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Sometimes it's sunny and sometimes it's rainy. I like both. When it's sunny, it's warm. When it rains, it's cool. The sun can be big or small. If it's too hot, I feel tired and sweaty. The rain can be heavy or light. But if it rains too much, it can cause floods, which are very bad. One morning, Bi Bi went out with his grandfather. He saw the sun shining brightly and said:

Grandpa, it's too sunny. Let's go home. His grandfather explained:

This morning sun is very good for you. It helps you prevent rickets.

Grandpa, can you take off your shirt?

No, we can't do that on the street. We can do it when we get home. They went back home and climbed to the rooftop. Bi Bi took off his shirt and put on shorts to sunbathe and get healthy. The next day, Bi Bi went to school at Viet Phap kindergarten. In the afternoon, the teachers let them go to the rooftop to play. It was hot and sunny. Bi Bi remembered what his grandfather said about the sun and ran out to sunbathe. His head got hot from the sun. When he came home, he had a headache. He asked his grandfather:

Grandpa, I sunbathed today, but why didn't my rickets go away? Why do I have a headache? His grandfather explained:

The morning sun is good, my dear. But the noon sun and the afternoon sun are bad for you. They are like good wind and bad wind. When you go out in the noon or afternoon sun, you have to wear a hat, my dear. He touched Bi Bi's head and said:

You have a sunstroke. Let me go downstairs and boil an egg and then cure your fever. He put a Hoa Xuyen coin in the egg white, wrapped it in a cloth, tied it, and then gently tapped it on Bi Bi's forehead, neck, back, and chest. Wherever he tapped, the skin turned red. Bi Bi felt cooler. After tapping, he unwrapped the egg and saw that the coin had turned yellow-red. He made a cup of ginger water for Bi Bi to drink. He told Bi Bi:

If you lie down and rest for a while, your headache will go away. Bi Bi did as he was told. He felt better and his headache was gone. His grandfather asked him:

Now, Bi Bi, which sun do you think is bad for your health?

The noon sun and the afternoon sun!

Which sun do you think is good for your health?

The morning sun.

Good, you can tell the difference. You should avoid exercising and running around in the hot sun. Now, let's brush our teeth and go to bed.

Sometimes it's sunny and sometimes it's rainy. I like both. When it's sunny, it's warm. When it rains, it's cool. The sun can be big or small. If it's too hot, I feel tired and sweaty. The rain can be heavy or light. But if it rains too much, it can cause floods, which are very bad. One morning, Bi Bi went out with his grandfather. He saw the sun shining brightly and said:

Grandpa, it's too sunny. Let's go home. His grandfather explained:This morning sun is very good for you. It helps you prevent rickets.Grandpa, can you take off your shirt?No, we can't do that on the street. We can do it when we get home. They went back home and climbed to the rooftop. Bi Bi took off his shirt and put on shorts to sunbathe and get healthy. The next day, Bi Bi went to school at Viet Phap kindergarten. In the afternoon, the teachers let them go to the rooftop to play. It was hot and sunny. Bi Bi remembered what his grandfather said about the sun and ran out to sunbathe. His head got hot from the sun. When he came home, he had a headache. He asked his grandfather:Grandpa, I sunbathed today, but why didn't my rickets go away? Why do I have a headache? His grandfather explained:The morning sun is good, my dear. But the noon sun and the afternoon sun are bad for you. They are like good wind and bad wind. When you go out in the noon or afternoon sun, you have to wear a hat, my dear. He touched Bi Bi's head and said:You have a sunstroke. Let me go downstairs and boil an egg and then cure your fever. He put a Hoa Xuyen coin in the egg white, wrapped it in a cloth, tied it, and then gently tapped it on Bi Bi's forehead, neck, back, and chest. Wherever he tapped, the skin turned red. Bi Bi felt cooler. After tapping, he unwrapped the egg and saw that the coin had turned yellow-red. He made a cup of ginger water for Bi Bi to drink. He told Bi Bi:If you lie down and rest for a while, your headache will go away. Bi Bi did as he was told. He felt better and his headache was gone. His grandfather asked him:Now, Bi Bi, which sun do you think is bad for your health?The noon sun and the afternoon sun!Which sun do you think is good for your health?The morning sun.Good, you can tell the difference. You should avoid exercising and running around in the hot sun. Now, let's brush our teeth and go to bed.

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