Chapter 23

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He just wanted to have this woman. He wanted to hug her tightly.

Hnng, ung! If the woman hadn't moaned like that, Sa Heon-yeong would have tried to be polite.

"You like it?"

Sa Heon-young asked, grabbing and twisting. As Sa Heon-yeong's fingers dug into the center, the woman twisted her waist. She didn't know if she wanted to run away or stick her waist out. Sa Heon-yeong, unable to bear the attitude that encouraged him more, bit her on the shoulder.

Haaa, hnngg! Although she thought the sound coming out of her own mouth was strange, she couldn't stand it. The man's wretched fingers were rubbing her hidden flesh wildly. It was neither painful nor hurt because of the tingling, but a cry boiled in her throat.

Uhhh, uhhh. The man acted even worse, knowing that she wasn't crying. He bit her shoulder and sucked her neck. It was as if he would punish her if she avoided him even the slightest bit.

"I asked if you like it."

"Hangg, ah! I, I don't know, I don't know!"

"I need to know. You will be my wife now. You have to tell your husband where it's good."

The man kept biting, sucking and licking her neck. It looked hurt, yet thrilling. The man's fingers cruelly rubbed her little flesh. Uuunggg. A long cry came from the woman's throat. Something thick was flowing from below.

"Ah, it's wet. Where would you like to be touched? Go ahead and tell me."

The man urged harshly. The woman wondered where to go with her confused head. Where would she like him to go? "Do, down," she muttered.

"Down, where? Here? This round thing?"

He asked, pressing down the woman's flesh.

"That, under it."



The fevered face is just pure. A face that doesn't know what she can say or do, or anything like that. Sa Heon-young immediately felt a dizzying feeling of falling. It was only for a brief moment, but it felt like he was reaching his peak.

"So wicked."

Sa Heon-young lifted the woman's leg again, crushingly. He shoved his own manhood, which was about to burst, into her entrance.


The woman screamed. Whether it was pain, pleasure, or simple fear, the unknown scream was like an animal being slaughtered. He knows she needs to be soothed. Still, Sa Heon-yeong was overwhelmed by the woman's face.

The woman was being crushed with her white eyes open. She couldn't even swallow her saliva and shuddered, only screaming. How pretty, Sa Heon-young laughed at this terrible sentiment. He seemed crazy. He likes this woman. It's a lot of things he didn't understand, but he liked this woman. He will never see a woman like this again. Sa Heon-young was convinced. And she is now accepting him. She was completely broken. It was thrilling all the way to his head.

This woman will never again.

She can't go back

When the barbaric feeling of satisfaction filled Sa Heon-yeong's body.

The focus returned to the woman's eyes. The woman stopped her screaming and whimpered. It hurts. The woman cried. At that moment, the feeling of satisfaction running through Sa Heon-yeong's body stopped. Guilt slowly lifted his head. He wished the woman knew what this was. Sa Heon-young covered the woman's cheek.

The man's large hand gently caressed the woman's cheek. The woman rubbed her own cheek against his hand. The man's hand was a little colder than her own cheek. It was cool and it was good. She got a fever on her cheek. It looked like it was going to explode.

At that moment, the man opened his eyes a little wide, then narrowed his eyes and smiled, then he put his hand on the back of her neck and kissed her. She got used to the tongue intertwining. The hot, thick tongue teased the woman's tongue and the inside of her mouth as if it were his.

"Does it hurt?"

The man asked affectionately. The voice was sweet, and the woman nodded her head. The man's body made her feel full. She could hardly even breathe.

"Just a little bit....... It will be fine soon."

The man's finger touched the woman's little flesh again. Unlike before, it was a very gentle movement. The wildly provoked flesh became sensitive, and she was easily aroused by the man's pampering. She gasped and shook her neck. Unng. The pain seemed to have subsided.

"Is it less painful?"

"Hmm, ung."

"Can you feel mine inside?"

The moment the woman's eyes returned to focus, Sa Heon-young was prepared if she pushed him away. But the woman rubbed her cheek with his palm. It is so pretty he can't stand it. Sa Heon-young retreated a little, then pushed it all the way to the root inside the woman again. The woman felt that small movement.

"I feel it."

There's no way she can't feel it. The woman whimpered. It hurt like her body was split in two.

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