Some Pain Inside Me

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Tori finished her homework so now she had a free time. She took the surfboard and faster go to the beach. When she got ready, she seen the red card on the table, it wrote someone's name. Oh, it wrote name "Blake". This red card is for Blake. But it had some smell - perfume of women.
And because of Tori's curiosity so she opened the card

"Dear Blake.
I really appreciate your kindness. So I want to repay for you. Are you free tonight? Can we go to the festival on the beach and talk together? Just the two of us.
Your girlfriend, Marry"

- Marry? I think I know this girl_ Tori talked to herself

- Hey, Tor. Did you see my..... Oh that's my card_ Blake didn't know where came to near Tori

- Oh yeah, I just see this_ Tori gave Blake

- Men, I don't know I have a fan_ Blake smiled largely

- So, you'll answer and date with her?_ Tori looked at Blake

- Are you crazy? She's so hot. Men, I have to catch this change. Will you with me?_ Blake took Tori's hand

- Do all by yourself_ Tori pushed his hand and gone

- What's wrong with her?_ Blake asked himself

- Dude, you don't know about girls_ Shane put his hand on Blake's shoulder

- Study the book_ Dustin laughed at him

- Girls are a difficult human_ Hunter shook his head

- Wait, what are you guys TALKING about?_ Blake looked at them with not understood eyes

- You have to learn so many things than this, Blake_ Cam slapped Blake's shoulder

- What? Did I do something wrong?_ Blake asked

- Men, are you kidding me? How can't you realize that she has a crush on you?_ Hunter came near Blake and looked at his eyes

- Oh, so that's a reason why she's angry with me? What should I do now?_ Blake felt guilty

- Go talk to her,dude_ Dustin slapped his shoulder

- Ok, right! Right! I should go talk to her. Thanks, guys_ Blake ran away

- Hey, guys! Wanna follow them?_ Shane smiled

- Haha, you caught me_ everyone laughed largely

They were following behind Blake, everyone had different thoughts. Shane was thinking about a happy story. When Blake met Tori, they were keep silent to see what happens between them.

- Hey, Tori_ Blake called her

- What?_ Tori still angry but she wanted to be nice so she answered him

- Why don't you tell me soon?_ Blake smiled

- Tell you what?_ Tori surprised

- Aha, you think that I'll never know that you have a crush on me?_ Blake looked her eyes

- Uuuuuuuh, one hit_ Hunter laughed

- No,you're wrong_ Tori denied

- No, I don't... You like me, I can tell_ Blake smiled largely in her face

- Just admit it, you like me_ Blake touched her shoulder

- I think......_ Tori wasn't finished yet then have a girl's voice resounded

- Blake! Hey Blake

- What's now_ spies behind the tree started noisily

- Marry?_ Blake turned around

- So, did you get my card?_ that's girl name's Marry came near Blake

- Oh yeah, I got it_ Blake smiled

- And what's your answer?_ Marry took his hand

Tori knew that she couldn't take it anymore, so she left. She left with a sad face, everyone saw that and they were sad too, they thought Tori and Black would be a perfect couple
Blake turned off his smile when he saw Tori gone. Why he felt lacking in something - like he lost something important. He whispered to Marry's ear something and then he left. Spies witnessed everything and they just sighed

When the day was dark, it's time the festival is showing. Everyone was handing in hand, smiled together, went together, that was a bustling festival, so much laughed, so much happy, and so much love.

Triad was Shane, Tori and Dustin came together, Hunter came with Cam but without Blake, nobody knew where he was gone.Cam asked Tori if she felt uncomfortable, just told him, and she nodded. They have enjoyed their happy time, Tori tried to smile but deep inside, she felt empty.

She left them alone when she knew she couldn't happy no matter what they did for her. Tori found a quiet place and sat it. She let her mind rest and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and relaxed.

Suddenly she felt like someone was sitting next to her, she opened her eyes to see who was it. Then she surprised because the person next to her was non-other was Blake.They still keep silent with each other.And when they thought that they couldn't silent forever, Blake started to talked

- Hey, I'm sorry

- For what?

- Because I was hurting you

- No, I don't mind.But can I ask you something?

- Yeah, anything you want

- Why don't you go with her?_Tori looked him

- Really?_Blake asked

- Oh, ah...I mean tonight is opening a festival if you know what I mean_Tori felt confused

- I don't go with her because I don't feel any happy to be with her_Blake looked at the sky

- Maybe she isn't the girl who I love

- So...who's the girl you love?_Tori was still listening

- Hmm, maybe the girl I love is very closing to me_then Blake smiled

- Yeah, close to you...Wait? What?

- Yes, that's you, Tori.I don't know what's your thinking but when I saw you left, I felt some pain inside me.I thought I was sick but I didn't

- I have something to tell you, too

- I'm listening

- I thought i like you but...I was wrong

- Oh I know, you really hate me, huh? Yes, of course, you are_Blake nodded but he felt some pain again

- Yes, I am.I think I like you more than that_Tori ran away

- Yeah, yeah! You like me more, I know.WHAT? WAIT, YOU SAY YOU LIKE ME MORE THAN THAT?_Blake yelled

- Forget about that, I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING_Tori was still running

- Say that again.I want to hear_Blake followed her





When Tori and Blake chased each other, there were some spies still followed them.They cried when they saw a happy ending

- Oh! Youth.So beautiful, so much love_Hunter yelled

- Man, his brother has love and now he's crying like a baby_Cam covered up his ears

- Hey, dude.Look at that!_Dustin laughed

- What? Where?_Hunter looked

- Oh man, what a beautiful girl_Shane laughed 

- She's mine, and nobody can touch her

- No, I saw her first.So,...she's mine_Dustin looked at his eyes

- No, she's mine

- Mine

- Mine

- Mine

- Mine

- Eh hm.Did we miss something?_and Tori and Blake didn't know where talked to them

- Oh,no...nothing,nothing_Cam scared

- Spies, huh?_Tori looked at them with dangerous eyes

- No, we're just inadvertently. Right, guys?_Shane tried to explain

- Yeah, we're just inadvertently_Dustin and Hunter nodded together

- Do you thinking like I thinking, Tori?_Blake asked

- Yeah! We caught a big fish, now we have to put it in the basket_Tori smiled

- Hey, what's that mean, guys?_ Hunter asked

- Oh, you wanna know what that means?... That means RUN_Cam yelled and then they ran

- Comeback here_Blake and Tori followed them

We won't ever know when the true love comes to us. And we won't ever know who is the person that we really love. Please respect what is around us. If you lose, you won't find another one again! Trust me! No one can be better than your destiny love.

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