MOUTH GOOD HAND BAD - Pham Viet Long - 30

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Bi Bi started learning letters. Grandpa taught Bi Bi:

"You spell it. In lesson 20, the letter K, the letter H combined, how do you spell it?"

"It's the word Khờ, sir. And the letter K and the letter Y combined, read as Ky, sir. The letter C and O are the word Co, sir."

"Bi Bi spells so well. Now, you sit at the table and write."

Bi Bi sat at the table, but his hand kept scratching. Grandpa laughed: "Hey, Bi Bi, you're not a monkey, why do you keep scratching your head? Come on, you write."

Strange, Bi Bi's hand didn't want to write, still left a dot, making grandpa have to hold his hand and pull down a straight line, then add a stroke, that's the letter K, then the letter H ... Grandpa scolded: "Why doesn't the hand want to write today, so stubborn. Come on, does the hand write or have to be punished?"

Then Bi Bi's tears started to flow. Bi Bi thought grandpa scolded him wrongly; he wanted to listen but his hand didn't listen. The hand spoke up: "Sister, please tell grandpa, the day before I went to learn to write but I wasn't used to it, so I couldn't write. So please tell grandpa to help me, I'm not stubborn, not lazy, but I don't know how to write."

Bi Bi said to grandpa: "Grandpa, it's not that I don't want to write anymore, but I'm not used to writing, so I don't know how to write! Grandpa, practice for me, when I get used to it, I will write by myself."

Understanding, grandpa didn't scold Bi Bi anymore, but sat next to him and taught him how to write each stroke, then each letter. Only pity, grandpa wrote so badly; he also wrote badly after...

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