.....I LOVE YOU". We suddenly find ourselves turning and looking at the million stars flying in the sky. Eren's cheeks glisten from all the tears from his eyes. He looks at me, a smile across his pale face. We both open our mouths and say the same thing in perfect unity, something I'd never forget. "You are my universe". I feel my face erupting with blush. Eren's face was covered in blush too. Eren slowly leans down and close his eyes. I lean forward and our lips touch. His kiss warmed my body. Our lips remain planted, our knees planting onto the ground as we sat down. I run my fingers through his brown hair as he cups his hand over my cheek. Suddenly, something above us flies across the sky. We depart from our kiss and look up. A shooting star. Suddenly.....they were everywhere. They were lighting up the sky. 10, 15, 45! Eren slowly stands up, a smile lighting up across his face. I stand up by his side, his arm wrapping around my waist. We stare up at the sky, shooting stars rocketing across the sky. His dazzling green eyes sparkle. I relax my head onto his shoulder. Everything we've been through. The wall. Eren close to dying. Tommy's death. It all just came out. I don't cry, but my tears flows a waterfall of tears. I feel Eren's lips press onto my cheek for a moment. "Thank you" I hear Eren whisper. I look up at him to see tears in his eyes too. "Annie". I reach up and touch his cheek and wipe away at one of his tears. Suddenly, a giant shooting star slowly flies across the sky. Eren grips my hand and slowly begins to run forward. I feel my bun falling apart, my hair flowing out behind me. I felt like I could chase that star forever. But when push comes to show, we have to let go. But we don't have to lose everything. There's that one person in your life who shines brighter than the stars in your heart. That person was Eren................................

Blank Thoughts 

A special thanks to my 2 best friends MLPAvatar202 and TheBookGuardians290

You guys are my stars

Thank you for being there whenever everyone pushes me down

(These people are my actual best friends in real life, we know each other SO BIG SHOUT OUT....THANK YOU!!!)

I hope everyone hear enjoyed my story and I encourage you to write your own Eren X Annie stories :) :)


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